1. Her prey...

" When I grow up, I'll definitely marry you...", it was the cheeky voice of a chubby little kid.

"..hehehe... I'll wait for you then, Little Bao", saying this, the girl who liked this cute little boy went on to caress his soft and squishy cheeks, they looked like sweet rice cakes, unable to help herself, she gave him a resounding SMOOCH.


"Aiyo... I want to eat this little Bun.... I don't know if I can wait for you to grow up... I'll probably eat you before that!!", she hugged the kid who was slightly smaller than her and started tickling him.

The boy who didn't understand much of it, but liked it when his sister who was a year older than him, cuddled him, just giggled....

The blissful sounds of the both of them giggling were like the chiming of little bells, like the burbling sound of a spring stream flowing through the mountains, enchanting the nature surrounding it... it was soothing to the ears and watching the little pair made everyone present unconsciously smile and relax...

The mothers of the two, who happened to be friends, also smiled at the two children frolicking around the garden.



"wuwuwuwu... I don't want to go... I'll stay with xiao jiejie*.... wuwuwu", the sobbing sound of the little boy was truly disheartening... but they could do nothing about it, it was a call from the company, they had to relocate for now.

The couple looked at their small boy bawling his eyes out and felt guilty, they looked at the other pair with the small girl, both the pairs sighed.

Just then the little girl who had the boy in her embrace, softly patted his back, " Little Bao, you shouldn't cry", with light hands, she wiped his tears, " you see, I'll be lonely without you too... but if you don't go with Uncle and Aunty, they will be more lonely... Our little Bao can take care of his Ma and Pa, right? Don't worry, I'll definitely come to visit you! So, Little Bao, miss me a lot and I'll miss you too. Don't forget to brush your teeth, eat a lot and grow up healthy. When we meet, I'll buy you lots and lots of toys, till, then take care of your parents... or they will cry", she was also a child and a bit incoherent, but for the little boy, it was enough.

He sniffed a bit and looked up towards his parents, " Ma and Pa... you will be lonely?", because the child has been crying, his voice sounded all the more pitiful.

The couple squatted down and spoke to him in a gentle tone, "hmm... Without our baby, Ma and Pa will be very very sad... So, will you come with us?"

Little Bao had a brooding face, it was as if, he was struggling to choose the correct answer for the most difficult question in his life, he looked back at his xiao jiejie and then back at his parents, his grip on the girl's hem tightened, "hmm... I'll go with Ma and Pa.... But.... xiao jiejie, you must come to visit me... okay?", his big eyes had an abandoned puppy look.

The little girl knew that the boy was struggling, after all, they have been together since he was born... it must be hard on him... just like it was for her.

She took the little bun in her embrace and said, "I promise..."



" ChunHua... listen to me carefully.... your Aunt was involved in an accident and passed away... Little Bao and Uncle are fine but, they won't be coming back anymore...."



"Little Bao it's me... your xiao jiejie", she spoke in a soft voice.

The little boy who had grown up to become a healthy young teen, looked at her with cold eyes, "I don't know you", he didn't wait for her and walked past her.



"Boss. He is in a relationship. It seems, he is going to propose her..."


She woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily... sweating profusely.

She was a beautiful young woman; because of working indoors most of the time, her complexion was a bit on the paler side, she had a pair of peach blossom eyes, a cute little nose and cherry pink plump lips, she had shoulder-length satiny black hair and her arched eyebrows gave her an alluring charm.

Because she woke up in a frenzy, she had a confused and desperate look in her eyes, but she calmed down after she took the surrounding in...she was still in her room... it was just a dream... or, nightmare?

After calming down, she drank a glass of cold water and went on to take a cold shower, she needed to calm down first.

After the shower, she came out and looked at the time, it was 03:00 in the deep night, thinking about something, an evil smirk bloomed on her lips.

Thinking about it now, she didn't believe in that man's vitality so, she decided to hurry up...

She took out a beautiful red dress with lacework that fell just over her knees and paired it with her blood-red weapons, her 4" stilettos... she also applied a brick red matte on her lips, the makeup was very natural and hence, on her pale face, the red lips bloomed like a camellia on a ground covered in snow, it was seductively inviting but also had a dangerous vibe of 'end' at the same time...

She took her purse with her phone and went out of her room.

As she sat on the car, she spoke in an eerie tone, " Let's catch that horny bastard of a fiance...now, shall we~", there wasn't a shred of hurt emotions in her mischievous eyes and she definitely didn't look like a person who was cheated on by her own fiance; she had more of a look of a tigress playing with her prey...



*Bao- treasure.

*xiao jiejie- transliterated to 'little elder sister', jiejie is the counterpart of Japanese 'Nee' and Korean 'Noona/Unnie'... which is used to refer to girls who are older than you, who can/can't be blood-related. She is still small so, he calls her little jiejie~