Chapter 43

The next morning got me feeling like a Queen.


My phone rang, it was a message from Ryan.

*Rise and shine sleeping beauty*

I smiled, he sure knows what a girl likes to hear, doesn't he?

*Good morning how was your night?* Another message read.

*Good morning. My night was splendid, yours?*

*I slept well, dreamt about you*. He replied and I couldn't stop grinning.

I took my bath and brushed my teeth. I had an irresistible urge to look really pretty as Kim would. I ironed my uniform very neatly and polished my shoes. I looked and the time and saw that I still had about thirty minutes left to get ready for school.

"Too much time on my hands". I said looking in the mirror.

I applied bubble gum pink nail polish on my fingernails and finished with a touch of glitter polish. I combed my hair and made it into a tight bun. I held the bun with a blue butterfly ribbon. The good thing about Duncan high was that the students especially the girls were allowed to use accessories other than the school accessories so far it's either blue or black, unlike my former school. You could wear a small makeup, a fancy bag, ribbon, necklaces, bracelets and even a shoe with heels three-inch or below. I decided to go badass high school girl. I wore my white blouse tucked out of my blue skirt and my blazers unbuttoned and a knee-length pair of stockings. I applied purple mascara and brown eyeliner to my eyes and red lip gloss to my lips. I wore earrings in all my ear piercings(the one at the lowest part was a dangling silver cross and the two upper ones are stud earrings) and a silver cross necklace with matching bracelets.

I looked in the mirror and a wave of satisfaction washed through me. I got the look I was going for.

"Too bad I don't have a nose piercing".

I walked downstairs and had hot tea. After the hectic day, the discovery about Simon and the jolt of caffeine, I needed something to bring me back to life. After drinking tea, I went to check if Simon had returned. I turned the knob but it didn't budge so I went to take the spare yet again. I opened the door and looked in, he wasn't there.

*Sigh, sigh, sigh*

I sat on his bed and dialled his number.

"The customer you are calling is not available to pick your call at this moment". A computerized voice told me.

I dialled the number twice again and still got the same response. I decided to text him.

*Come home quick*. I waited for two minutes and didn't get a response.

*Where are you?*I texted again and walked out of the room. I went to the table in the sitting room and searched for my monthly allowance. It was supposed to be on the table but it wasn't there. I usually get my allowance on the 21st of each month. My mum would write my name on the envelope and leave it on the table for me. The money came from my dad's property lawyer and was delivered at Blue heavens.

With my monthly allowance, I had enough to buy myself and a friend junk food for the whole month and even extra to buy clothes or a movie ticket so I was always buoyant. I could rightly assume the post of the richest kid in school instead of Marc but that's not the kind of thing I would do.


I walked into Blue heavens and saw drunk people ranging from teenagers to adults. Who gets drunk this early? Some were mumbling jargons while others were sober enough to find their way home. A few probably didn't drink at all or was already sobered up.

"Good morning mum".

"Good morning baby. How was your night?".

"It was great. I had a good night sleep".

"Thank God for that".

"How was yours?".

"Great, it was nice to hang out with you like that and also to be free from the night hassle happening here".

"Tell me about it". I gave her a high five.

"You shouldn't be here at this time. This place isn't a very healthy environment for you at this hour". I felt a surge of motherly care to hear her say this.

"Mum, I did not get my monthly allowance. Did it get here?".

"Yes, it did, quite early even. I put it on the table for you, didn't you see it?".

"I didn't".

"It got here yesterday and I kept it there. Check again and if you still can't find it ask Simon".

Her last two words rang in my head repeatedly. "ASK SIMON". She could be right Simon might have seen it. I should be happy with this information but I was rather worried and tensed.

"Ok, I will ask him". I replied.

"Speaking of Simon". She gave two customers a bottle of soda each. "Tell him I will need his help at the lounge today. I need to be somewhere".


She looked up at me and sighed. "Yes, I need to check up on her".

"Can I come?".

"You can't skip school".

"Not even for one day?".

"Not even for an hour which is why you should get going or you will be late".


"Don't whatever me. Hurry up".

I needed to ask her a question to make my decision. There was no way I could go to the principal's office to tell Mr Steele that I wanted to step down for Angie. Kyla McAllister would fucking freak out. Besides, I really could use the post of editor in chief and school president as a leverage for the scholarship.

"Can I borrow a few minutes?".

"Yes, if it doesn't take long".

"It won't. Do I really need to get a scholarship?".

"What kind of question is that Barbara?".
