Birthday with truth

Next day, the day of amy's birthday, bill has invited few friends from city and shanky and Pam to a lunch party. All came on time and wishes Amy a very happy birthday and also the cake was cut again. All blessed Amy and also give him lots of gifts. Shanky gift Amy a gold chain. Amy was thrilled seeing an expensive gift like this though bill scold shanky after everyone left.

B: Shanky, why have you brought such and expensive gift for Amy. He is young for such types of gifts.

S: Bill I know this but now he is my son-in-law and also it's his first birthday after marriage. I have all right on him. So need for you to concern. He is not going to wear it now but can definitely wear it later. Right my son?

A: absolutely father. Ok now I am getting late have to get ready for my party with friends as we have to return back early as per dad's order.

Bill agreed for the party only when they are going to keep it in evening at 6pm as there will be girls with them too and he didn't want anyone to get late at night. So he insists Amy to return back before it's 10pm. First ridz pout as she also wants to go to the party but having her parents with her she let the thought away. Shanky and Pam are going to return next day as Amy insist abhi to stay on for his birthday. So they all will return back together.

Amy reached the venue on time and soon his friends started coming. Bill has booked a private restaurant area for them in a mall as there are only 10-15 friends of him so no need to book whole restaurant. All bought different gifts for him and a big cake. Their party started. They order snacks and then cut cake eating less and covering Amy in it more. They take lots of pics on their cell phone and then Amy wash himself out clean of cake.

Later they order dinner and was free till 8 pm. All didn't want to leave and was missing the fun.

F1: yar there no party completed without dance

F2: ya men but here the music is so full and no dance floor to move our feets.

Ra: ya we still have time. It's just 8

Anji: yes we all have time. Our parents are going to pic us at 9pm.

Nik: ya but what should we do

F3: are you all forgetting that we are in mall and there is a pub in it's basement

F4: ya man come on let's go there and we can try out beer

A: guys we can go for dance but no alcohol

F1: oh come on amy don't be a spoil sport

A: ok fine those who want can drink i'll pay but not forcing anyone.

F2: fine. let's go

They all left as bill said he will pay bill tomorrow. They enter the pub with loud music playing on background. There was a huge crowd in their. Some of their age and some older. Many have drinks off their limit as they were finding it difficult to stand. some were getting intimate in a corner. It is new atmosphere for Amy and most of his friends.

M: do you think it's good idea for us to be here.

F4: oh now you don't start. We are here just to enjoy and we all know our limits..

Ra: ya guys come on let's dance.

Soon all join on dance floor and dance like Maniac. All were having great fun when few if his friends go to the bar and order light beer. They had one bottle each and gulping it down join the bar again. Soon Abhi, Raul and Amy go to fetch some mocktails and juices for girls and others who don't drink. Two of his friends order whiskey and asked Amy and gang to join but they refuse and return back to dance floor with drinks.

Later abhi and raul feel exhausted and goes back to bar to order more drinks. Others were dancing still full of energy. They noticed the other two boys still there and are high on drinks. They asked them to stop now. They agreed that this will be their last drink. Both are not in their senses. They started eyeing the girls there and flirting with them. Abhi tried to intervene but Raul stopped him by saying that they are leaving soon so do not create a seen.

Soon those boys eyed the dance floor especially anji. She is wearing a floral dress till knees.

1: Look at her man how ravishing she looks in her tiny clothes

2: ohh stop it or you will again loose it on her

1: oh that time someone came by otherwise I would have enjoyed least I would have kissed her that day

2: ya you took advantage of her and that poor Atul has to suffer

1: ohh he is innocent he doesn't know how to prove his self. It it was I on his place then I would have surely taken a revenge on this bitch. She has humiliated me a lot. If I get a chance again I will surely bang her and show her her reality.

Abhi and raul heard all of their talks. First they got confused about what they are talking about then it stuck them that they are talking about the day when they accused Atul of taking chances on anji.