2. The polished diamond..

2 hours ago.

In a renowned studio...

Though it was very late, people were squirming around the whole set, doing their jobs; someone called for the models to standby, while others adjusted the lighting.

The clicking sound of a number of cameras filled the area as numerous photographers were clicking pictures of men in fashionable clothes... it was very hectic.

Among the numerous models who looked to be in their early twenties and had a fresh vibe to them, stood out a man with a mature aura.

He wasn't much older than the others, he became 23 this year... but compared to the amateur aura around the others, he had a distinct air to him.

With a tall stature of 194 cm, he stood in the corner waiting for his turn.

His back was straight as he went through a magazine; he was wearing a pair of dark pants that hugged his long legs and above it was a slim fit Tibetian blue coat without a shirt inside; without any button, the coat was held together by a silver chain through the gaps for buttons, his honey golden tanned chest had just the right amount of muscles and his slim waist was conditioned to perfection, his ear-length hair was dyed silver and pulled back making way for his carved features, his nose was tall, his eyes were sexy, his jaw was sharp and his slightly thick lips were painted in a silver hue giving him an otherworldly halo.... He had a futuristic metal vibe and at the same time looked extremely gentle because of that warm smile on his lips and this contrast made him stand out even more.

After waiting for about 40 minutes it was finally his turn...

He was barefoot and as he walked to the centre of the shoot, he looked like a king making rounds in his kingdom's royal garden than a newbie actor-cum-model... his gait was practised to perfection too, even the veteran photographer paused for a second to look at the young man.

When he reached the centre, he gave a polite bow and in the next moment, the gentle smile in his eyes was gone... it was replaced by a cold smile on his face, he angled his face slightly to the side and looked at the distant corner, a single movement and it felt like this man was bored and had lost interest in this mundane world, the photographer clicked furiously, after taking pictures of these newbies, even though he was paid a hefty sum, as a professional he still felt a bit haggard so, this man, who knew what he was doing, was a godsend for him... he had a perfect grasp of the lightning and the shadows, and also had a 360 perfect look still he only posed for the best outcome... He could change his posture at a moments notice and also had a flexible control over his body...

The photographer was actually astounded by such a mature model being here, he could put his years of experience in his line to say that he was among the best partners he had worked with... as he looked at the photos again, he was again shocked... he looked back at the back of the man who was politely greeting everyone on his way out and again at the professional photos that could pass for any high-end magazine.

What was going on in this world? How come such a polished diamond was doing such novice work?

He was about to send his assistant to give that man his card when a fellow veteran photographer stopped him, " He is a diamond, indeed... but it's better if you don't involve yourself. In this field, good looks can be a curse as well... He was working as an actor but was suppressed by some bigshot and is now doing some modelling work to make ends meet. Don't involve, he has no background."

The man was shocked, ' no wonder', he thought. He was a bit disheartened, but he was also afraid, the man was a refined treasure, but in this world, only looks won't take you a long way, sometimes a great talent will also be suppressed by money... it was a dog eat dog kind of business.

Not everyone was same, but still... once you enter here, you are either a prey or a predator.


The young man was given his paycheque after his work and the staff also gave him a red packet.... it may be because of pity, but she had seen this young man work his ass off every time they met, she could see him in every minor shoot she was apart of.... he was in dire need of job, but even with his talent he was suppressed... but he never complained, it seems he knew it won't change a thing.

Cheng YuTang was pleasantly surprised by the red packet and gave a pleasant smile, "Thank You. I'll work hard", with this money it was enough... he could buy a ring for her... thinking about his girl back home, his smile deepened.

The woman who was in her late twenties sighed, he has always been like this, he could smile for the simplest of the reason and it held his innocence and purity, "hm... jiayou*!", that was all she could say to him. Even though this world was unfair to him, all he could is persevere and work hard.


He was done with today's schedule and he can go back home early, he has been out of the city for a month and he hadn't told her about it... he will give her a surprise!

With a jolly mood, he went out of the studio.

He couldn't dye his hair back as he wanted to go back as fast as possible and so, when he came out of the studio, even though he was in casual clothes, he still attracted many, he pulled his hood and ran to the nearest subway.


*jiayou- literally 'add fuel'.... more of a cheering comment like 'work hard' or 'ganbatte' in JP and 'fighting' in KR