Old bruises!

"MoMo…." Chen Liam and Yang Huang dashed inside the room where Mo Hua was taken in.

The scene in front of them made their heart wrench in pain. Mo Hua was wailing loudly with eyes close and her hands scratching all over her body.

She was behaving hysterically which made the assistant doctor shiver in fear.

"I just touched her to note down her pulses." She was in disbelief when she saw Mo Hua resisting her touch in craziest way.

"Don't touch me... Please... Don't dirty me…." Mo Hua cried in pain again.

Chen Liam moved closer to Mo Hua's side and grabbed her fist. Once she felt his touch, she started shouting again, "I beg you. Please…"

"Sssshhhh.. little Mo, its me.. Liam. Your best friend Liam… Don't worry. I am here so no will dare to hurt you. Trust me okay?"

Mo Hua who was previously wailing and behaving like crazy calmed down suddenly after hearing his soothing voice trying to coax her.

She held his hands tightly and slowly opened her eyes to confirm if she was not dreaming and her Liam was actually there.

Seeing him there, she got up from the bed and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

"Liam, Liam. Please help me. He is really disgusting and wants to make me dirty. I don't .."She was cut half with another soothing voice.

"Little Mo, calm down sweetie." It was a tender voice filled with motherly affection.

Mo Hua turned around and when she saw Aunt Chen, her eyes turned red again. She felt relieved and gradually began to calm down.

"MoMo, lay down on the bed okay? I will run some test on you to make sure you haven't suffered any internal injuries or concussion." She hinted Chen Liam to go and wait outside.

Seeing him leave, Mo Hua again started panicking. "Liam, please stay. Please."

Chen Liam was helpless before her tears. He had taken care of her like a treasure but now his little treasure was in in so much pain and the person who inflicted such pain on her was the most loved person by Mo Hua.

He wanted to stay but also knew that his mother would need to check her private parts as well and staying back won't be right.

So, he pressed his warm lips on her forehead while making her lay down on the bead and whispered, "Be good and let Mom run the test. It won't be convenient for me to stay back. But don't worry okay? I am here, right outside the door. I promise I won't go anywhere".

Mo Hua understood what he was indicating at so nodded her head in agreement.

Seeing her nodding, he then turned towards Yang Huang and said, "Mom, let me know if anything is needed. I am waiting outside. Also call me the moment the tests are done."

Yang Huang smiled at him assuring and he left after taking final glance at Mo Hua's pitiful face.

Once he was out, anger surged on his face again. He took out his cell phone from jeans pocket and dialed the number, "Officer, Chen Liam here…... Yes, she is awake. Yes, you can visit her in a while."

With that he disconnected the call and dialed another number. The call got connected and a soft voice came from the other voice, "Aunt Mo, something happened to Mo Hua. She needs you so can you please come back...yes I have brought her to the hospital and you need not worry as my mom is her attending doctor…... Okay Aunt, I will wait for you then."

This was the most difficult part for Chen Liam – to inform Mo Hua's parents. He was ashamed to even face them as they had left relying on him for her safety. He was feeling guilty for not listening to Aunt Mo's request to check on Mo Hua earlier today.

He regretted every moment; He didn't reach on time to help Mo Hua.

His cell phone started ringing. He saw the name flashing on the screen and his face showed complex emotions.

He pressed the receive button, "Liam, where the hell are you? I am trying to reach so from past 1 hour. I was waiting for you long time outside the cinema hall and you dare to stood me up…" The loud voice started piercing out through the phone making him angrier.

He was supposed to go on a date with a girl he had courted for more than half a year. This was the first time she had taken initiative to ask him out but he stood her up.

Although he was irritated due to her irrational behavior of not considering the fact that something might have come up for him to cancel; he thought once she knows about the severity of situation, she will understand.

So, with gentle voice, he tried to pacify her, "Babe, something terrible happened. And I am in hospital. I am really sorry that I should have informed you earlier but didn't get time to even breathe. Let's plan our date some other day please."

When the woman on other side heard his gentle and worry filled voice, she calmed her mind down and asked, "Is everything okay? Are you hurt?"

Chen Liam's heart warmed seeing her caring for him, "No I am okay. Its MoMo.. She."

Before he could say anything, the woman spoke abruptly, "Again? Mo Hua again? I am sick of this Chen Liam. You always prioritize her. Last time you left me alone by the street after our lunch saying that she met with accident and needs you. Now, you even ditched our date today. It's too much. I am not going to stay around you until she is there. So, don't you dare to call me back again."

The call was disconnected. Chen Liam tried to connect the call but it didn't connect.

'Did she block me?' He thought and a wicked smile appeared on his face but only for second then his face again went cold.

That day he had received call from Mo Hua saying she fell down from the stairs and can't walk at all. He suspected her injury was serious else she wouldn't have called him so he left his date to the nearest bus stop and rushed to meet Mo Hua.

Reality was, that day Wang Xin had pushed Mo Hua from the stairs and her knee suffered with a fracture as well.

'Rude and unworthy. Should have given me chance to explain. Never mind, I was saved from evil witch.' He was murmuring to himself when the door to Mo Hua's ward opened.

He ran toward his mother impatiently, "Mom, how is she? Will she be okay? Mom, tell please."

"Don't worry Liam, she is okay now. She suffered some internal injuries and a little concussion. Her entire body is covered with bruises and wounds. But the strange part is that not all of them are from today. Some of them are few days old while some are months old. She even has a cigar burn mark on her thigh. It seems few months old."

Hearing this, Chen Liam's face was filled with rage.

'Old bruises? How much has she suffered?'

'Why didn't she tell him before?'

'This bastard dare to hit her. She was his little treasure. How dare he???'

'I am going to make him rot in hell...' He was clenching his fists in anger – so much that his nails penetrated his skin and his palms showed traced of blood.

"Liam, I think you should talk to her. See if she is willing to give statement about all the past incidence and torture, she suffered in last one year. I will prepare a medical report confirming them and then we can hand them over to police to handle this matter." Yang Huang pushed her son inside the room and left hurriedly to prepare the reports.

"Mom, wait..." He stopped his mother from leaving.

"Is she violated? I mean..." He hesitated before asking this question. He wanted to know the depth of torture she had suffered so that he can stand by her side and punish that bastard in worst way possible.