Is She Jealous?

After moving out from village Amy stopped near a small restaurant. He first asked ridz to go straight to washroom and remove vermilion and also hide her nuptial chain. If she is not comfortable in salwar suit then she can also change. But ridz declined to change and just remove her Vermillion and chain. Amy kept the chain safe in his jeans pocket as it is made with gold and diamonds. Ridz was asked by her mother to always carry it safely whenever she visits them. Then they some snacks and resfeshment and move ahead in their journey.

Now it has became ridz life to spend some days at city and some at village. Whenever she adjust herself in the environment of city it is time for her vacations or small holidays at school and she is sent to village and vice versa. First she enjoyed it but now she started feeling uncomfortable. But never the less she has made good friends in school and park and she often visit their home. Whenever someone ask her about her family or with whom she stays she had to hide her marriage thing as told and she always recites the same story of how she is living with her father's best friend family as it's good for her future to study in city and all. Sometimes she missed her parents badly whenever she needs something whether buying a new dress, wants to go out or anything she hesitate to demand it from bill and any. But still a child mind changes fast from a situation and she again become normal.

Now it's more then an year for malik family as the have shifted to city. All had adjusted well and bill's business is doing great. Ridz has passed out in her class with good grades and Amy is having her second semester exams. He is glad his exam are ending today as day after tomorrow is his 19th birthday. He has taken permission from bill to celebrate his birthday with friends in a restaurant.

Ridz is also back from village as her new session is has started. Bill bought a cake for Amy day before his birthday. He asked any to hide it in fridge. They are planning to give Amy surprise as from last few years Amy was always away from them due to his school. Sharp at 12:00am bill along with any and grany goes upstairs to Amy's room. They also wake up ridz. Amy is really happy to see his family giving him this surprise. His father has bought his favorite cake. All sing birthday song and wishes him. Ridz also hugged amy in front of all. Amy kind of feel shy hugging her in front of his parents but they ignore it and left his room as his phone started ringing.

Ridz is sitting there only as she is enjoying her cake no one bothered to ask her leave as they know she takes her time in eating. Amy talk to his friends all laughing and cheery. Ridz heard him say works like sweetheart, darling, she narrowed her eyes. After his calls Amy see her and asked what's the matter.

R: So you are having girlfriends?

Amy kind of shocked with her question but ask what made her think like that

R: I have seen in many movies and serials that a boy call sweetheart, darling,baby to his girlfriend only. I will go and tell father about this. It's bad to have a girlfriend.

A: and who said it's bad.

R: I have seen it in movies and it shows as a bad thing. And also you are married so you can't have one

Amy really got shocked by her words but kind of liked it. For once he thought that she is mature enough to understand their relationship but but his bubble burst

R: I have seen in a serial when a married man had a girlfriend his wife did not like it and he got lots of scolding from his parents so I am going to tell it to father and he will also scold you. You tease me a lot nowadays so I will revenge you.

A: Ridz shut up. They are not my girlfriends they are just girls friend. Understood. It was Nik,anji and Muski no one else.

R: ohhh.. ok you are spared.

A: as if I scare of you. By the way tell me one thing.

R: hmm

A: I am also married to you so it means you also feel bad that I have a girlfriend. He intentionally asked her this question as he wants to see her Maturance level

R: umm no.. should I

But seeing her reply he know there is still time and she is his little innocent wife and he also left the thought of taking her along to his birthday party as she is not enough old to understand their talks and jokes.

Both greeted each other good night and sleep in their respective rooms.