Chapter 20

"My office. Now!". Principal McAllister commanded.

We both dusted our uniforms and followed her to the office.

"Wait here," She said to us and went into her office.

We both sat down and waited for our fates. I personally regretted fighting Kim. I had never been suspended before and I was not ready to get suspended for fighting someone like Kim. I couldn't think of the reaction I would get if my mum discovered what I wrote about Señor Singer. Even worse,señor Singer would be so disappointed to discover that I wrote something that intimate about him. He was so nice to me when no one was and even stood up for me, I will never forgive myself if he loses his job all because of this incident.

"See what you did?"Kim accused.

"Me? This is all your fault, Kim. if you hadn't pulled off that stupid stunt, we both would not be in this situation".

"Trust me Barbie if I get expelled I will never forgive you and I will surely get back at you".

"Ohh, am so scared!". I said sarcastically.

Principal McAllister came out of her office.

"Fighting is a very serious offence here in Duncan high school and with Ms McAllister involved I do not know what to do. Kim, you know you are on probation and if the panel decides to expel you then there is nothing I can do about it. My hands are tied on this one".

"Of course!"Kim said and threw her hands in the air".

"Be here after school to face the panel. You will be really lucky if I do not have to suspend you, Ms Jesus".

Principal McAllister addresses every student by their last names and it is quite uncomfortable. We went to our classes. I never expected Kim to be this mad about the situation. She doesn't seem to be the type to care about grades or school. All she cares about is living like a queen and treating everyone around her like peasants.

I was really pissed as I sat on my chair. "This really sucks!"I thought.

I love my perfect attendance and school record. I hate to have anything ruin it.

Classes that day didn't feel like class that day. I couldn't even make out what the teachers were teaching during class.

The closing bell rang and I heaved a sigh of relief...Or maybe it's a sigh of distress. I packed my bag and walked really slowly to principal McAllister's office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in".

I walked in. Señor Singer was in the office.

"Oh Ms Jesus. Just who I was expecting, have a seat".

I sat down and avoided looking at señor Singer.

"You know why you are here, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am".

"I told Ms McAdams to remove all of those treacherous posters from the school bulletin board".

" I'm sorry...."I began.

"Please Ms Jesus. Spare me". She cut in.

"I want you to clarify all of this scandal in Mr Chavez's presence".

"Principal McAllister, señor Singer"I looked Principal McAllister and then at señor Singer. "I am so sorry".

"Me Jesus, be straight forward and answer my questions. Is the diary yours or not?".

"Yes, it is ma'am".

"And the handwriting?".

"It's also mine".

"What is your relationship with Mr Chavez?".

"He was really nice to me unlike other teachers and I admit that it got some ideas into my head but I swear señor Singer has always been professional".

"Did you guys ever hang out outside school?".

"No ma'am. The last time we saw each other was in class a few days ago".

"Señor Singer, you can now leave my office. I will get back to you and let you know the Management's decision".

"Ok señora muchas gracias por tu comprensión".

"Mr Chavez. Please speak English".

"I meant to say thank you so much for your understanding".

Kim walked in after and together we all waited for the disciplinary panel's decision. I couldn't help but hope they would be lenient. We waited for what seemed like hours but was actually thirty minutes.

Beep beep! The principal's desk phone rang. She answered it and went out of the office.

"Girls". She said when she came in back.

We both stood up.

"The panel has decided to let the scandal lie....."Kim and I smiled. "...For now...." Our smiles disappeared. "In the meantime, señor Singer gets to keep his job as no evidence of being unethical is found but you girls are still going to be punished for fighting. The scandal case might be left to rest or reopened, time will tell".

"What is our punishment?". Kim said.

"Let me finish before you interrupt Ms McAdams. While I think of a more suitable punishment, you both get detention since I have decided to consider Ms Jesus as a first time offender".

"Thank you ma". We said in unison.

"Detention tomorrow after school in the crypt".

"The crypt". Kim exclaimed.