Chapter 44

"What I am saying is do I need to get a scholarship to further my education".

"Where did you get that nonsense from".

"It's a simple question mom,just answer me".

"Not until you tell me what brought up this question".

"I wanted to know if I need a scholarship because a friend and I are vieing for the same position so I wanted to know if I need a scholarship because if I do then I can't step down for my friend but if I don't I'll rather step down".

"Friendship uhn?". She joked.

"Mom this is not a joke,I am being serious".

"Maybe you might need the help of a scholarship".

"I have an education trust fund,I do. Why then would I need a scholarship".

"Money is tight".

"Money can't be tight,it can't be. I am not asking you for money,I got enough money from dad". I protested.

"Think about it Barbara,there are other things you can gain from a scholarship".

"Like what?".

"Think about the pride of getting a scholarship. Everyone knows that scholarships are given to exemplary and outstanding students. Being a scholarship student also gives you a goal to look forward to as you know that you have to meet up with a certain G.P. After college,you will need to get a job and students with scholarship have a higher probability of getting a job much quicker than their counterparts".

"Something tells me that is not all there is to this matter". I voiced my suspicion.

"We might as well need the financial assistance".

"Ah ah". I exclaimed. "I knew it. How could you have lied to me all this while? How....".


"You know what?Forget it. I promised myself that I will do anything and everything to make sure our mother daughter relationship works out but I can't take this anymore. I have had enough,it's one thing to lie to me and another thing entirely to have to find out the truth from someone else".

"What are you talking about?".

"Don't act like you do not understand what I am talking about. You understand perfectly well".

"No I don't and I will appreciate it if you explain this to me".

"I AM TIRED MUM,I AM TIRED OF EVERYONE MAKING DECISIONS FOR ME. IT SEEMS LIKE I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MY LIFE". I screamed and everyone looked at us. I instantly felt ashamed of myself for causing a scene like that.

"You know I will just go to school now. I will see you later". I said in almost a whisper.

"You want money for lunch". She said half asking and half stating. She had stepped out of the counter now.


She handed me enough money to buy a large pizza and soda.

"Thanks Mom".

I walked out the door and felt this cool yet warm breeze gently caress my face. Blue heavens has two air conditioners and a large chimney in the kitchen area. It's more of a drinks place than a food place so cooking is barely even done there. The place is always cold even during the hottest Summers.

I walked a bit farther down the street to hail a cab so that mum wouldn't see me. I waited for five minutes by the side of the road for a taxi,none came. I decided to cover the rest of the journey on foot. ____________________________

I walked into the school premises and the first person I saw was Ryhme.

"Good morning". She said and walked side by side with me to my locker.

"Good morning". I answered. I opened my locker and looked at my schedule pasted on the side of my locker. I was having chemistry first period.

"Marc told me you got nominated for editor in chief".


"I wouldn't compete against Angie if I were you".

"You know what?". I slammed my locker and turned to face her. "I expected a congratulations though I understand if you are not willing to congratulate me but don't try to bring me down with your words".

"I didn't mean it that way. All I am saying is that Angie doesn't take competition very easily. You are both my friends and I wouldn't want anything to come between us".

"If it's that way then remain neutral. I understand and I believe Angie would too".

"Congratulations anyways". She smiled and I smiled back.


"Another congratulations coming right up".

I was confused.

"When you get nominated for president too". She said.

I laughed. "You are hilarious, thanks anyway. I really appreciate the love".

"At least I know who to vote for".

"You look beautiful today".

"You mean to say I am not usually beautiful". I teased.

"Of course not but you look spectacular today. What's the word?....". She seemed at loss for words.

"Pretty?". I suggested to help her out.

"No,not that. Something more".


"Still not the word, doesn't quite describe the look".

I knew she was playing around again so I kept quite and let her find the right word herself.

"Ah ah gorgeous, that's the word". She finally said after about thirty seconds of fake thinking.


"It's not problem at all".

"Are you running for any post?".

"Yeah, student council secretary".

"Great,how about we form a sort of alliance".

"What are you talking about?".

"Meet me after school in the press club meeting room, nomination results should have been announced by then. Tell Reggie and Ryan too".

"Sure will". She walked away.

"Break a leg".

"I hope I don't literally". She joked again. Funny isn't she?

It was hard finding the chemistry laboratory. I wasn't very conversant with the school environment yet and this was my first chemistry class. Before splitting the classes,we had Art and Science classes. For the Art class,major subject combinations were History, Literature, social studies, Spanish, English and a maximum of four other subjects. For the science class,the major subject combinations are Maths, Chemistry,physics and Trig with a maximum of five other subjects. It was assumed that science students are smarter,the assumption isn't wrong anyways. Now that the classes had been split,the subjects had been split too. The principal and counselor chose subject for students in their "best interests". I now had English, Spanish, Chemistry and History as major and Physical education, Social studies and Algebra as minor. Aghn,now I have to offer seven subjects. This might sound weird but I love having a lot of subjects to offer,isn't that the fun thing about education. I had decided to go to the counselor's office after lunch to sort the subject combinations with her.


"Can anyone tell me three types of bonding in chemistry?". The chemistry teacher asked.

"Covalent,electrovalent and Ionic bonds". A girl answered.

"Great Dayton".

"Are you new?". The teacher asked me.

I jerked back to reality.


"Yes you,is this your first time in this class?".

"Yes sir". I stopped leaning by the door and walked into the laboratory.

"I could tell,Dayton here was like this when she first came and now she is top of the class". He said. "What is your name?".

"Barbara Jesus".

"Ahn". He said looking through my records in his register. "You are one of the new chemistry students. Great record you have from your previous school".

"Thank you sir".

"It will be my pleasure to teach you chemistry this semester. Have your sit beside Dayton".

"Hi". Dayton said to me.

"Hey". I replied.

"We have a tradition here in this class. As the new student,do us the honor of reading today's chapter for us all to hear". Boring as it may sound,it was better than Kim's stupid initiation."

"Electrovalent bond otherwise known as...". I read on.

Chemistry class was super boring than I remembered. I had always maintained top three in chemistry in my former school and had no doubt that this would be any different yet I strongly believed that chemistry was boring no matter what grade I get.

"We have come to the end of this class". The teacher said after thirty minutes. We will be having our project soon and I am happy to inform you that your seat partners are your science partners this semester. I implore you to start working on something from now on so you won't feel pressured when the time finally comes".

Everyone including me stood up to leave. I guessed they were as tired as I was of the teacher's continuous rambling.

"Isn't it nice to be my seat partner?". Dayton said to me outside the class.

"I guess it is".

"You guess? You are the luckiest student in the class to be my science partner".


Another one of the pompous kids?! I am two years ahead of class and top in almost all my courses, isn't that something to brag about?

"Whatever". I walked away. I had another class and I don't want to be late.

I stepped into Trigonometry class and met Angie talking to a group of students, Ryan was one of them. He walked towards me and sat down beside me.


"Hey,how have your day been?".

"Not so bad,yours?".

"Hectic,I had chemistry first period. The teacher a talkative,my seat partner a pompous smartie,what else could I ask for".

"Wow,I would explode if I had to go through that".

"Oh please".

"Really,I hate chemistry. I had to offer it before the classes were amalgamated".

"At least one of my friends is happy with the amalgamation".

"Rhyme got her choice of subjects too".

"She is so lucky".

"We have the same classes except Algebra".

"She got to offer Algebra too".

"She didn't get,I did".

"Lucky pants". I joked and he nudged me with his elbow.

"Do you think I can change my subject combinations".

"You should be but I don't think Principal McAllister would allow that".

This should be easy.

"Principal McAllister uhn?".

"Yep". He replied and the teacher walked in.

If there was one good thing that came from all of this,it's that I could get anything I can so long it involves Principal McAllister.

Trig class was more interesting than Chemistry ever could be.

"Read chapters 30 to 33 before the next class".

Some students grumbled while others were happy. I could tell the grumbling ones are the one forced into Trig class.

"Did Ryhme tell you?". I asked Ryan after the teacher went out. The students were still seated.

"Tell me what?".

"I wanted us to meet in the press club meeting room to have a little discussion".

"May I know what the discussion is about?".

"I want us to form an alliance".


"Yes, an alliance. This means that we will be some kind of group like a political party. We will organise all our campaign and manifestos together. This makes us stand a greater chance of winning and will even make our administration easier when we win".

"Great idea but I am not even contesting any post".

"Which automatically makes you our campaign manager".

"Should I tell the guys now".

"Sure but I am not sure Angie will want to be a part of this".

"She will come around". He said. "What is your decision?".

"I am running for editor in chief".

"I salute your courage". I heaved a sigh of relief. At least someone is happy with my decision.

"The easiest way is not always the best way". I said and stood up to leave.

"Class isn't over yet". He called me back.


"Yes,we have a whole period to read against the next class".

"What the heck? I thought I was free".

"No you are not, sorry to burst your bubble".

"What does it take to get out of this class?". I asked dramatically in a whisper.

"I don't know,never tried it before". He laughed.

He went over to his friends and they resumed their conversation. He invited me to join a few minutes later.

"What do you think Babe?". He asked me.

"Uhn? Sorry I wasn't listening".

"We were talking about your idea about forming an alliance".

"Oh really,what about it?".

"I think it is a good idea,I am running for student council treasurer, Ryhme's running for secretary and we have other friends running too".

"That's right. The major members of the council are the president,vice president, treasurer, secretary and students welfare and we already have three candidates. We just need to find two more and work towards winning". Rhyme chipped in.

"Exactly my point,if we form a formidable force we will stand a greater chance of winning. Our administration will be much easier if we all become members of the council". Reggie concluded.

"So....". Angie said.

"I am contesting for editor in cheif". I announced.

Everyone went silent.

"What? Is there a problem with that?". I was getting pissed.

"No,we do not have any problem. None at all". Ryan answered.

"No problem at all". Angie mimicked. "I can't believe this is coming from you Ryan".

Everyone remained silent.

"Reginald say something". She pulled his shirt. She was being dramatic.

"Calm down".

"Calm down,wow. I can't believe this".

"Believe what?". Reggie asked.

"I seriously can't believe this".

"Believe what?".

"That you would do this to me. I can't believe you would take the side of a total stranger".

"Total stranger? Is that what you would describe me as?". I walked away.



I knocked gently on the door. I didn't have to pass through the secretary,I walked straight to her office. I was becoming a regular there and didn't have to go through due process.

"Who is it?". Principal McAllister asked.

"Barbara Jesus".

"Come in".

I walked in.

"Mr Steele here was expecting you".

"Good morning,Mr Steele".

"Good morning Ms Jesus. it's a pleasure to see you".

"I came to announce my wish to contest in the elections tomorrow".

"That's good news". He stood up. "It would have been a great loss if you had stepped down".

"She is a very outstanding student of this school,I am sure she will be a good representative of the Town newspaper". Principal McAllister added.

"Congratulations Ms Jesus". He extended his hand and I shook it. "See you tomorrow". He walked out of the office.

"Great decision you have made Marvel".

"I know it is".


"The easiest way is not always the best way".

"True". She nodded her head.

"I need you to adjust my schedule".

"Why,it's perfect. I made sure of that".

"You think it's perfect because you don't know me. I prefer a much loaded schedule".


"It keeps me away from unnecessary things".

"You are contesting in the elections remember?".

"A more loaded schedule doesn't matter".

"It does,you won't have time to strategize properly".

"It doesn't affect the election. I need more subject combinations. Other students have more".

"The counselor thought it was better that way. You have always had a loaded schedule since middle school,Mrs Justice thinks you might need a break to enjoy high school".

"I don't need a break,I never asked for one".

"Whatever it is sort it out with Ms Justice".

"Ok I will". I paused to think whether I should tell her about my friends or not.

"My friends who are also contesting for posts in the students'council and I have decided to form an alliance".

"An alliance you say?. Wouldn't that affect us?".

"Not in any way. They are all worthy candidates and I thought things would be easier that way".

"How so".

"The answer is quite simple. If you are going to bring down queen Kimberley McAdams why not bring down the rest of her minions. What I am saying.....".

"Say no more...". she interrupted. "I understand your point. Now if you would excuse me,I have something important to attend to".

I walked out of her office and headed to the counselor's office.

I knock thrice on her door but no one answered. I turned the knob and the door opened. I walked in and saw a paper on the table. It was the nominations results. I was about trading it when I heard her voice. It seemed to be coming from the floor below. I picked a tiny single key on the floor and walked out of the office. She was so close by the time I came out of the office,she was so close. I hid behind the large standing flower vase in the hallway and waited for her to walk into her office. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs. I kept the key in my pocket not knowing why I stole it. I concluded that the key might have dropped from the huge bunch she was always carrying. I decided I wasn't going to return it.



I walked to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Attention students". Ms Justice's voice rang through the room. "I am happy to announce the successful candidates for this year's students' council elections".