Her first time

Their days are passing smoothly. Ridz has finally adjusted herself in the environment of city. She feel comfortable in living with Malik family. Though she missed her parents, her home but still enjoy her time in her new home. Bill sometimes took whole family out for dinner or to parks whenever he has enough time from his business. Pam and shanky visit them once a month as both of their kids are living far away from them but they accept it well. It's only good for their children's future. Amy and ridz started getting along well. They sometimes argue and sometimes fights like they are going to kill each other but most of the time they behave well specially in front of bill.

One such day bill has taken any and grany to village home for a night as grany was insisting on going there. Amy and ridz can't accompany them as Amy was having her first semester exams and ridz is having her monthly formative school exam. Any made food for them for the day and asked Amy to bring something or have instant noodles for dinner. By next morning they will return. Rid returned from school, she was feeling a little ache in her stomach since few hours. Amy asked her and she said maybe it's acidity. Both had lunch and goes to their rooms to have rest and study. Amy in evening asked ridz if she wants to go to park but first time she declined it as she was feeling a little uncomfortable and her ache is increasing. Amy asked her to take rest and went out to brought them something to eat.

When he returns back ridz is not seen on the ground floor so he went upstairs and heard soft crying voices from her room. He gets scared and rush to her room. Ridz is sitting on floor holding her stomach and crying. Amy goes near her but she pushed him. Amy tried to consol her and she again and again pushed her don't know what is happening to her. She keeps on crying but didn't said a word. Amy finally getting irritated due to her behavior scold her. Then she finally tells him that she has seen some blood coming out of her private parts and she is scared and don't know what is happening with her. Amy first got confused and then it drawn to him that she is having her periods.

A: Haven't you had it earlier.

R: no it's first time I have seen something like this and it's paining there. What is happening to me. Am I sick. Please tell me. I want to go to mumma.

A: hey shh relax. Here drink some water and relax your self otherwise it will pain more. Amy try to soothe her and understand that it's her first period and she is not having any knowledge about this. He cannot call anyone and share this topic and if she is going to call them they will hesitate to ask his help in this matter. He is getting confused to what to do. But seeing her condition and worry he tried to help her himself.

He asked her to wait and he will do something and she should stop crying as it will only increase her pain. She obeyed him. He went out to medical. He hesitate for few minutes but then finally purchase pads for her. Medical person eyed him weirdly as he was the one what was behaving weird. He then buys some chocolates for her as he has read somewhere it helps in reducing pain. He finally come home and then told ridz to change her clothes and read instruction on the packet how to apply pads. Ridz try to question him but he said first she should do what he is saying and then he will answer her. She followed his instructions and then taking a long time in washroom she finally came out.

A: feeling comfortable.

She just nodded in yes. Amy then give her chocolate and ask her to have it now as it will help in her pain. She did as he says. Finally Amy settle beside her and with a serious face he started explaining her.

A: look ridz these all things happening to you is normal. You are not sick or nothing serious is happening to you. All girls face this. Some have it at early age some late. It's called periods. You will study about this in senior class. Also you can Google it. It's part of every girl's life. It happens to them every month. Don't worry it last for 3-5 days only. Then you will be normal. The pain also last for 1-2 days. It's your first time so it's paining more. You will have a habit of it. But always note the date and be prepared for next month as it can happen any time and if you are not prepare you are going to embarrass yourself.

R: but what should I do I can't.

A: look ridz just listen carefully what I am saying. You school friends, our mothers all go through this. And promise me you are not going to tell Anyone that I help you in this or I know anything about this. You can ask more details from mom or mother. Just tell them you have it in your school and one of your friend helped you and give to little knowledge about it. And also do not discuss this topic with any boy. Nor dad or father or abhi. Otherwise I will stop helping you in anything. Wait till tomorrow mon will tell you more or just Google it down but do inform mom about this when she returns. Also till then do not jump or dance as it will pain you more.

R: ok I promise I will not tell anyone.

A: good now you want to have dinner here or coming down.

R: no I am coming down and have it there only. Let's go I am hungry.

Amy feel relaxed but it was a awkward situation for him. He never imagined that he has to discuss this thing or make anyone understand this thing. But he is happy that he is doing it for his wife. He with love kisses her forehead. Ridz eyed him but he dismiss saying nothing and then both had dinner and after that Amy gave her hot water bag if she feels pain then she can use it and if anything serious she can wake him up. And also told her to change her pads after 6-8 hours as she have to maintain her hygiene.