Feeling shy

After having dinner ridz try to sleep but was feeling strange so she googled about the period and and gets a lot of information as why it happens to only girls. Why it's necessary to have it? What a person should do? Is it normal or not? She gets her answer there and somehow feel shy that Amy had to help her in this situation. Suddenly she feel ache in her lower abdomen so she use the hot water bag and feeling relaxed she goes to sleep. Next morning she was embarrassed as her sheet have blood marks. Her clothes also get damp in blood. She quickly remove the sheets and take a bath. Till then Bill and any returned. Grany stayed in village only with shanky and Pam as they will be coming in few days to meet everyone. Bill is resting in his room and any is in kitchen making breakfast for Amy and ridz when ridz stand at the kitchen door shyly and not getting how to start this topic. Any noticed her indifferent behavior and ask her what the matter is?

Ridz with lots of efforts share the news that she got her First period yesterday. She does not know anything about this. Her friend has helped her in the school. She helped her bought pads and tell her a Little about this. She as promised to Amy skipped all that happened and just tell her what he asked her to say. Any smile at her and took her to dining table. She Very calmly started on this topic.

Any: see my child first I apologise as I was not here by the time you need a mother most. Neither Pam has told you nor me as it might has slipped from her mind and same from mine.

R: no mother you don't need to apologise.

Any: listen at early times it was like a sin. Elder ladies used to treat it as a crime. They have very low mentality about this thing. Still in some parts of country or world the tradition still follows. But you need not to worry I don't give much importance to the old talks just follow one two rules. But yes your grany is a little strict in this matter. But as time changes she also understand it well.

Now you cannot enter a temple till you are having your periods. It last mainly for 5 days in some cases it last long. You will have heavy flow for starting 1-2 days then it will reduce. Take enough rest in this. Do not do any heavy work as it will give pain. Avoid playing running games. You can play board games and all but avoid exercise and running. Also grany will not allow you in kitchen for 5 days. She use to imply more boundations on me when I was newly married but as time changes she changed her thinking but still don't allow kitchen work. Also this thing last upto a certain age. Whatever you want to eat you can tell me I will make for you. And do not discuss it openly with boys. You can later share it with your husband but leave it there is time for it. You are understanding what I am trying to tell you.

Ridz nodded in yes. As now she understands any's talk as Amy has told her many things and also through internet. Now she feels shy in going in front of Amy of what happened last night. It's really a private matter an she shouldn't have discussed it with him so openly.

Later bill took ridz to school during her formative time as any filled in the details about ridz and it's her first time so she should stay at home. Bill talk with school principal that ridz is sick so please permit her only for exam. He took her back to home. Amy has gone to give his exam. Both didn't meet. Any told Pam about this and asked her not to panic as ridz is fine and is going well with this. Whole day any took care of ridz. Ridz feel better. She didn't meet Amy out of shyness. Later after having dinner Amy goes to her room asking if she is ok. She nodded in yes but didn't meet his eyes.

Amy understands her behavior and didn't bring up the topic he just left from there saying goodnight. Next day Pam talk with ridz and tell her few more things. Ridz listen her calmly. Like this her first periods pass on without any complication. She is now back to herself. Grany has also returned. Pan and shanky stayed for a day and left taking ridz with her as she is having holidays for a week. Amy and ridz didn't meet. Amy kind of missed her whenever she goes somewhere. He has started developing feelings for her deep down his heart. Sometimes he find it weird and sometimes he just enjoy it. As he understands well that she is his wife and in future that will be having a relationship. It's good that he has started feeling for her so he will not fall for anyone else.

Amy's semester exams end well and bill asked Amy and abhi to go to village and bring back ridz.l as now Amy is having license and also he has learned to drive 4 wheeler. Both left in afternoon and reached village till evening. Amy stayed with ridz family. Next day in afternoon they started their journey back. Abhi stayed at village as he is now having holidays. Village people all noticed that Amy and ridz return together. Pam intentionally asked ridz to apply Vermillion and also wear salwar suit as she is going back to her marital home. Amy doesn't like it that they again have to pretend but kept his mouth shut and left from there with her.