Why didn’t I see this before?

"Fortunately, she is not." Yang Huang.

Chen Liam left out his stuck breath and relief washed over his face.

He went inside the room and saw Mo Hua was now dressed in clean pastel green hospital gown.

She was resting with her eyes closed and her fair skin was giving a hint calmness surrounding her – not like the previous shabby face she had due to tears and bruises.

He went closer to her and pulled the nearby stool for him to sit. He caressed her face gently.

"What time is it?" Mo Hua gently opened her eyes and asked in soft voice.

"It's close to dawn now. Why? Do you need anything?" He replied instantly thinking she must be looking for something.

"No. I am just happy that today will be the new dawn of my life." She turned towards Chen Liam and smiled slightly, "Chen Liam, I want to leave everything behind and move on. Is it possible?"

Looking at her pitiful face, Chen Liam felt sad, "Little Mo, it is possible. And if not, then your Liam will make it possible. Trust me okay. Hmm?".

Her eyes turned red and she started sobbing again, "Liam. Thank you. If not for you, I would have been…"

"Ssssshhhh…" He placed his index finger on her lips, "Little Mo, don't think about it. Just like you said, let's leave it behind and have a new start. I will ask uncle to transfer you to my university. Okay?"

"Liam, I want to go to Beijing University. It is renowned academically, it's well-known for its stunning campus grounds and for the beauty of its traditional Chinese architecture. It's my dream to go there. Can you please convince Dad?"

"Little Mo, Are you sure about that?" He saw her hopeful gaze but still needed a confirmation before he talks to her Dad.

"Yes Liam, I am. Also, you are away from your parents. If we both leave who will be there to look after them. If I study in Beijing University, I will be visiting them more often."

After looking at her determined and glowing face, he nodded his head in agreement, "Oka. I will talk to Uncle Mo then. Now relax and sleep for a while. I will go get your medicines from the pharmacy." He left after patting her head lovingly.

Soon after that Mo Hua drifted to sleep.

When Chen Liam came back, e saw her sleeping but her forehead was covered with sweat. Her lips were moving but no voice was coming out.

He removed a white handkerchief from his jeans pocket and wiped her forehead.

He then sat next to her on the stool and held her hand. He was drawing circles on the back of her palm with his thumb which was soothing for her. Her expressions which seem like painful now turned in gentle calm ones.

Mo Hua slept for an hour and woke up only when she heard mumbled voice around her. They were familiar voices and even one voice seemed like a woman was weeping.

She tried to open her eyes but the strong sunlight light penetrating through the window curtains blind her vision.

She groaned in irritation which made the people around her focus their attention directly towards her.

After adapting to the sunlight, she opened her eyes and saw her Mom - Shi Yi and Dad – Mo Ren standing beside her bed.

She was startled by their appearance. Her mom was seemed like she had aged by few years suddenly and her father seem like he lost something precious.

Looking at their shattered appearance, she felt more guilty. Just yesterday her parents said they were proud of her but today she brought shame to their name.

Tears started rolling down her eyes and she lowered her head in guilt. Shi Yi embraced her daughter and kissed her cheek and said, "Little Mo, please don't cry. See Mom Dad are here. No one will harm you. Please baby."

"Mom, Dad. Sorry for bring shame to you and family. I am not filial child." She started sobbing feeling guilty.

"Little Mo, Liam told us everything that has happened." Shi Yi then glanced at Chen Liam with admiration and continued, "What happened was not your mistake so stop blaming yourself. We are happy that you are safe and thankful to Liam as well for being there on right time." Mo Ren patted her head gently while his eyes very red looking at his daughter in broken state.

"Dad. I was so scared just not. I am sorry for making you suffer along with me. But I will make sure you will be proud of me soon." She apologized to her father.

"You little brat. Don't think too much. I am still very proud of you baby. You are my strongest daughter." He gently slapped her arms and said lovingly.

"Uncle Mo, Aunt Mo. Mom has cooked breakfast for you guys, so, I will go get it. You guys to catch up with Little Mo till then." With that Chen Liam left the room leaving the trio of mom-dad and daughter together to have a hearty talk.

"MoMo, don't you trust us?" Mo Hua was confused by her father's question.

"Dad, why would you think like that. Of course, I trust you both more than myself." She tried to understand why her dad was asking her such question. His face was stern.

"So why didn't you tell us about this. Don't deny the fact that he was abusing and torturing you from long time. We have seen the medical reports of past injuries found on your body. And they are not normal bruises. Why MoMo?"

Sadness pierced her heart again after recalling the incidences of past. "Dad, Mom. I wanted to but.." she stuttered.

"but..he..blackmailed me. Dad, he.. has a picture… of us in compromised position. He said he will bring shame on my entire family. So I.." Her words were broken into half by Mo Ren.

"So, you decided to suffer? Where did you get that idea MoMo? I thought you had high IQ and EQ that can even leave behind most of the people here. You disappointed me by hiding your pain Little Mo."

"Dad, please don't be like this. I know I was wrong so I promise you that I won't hide anything from you anymore. Please… just this one time forgive me…" She tried to apologize to her father.

Looking at her sincere face his stern look faded away, "Okay. You better not. And don't worry about the material in than bastard's hand. I will deal with it." He then kissed her forehead.

"So Chen Liam.. Huh.. Why didn't I see this before?" Shi Yi tickled Mo Hua causing her to break out in a laugh.

"Mom.. no… please" She tried to stop her mom from tickling as well as teasing her.

They hugged each other for a long time like they were separated for years. The entire room which was gloomy suddenly filled with tender love and affection.