Please take care of her for me!

Mo Hua went berserk when she saw the door to her room was broken apart and was now lying on the floor.

She saw man pouncing towards her in rage. The moonlight clearly revealed his faint image - his eyes were bloodshot red and were staring at her in concupiscence.

A shiver crept on back of her neck and she started wailing loudly when he grabbed her hair and started pulling her towards her bed.

"You dare to disobey me. Let me show you the consequences for doing that today so that you won't dare to offend me in future." He roared at her.

"Brother Xin, just let me go this time. I will obey you. Please let's have a talk first. Please!" She knew help was coming in the form of Chen Liam but till then she needed to buy some time for herself so she started coaxing him.

"Hahaha, what you said – 'Brother Xin'. Now you know my importance; but sorry babe you are late to realise my goodness, now you will have to bear the consequences." He laughed maniacally gain.

"Brother Xin… Arghhh!!" Before Mo Hua could say anything else, she was thrown miserably on the bed.

Wang Xin jumped over the bed and covered her body with his. He started pressing his cold lips on her body when the room got lit up again.

Entire room was a mess.

'Didn't I turn off the main switch? So how...' Wang Xin was trying to think of the possibilities when he was pulled back with strong force.


He was thrown directly on the ground with a loud noise.

Chen Liam was standing there with his almighty appearance.

He had jet-black hair with hawkish nose and bristly eyebrows. His defined cheekbones and concrete jaw were add-on to his handsomeness.

He had a Titan's shoulders and moved with a leopard-like grace.

Seeing his blazing gaze, Wang Xin shivered in fear.

Chen Liam turned towards Mo Hua and wrapped her in the duvet lying nearby. He the gently caressed her face only to find it more in pain and suffering. Her lip was bruised and there were swelling at the corner of her lips, eye and forehead.

His heart was in agony after seeing her broken. He turned immediately towards the lying Wang Xin and started throwing punches at him continuously.

He was not only trying to express his anger that Mo Hua was hurt but also the frustration that he didn't listen to Aunt Mo when she told him to come over and take look at Mo Hua as she was alone.

He was feeling anger surging in his heart every time he recalled Mo Hua's crying voice over the call.

His punches started getting more and more intense making Wang Xin cry in pain. He was now rolling like a ball on the ground trying to dodge the punches he was facing.

"Liam, let him go. He is not worth it." Mo Hua tried to stop him from killing Wang Xin.

She didn't want her friend to suffer or go in jail because of this piece of shit.

She was trying hard to separate Chen Liam from Wang Xin but he was very strong compared to delicate Mo Hua.

"Leave Me. I am going to kill this bastard." Chen Liam scowled at her and shoved her away.


Just then the police arrived and separated Chen Liam from the half dead Wang Xin.

Mo Hue felt relieved and suddenly succumbed to darkness. Her body went limp as she was almost close to crash land on the hard ground.

"MoMo.. MoMo! What's wrong with you? Wake up please. See everything is okay and I am listening to you. Please wake up." Chen Liam stopped her from falling down by grabbing her waist.

He wrapped her in his arms and tried to wake her up with the tender and caring voice. It was completely contradicting to the nature of Chen Liam which he showed just now towards Wang Xin.

"Take madam to the hospital, we will take this scum bag to police station and proceed with interrogation and formalities. Let us know when she is awake, we will need to take her statement before registering FIR." The police officer informed Chen Liam and left with arrested Wang Xin along with him.

Chen Liam ran towards the door and rushed towards his car and placed Mo Hua gently on the back seat.

After making sure that she won't fall, he went to the driving seat and drove towards the nearest hospital where his mother was worked as a renowned gynecologist.

He gave a quick call to his mother who was still in hospital. He gave her a brief idea about entire situation and asked her to make arrangements for the same.

Within 10mins they reached the entrance of the hospital.

Chen Liam got down from the driver's seat and dashed towards the back-seat door. He lifted Mo Hua up in his arms who was still wrapped in a duvet.

He started running towards the emergency ward as informed by his mother.

Yang Huang, Chen Liam's mother was renowned doctor and knew how to handle the situation in secrecy as this matter would affect innocent Mo Hua. So, she had personally arranged everything and only her most confidential assistant was helping her.

She saw Chen Liam running in their direction. Her heart sank the moment her eyes landed on the pitiful Mo Hua in his hands. Her eyes turned red and she clenched her fist in anger cursing the bastard who made her suffer.

Mo Hua was her best friend's daughter and she always treated and loved her as her own child – even more than Chen Liam.

"Put her on this stretcher. I will take her inside." She gathered her emotions altogether and asked Chen Liam to wait outside.

Seeing his reluctance and worry towards Mo Hua, she smiled at him and patted his cheek and said, "Don't worry she will be fine. Let me take a look at her. Okay?"

"Please take care of her for me!" Chen Liam said with a hope in his eyes.

Just when they were speaking, a loud wiling scream echoed.

"Please Let me go.. Please… Nooooo..." Mo Hua was screaming in fear.