Chapter 42

"What store sells the nicest thing around here". I asked Ryan as we walked on.

"It depends on what you mean by nice".

"I mean where can I find the best gift for my mom?".

"There is a clothing store on the third block "Red Ruby", they sell really nice clothes. There is also this souvenir store way back and they have nice things too, I get my Christmas presents from the store".

"The souvenir store is way back you said?".

"Yes, but we can still go back if you want".

"Is it convenient for you?". I asked with concern.

"Sure, anything for a pretty brunette high school girl".

"Funny". I smiled.

The store was located about four streets from Duncan high school. We had walked about four streets and one turn from school so we had to walk far back to get to the store. After about ten minutes walk, we were standing in front of a small building. Ryan held the door open for me and we walked in.

"Hey kids, getting some anniversary gift?". The storekeeper asked.

"I wouldn't call us kids if I were you". I replied sassily, waving my hair".

"I have got tons of gifts for you two love birds".

"You are misunderstanding". Ryan said trying to explain that we aren't dating.

"You aren't dating?". The storekeeper asked again.

"What's it to you?". I asked.

"Chill Babe".

"Kids these days I will never understand you".

"What are you? Like ninety-seven". Ryan asked. The storekeeper couldn't be up to ten years older so it's ridiculous to call us kids these days.

"I wasn't born in this century is all I know". The storekeeper wittingly replied, still keeping his smile in place.

"What's with people and mistaking us for lovers?". I asked rhetorically.

"It's probably because you look cute together". A woman shopping nearby replied me.

"Anyways, where is Bob?". He asked the storekeeper.

"Bob no longer owns this place. My parents do now, we moved to this town two weeks ago and both this place. It's no longer the Red Ruby anymore, didn't you check the sign outside?".

"I didn't actually but I noticed the change, thought old man Bob decided to make some change. Good job you have done turning this place around".

"Thanks. I am France". He introduced.

"From France?". I asked.

"From France". He affirmed.

"I am Ryan and this is my friend Babe".

"What can I get you".

"I need a cool gift for my mom".

"Is it her birthday?".

"No, why?".

"It will make it easier finding a gift. We had lots of birthday presents come in last week specially made for people born in September".

"Well, I might be getting one soon". I said.

"When it's your birthday?"Ryan asked.

"September 31st".

"That's in eleven days". Ryan exclaimed.

"Yep, that's right".

"I think I might know what to get your mum". France said and went to the back of the store. He came back with a purple velvet box.

"Purple's my mom's favourite colour. What's in it?".

"This". He opened the box and revealed a gold necklace with something written on it.

"What's that written on it". Ryan asked.

He spread it on the desk to show us.

"World best". I read. The words were written in tiny italics and the "o" in the world had a purple shiny stone in the middle.

"Yeah world best. You want to buy it".

"Yeah sure, why not? I mean it's really nice. Mum's going to love it".

We paid for the necklace and he packed the gift in a small black gift bag and wrote us a receipt.

"Merci". I thanked him in French.

"Come again".

"You want to grab a coffee at a cafe down there". He said pointing to a small establishment a few feet away across the street.

"I don't know". I hesitated not wanting to keep my mum waiting.

"I owe you remember?".

"You don't owe me anymore you helped me get mum a gift".

"C'mon girl, we won't take long".

We crossed the road. The coffee shop was located on a small portion beside the walkway and had only a stall with an umbrella on with a coffee machine and some Styrofoam cups. It also had two tables with three tables each with umbrellas. I guess most people usually take their coffee away.

"We would have two cups of coffee". Ryan ordered.

"Hey kiddo, it's been a long time". The man greeted.

"Yeah, I have been busy lately".

"I hope it's the good kind of busy". He said.

"I like my coffee black". I said.

"Ah no milk, no sugar. A girl after my heart".

I smiled.

"Ryan here likes his coffee with extra cream and sugar. Two opposite poles attract I guess". He handed us the

"I guess so too". Ryan replied and took the coffee from his hands.

"Today's order is free and please don't refuse. It's a pleasure to see you after all these days".

"Thank you so much, Sam". He thanked.

"Thanks, sir". I thanked him too.

We sat down at one of the tables and sipped our coffee.

"Thank you so much for helping me pick the gift. Am positive she is going to love it".

"The pleasure is mine, after all, I got to spend some more time with you".

"You are so sweet".

"Of course I know I am". He said pretending to be proud.

"It's was relieving to talk to you the other time. It's not really something I do often and I guess it's not so bad having someone to talk to".

"I am honoured to know that you trust me". He paused. "You know you are really sweet to get your mum a gift even if it's not her birthday or mother's day".

"The truth is that I am not that close to my mum so I bought the gift to mark the beginning of a new healthy relationship with my mum. My mum and I haven't been the best of friends lately so we decided to have a little girls movie night to spend time together".

"I do not know what to say".

"I had lived with my dad all my life. My parents divorced when I was just ten and I chose to live with my dad. He was a pilot and he died last year in a plane crash. I lived with my aunt Nellie after he died but she had to travel and I can't go with her and that's why I moved here in the first place".

"That's quite sad". He held my arm. "I am so sorry".

"I guess my mum is just being bitter about choosing to live with my dad".

"I don't she would be angry about that".

"You don't know my mom".

"You think she never forgave you?".

I sipped my coffee, it was bitter. I usually don't take my coffee black but I had to feel that jolt of caffeine. Looking forward to the movie night had left me feeling really nervous. It was a pity I wasn't eligible to drink.


"Wow, that's a lot to take in".

"My mum is remarried now and I have to live with her, my younger sister, her husband and his son. Simon is not a problem but Mike is a pain in the neck".

"Wait did you say, Simon?".

"Yeah, didn't Rhyme tell you".

"She didn't, I didn't know Simon's dad owned blue heavens. I am not a regular there anyways, I will rather walk down here for a few minutes of total peace and quiet".

"This place is really peaceful compared to our place which is a total nuisance".

"Are you okay Babe?". He asked with deep concern in his eyes and I was touched.

"Yeah am fine, thanks for caring".

"Are you sure?".

"One hundred per cent sure, why do you ask?".

"Well you said Mike is being a pain in the neck, I get that but Simon...."

"What about him?".

"....I don't believe he isn't giving you a tough time".

"No, he isn't. He drives me to school daily to and from".

"It's just...". He started to say and then stopped mid-sentence. I knew he knew something, he just didn't want to say.

"Spill it". I ordered

"What?". He feigned ignorance.

"I'll find out sooner or later and I think it's not fair if I am hearing it from outside".

"Fine, the thing is....". He paused for a little while. I didn't rush him or force him to talk, I didn't want to pressure him.

"I knew Simon from when I was little. He is my brother's friend and we attended the same schools right from creche. The thing is he isn't a very good guy. My brother is either and I can't decide who is an influence on the other".

"Simon is a pretty good guy". I wasn't too sure too not after the rape incident.

"You think? He drinks, smokes, gamble and who knows what again"

"I don't know".

"Listen, lately he got into trouble. I haven't found out what trouble yet but I noticed my brother hadn't been sleeping at home for some days now".

"Why didn't you tell your parents?".

"They are in Malaysia, they got a job in a company there two years ago and aren't always home. They are barely at home once in three months except when on their annual vacation of two weeks".

"Oh okay".

"Why I am scared now is because he was in a similar situation a few months after our parents got their new job. He owed some guys a huge amount of money after he lost a gamble. They invaded the house and took the television away. We had to lie to our parents that the house was burgled".


"Simon was involved too".

"No way".

He told me other stories of how Simon and his brother got into trouble several times in the past. I was scared for Simon and didn't know what to think or do. I remembered that he told me earlier that he wouldn't be home that night and I should cover up for him. I didn't want him getting into trouble and I did not want to tell on him because I did not want to ruin the brother-sister relationship we were beginning to develop. But is it worth it?

"Let's get going Ryan, it's getting late".

He looked at his watch. "It's almost six".

"Yes, we have spent three hours together after school". I pointed out.

"Yeah what a date".

"A date? You are a joker".

"Yep, a date baby". He teased.

"You lucky I don't have curfew".

"I don't too so that's another thing we have in common".

"Well, I have a movie night to plan".

"Let's get going then". We stood up and walked home.

The sun was starting to set and the environment looked more beautiful.

"We should watch the sunset together someday". He said.


We waited for a cab but didn't get one in time. We decided to take the rest of the journey on foot.

"I guess this goodbye". I said when we got to Blue heavens.

"It's hard to say goodbye but what can I do".

"Uhm stay in my house till tomorrow". I said sarcastically.

"Really?". He sounded excited.

"No silly I am just being sarcastic".

"Oh, my loss".

"I can invite for dinner sometime".

"Are you being sarcastic now too".

"Oh no, I am serious. How does Friday night sound?".


"Good night".

"Good night". He waved.

I walked into the house and it was empty.

"Mum". I called and heard no response. How nice! I was in a hurry to get home and Mom isn't even.

"Maybe that isn't bad". I thought. "I could make dinner".

I went to my room and changed to my pink pyjama onesie with bunny ears.

I went to Simon's room and tried to open the door but it was locked. I walked to the top shelf in the sitting room and picked the bunch of spare keys to open Simon's door. What I saw shocked me. Simon's bed was laid and looked like it hadn't been slept in days. I sat on the floor beside the door and cried. I was scared that Simon might be in big trouble and I didn't want to tell him.

I made basmati rice and chicken curry with vegetable salad. When I finished cooking I called Mom.

"Hey Barb, how are you doing". She asked me when she picked the call.

"Great, I just wanted to tell you that it's dinner time".

"Oh, Barb am quite busy...".

"You promised mum". I didn't let her finish her sentence.

"Fine, I will be there in ten minutes".


"You and Simon can start without me if you are hungry".

"I will wait for you and Simon is not home". I informed her.

"Why? Where is he?".

"He is having dinner at Rhoda's and might stay out late". I lied.

"That's okay, if he is with Rhoda then he is in good hands. Rhoda is a good girl".

"Bye". I said hurriedly.


"I can't believe I just covered up for Simon".

Mum walked in a few minutes after and was looking really stressed. I had promised myself I wouldn't ask her too many questions or argue with her. I was determined to build a healthy relationship.

"How was your day?".

"I am tired. Let me shower, I will be back in a few minutes".

She showered and we had dinner.

"You are such an excellent cook".

"I learned most of my cooking from Nana".

"That's impressive. With your expertise, one could rightly assume that you went to a catering school".


"I have something for you" I said after dinner.

"What's that?".

I brought out the box and showed her.

"What's in it?".

"See for yourself".

She opened and took the necklace.

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Barb". She hugged me and I wore the necklace for her.

"Are you crying".

She wiped her face. "No darling forgive me, am just being emotional. It's been long since I got a present and honestly am touched".

"Aww". I said.

We watched a movie on Netflix and had popcorn and soda from Blue heavens.

"This is really great". Mum said to me after the movie.

"The movie?". I asked to be sure.

"No, being together".

We both burst into tears and each one had to pet the other.

I was going to talk to her about school life but with all the hysteria, I couldn't.

I went to my room after dinner and texted Ryan.

*Hi hope you got home safe*.

*Yeah baby thanks for asking*

*It's no bother at all*

*Good night*

*Good night*

*Love you so much*.

My heart fluttered and my face flushed.

I thought so much about the nomination for the editor in chief of press club for hours. I finally slept at one in the morning with resolve in my mind.