
Chapter 7

It had been three months and the SG-1 team, who were now accompanied by two senior wolves as replacements for Harry and Cooper, were now beginning to panic. Jack had, in a recent mission, been uploaded with a massive amount of ancient knowledge and his mind was not capable of sustaining the change. It was, in-fact, failing him and he wasn't even able to speak English anymore.

They had requested help from Harmony, who had taken Jack in, but even their mind-reader, Severus Snape, had been unable to help, getting a headache simply because he was seeing too much information. The information was too spread out to simply obliviate away as well and he'd be left a vegetable if it was even attempted, whether it was a success or not. Snape had reluctantly suggested that Harry would be able to do something with his knowledge of downloading information into human minds, but he didn't share those techniques, even with his girls, stating it was too dangerous. He did brew a potion for the man, which helped for a while, but it was only a short-term fix.

Jack had been tinkering with a device that he, himself, didn't know what it even did and had reprogrammed the Stargate system, identifying a whole bunch of Stargate addresses that they had not had before. They didn't even know what was happening, when the Stargate started dialling out and dialled, for the first time, an eighth chevron, or location identifier.

Apparently, it was taking a boatload more power than their system was designed to be capable of, even with Harry's power system. Fortunately it was dialling during the day, since it could be fed directly and wouldn't be draining the batteries that way. Even so, the internal power systems were not designed for the influx, but Jack had rushed to the power room and plugged in his device, which had stabilized the connection.

The team convinced General Hammond to allow Jack to take the Stargate, since he was deteriorating fast and would likely not last much longer anyway. They just hoped he knew what he was doing.

When Jack was thrown through the Portal on the other side only to see Harry standing there, having caught him before he could get hurt, he sighed in relief. He tried to tell him what was happening, but he was still speaking the strange language, which had overridden his own.

"He is speaking the language of the ancients." one of the Asgard said. "He's asking for help."

"Jack, I need you to think about the events that led up to your current situation." Harry said. "I will try to read your memories."

Jack tried to deny it. "He says that someone tried that and it hurt them. Apparently he has too much information in his head." the same alien said. Jack continued to talk and the alien continued. "Apparently they were exploring a new address and he was forcibly uploaded with the archive that stored all of the ancients' knowledge."

"What an interesting idea." Harry said. "But, we'll need to look into that later. Can you help him?"

"We can." one of the Asgard nodded and lifted their hand. It had a crystal embedded into it and Harry suspected it was what they had been using to transfer their consciousness into new bodies, or something to do with sharing information. Not all the Asgard had those, after all. There was a moment, where it seemed something passed between Jack and the crystal, before he fell over and lost consciousness.

"He will be alright." Thor said to Harry.

"Oh, that's good." Harry said. "Um, it may be a good idea to start making our way back to the Milky Way."

Thor nodded. "It seems your people need you."

"They do fine without me, but I'm feeling distinctly out of the loop right about now." Harry said.

"You and your people have given us much to work with." Thor agreed. "With the results from Doctor Parkinson's research, our scientists believe that we will be able to fix the problems in our failing health. Our bodies' lifespans have already been increased greatly. With your own weapons at our disposal, we will finally be able to start restoring peace in our galaxies. It will be good to stay in contact with you from now on, as well."

Harry had gone through the list of weapons he had and they had even gone to retrieve a few hundred replicators. After a month, they had set up another pocket dimension and the Asgard finally had a safe place to put the replicators, without fear of being overrun. Harry couldn't implement the reset functions quickly, like Doctor Pike had, but the Asgard could collapse the dimension and replace the facility with something new if it was ever necessary. Harry suspected he could persuade Doctor Pike to help them out in the future as well, once communication was established.

It turns out the best weapon Harry had for fighting the Replicators were force constructs and rune-protected impenetrable hulls. For that purpose, he'd shared the secret of constructing the magical solar panels, using blue diamond, which would be connected to a large magical rune-based buffer, which, in turn, fed a force producing laser array on the flagship and also the imperturbable runes on the hull. The Asgard had impressive targeting systems and had been able to clean out one entire planet of Replicators in a day, not missing one of them.

Thor was almost as bad as Harry's family, and when they went to test the latest upgrades on their enemy, they had requested that he stay behind. Harry and his people were too valuable to their future to risk, apparently.

The buffering runes were not something the Asgard could emulate on their own, since it needed a magical to tether it to a given system, so it was something they'd need Harry to reproduce should they need more. The idea had intrigued them, though, and Thor decided to put some of their own people on designing something that used the Blue Diamond, which the Asgard started referring to as the Harry Black Crystal, in honour of the inventor of its uses, to store energy and not just channel it.

Apparently there was already something similar that used something called zero-point energy. They had spoken of it as one of the inventions of the Alterans. They were the only race previously capable of creating artificial pockets in subspace, from which the energy could be extracted. It was the single largest source of energy the Ancients had devised. If the Asgard could use something like that to store the magical energy, they'd have access to a near limitless source. Harry had asked them to keep him in mind if they succeeded.

They had no doubt that the replicators would adapt their strategies, but they would not be able to avoid the force weapons, since it created a physical effect, even if it had a magical source, and the imperturbable runes were applied to the inside of the hulls of the ships, so it was an effect they couldn't counter by modifying themselves. One of the conditions for Harry to share this technology, was that the Asgard never reveal its secrets to any other race. Another was that the Replicators could not be allowed to move on to other galaxies. They'd have to be aggressive.

To achieve this, Harry had shared one massive advantage with them. The Biliskner was outfitted with a connection to the Ida Galaxy's one and only StellarNet, which was hosted on Othala. It would need to be moved or destroyed, should Othala ever be threatened, but until then, the Asgard could go to literally any planet in their galaxy, instantly. If they wanted other ships connected, they'd unfortunately need a magical, namely himself or Bill, the only other magical who knew the concept, to do it for them.

The Boron they had needed to make the blue diamond, was something the Asgard could apparently fabricate or beam directly out of one of the suns in a nearby system. Harry wouldn't be attempting something like that anytime soon, but he might call on them if it was easier for them to obtain it. Harry had recently been purchasing other products and extracting the Boron he needed out of it. There were apparently commercial uses for the stuff, which made it much simpler to obtain.

"Well, you did help me upgrade Prometheus." Harry said. "It will be really cool to be able to visit more often."

"I still don't understand your magic very well, but I am grateful to both it, and you." Thor said. "We will use the knowledge you have left us with, wisely." Harry had found that the Asgard were very quick studies and had given them a few rune combinations to use to produce their own magical power and then use that to protect themselves. They inscribed the runes using lasers, which was how Pike was doing it these days as well. The Asgard methods were much quicker, though.

The Asgard were a peaceful race and Harry had found that they were very honourable, so he doubted they'd abuse the technology and, as long as they were careful, the replicators would never learn of magic. He had shuddered at the thought of that, and it had become yet another thing that was forbidden to be spoken of outside designated areas.

He had been assured that the Replicators would not be able to draw a connection to the runes and magic, however, since magic was a seemingly new development in the universe. They'd tried to classify the energy, but had failed miserably, considering the nature of the energy was so malleable. They did confirm that it seemed to function in every spectrum of energy that they could classify and had even detected a few they couldn't.

In return for all the help Harry had given them, they upgraded his ship with Asgard Hyperdrives and their long distance communication, which could access subspace, where communication was instant over thousands of light-years. Harry had scanned the technology and laughed. Subspace was the space through which apparition took place, it seemed. Knowing this, however, was going to be a game-changer.

He'd quickly adapted the technology, with help from Hermione and Padma, and tested it on a module which he had been building in his spare time, also with their input and help, since he'd left his Saucer back on Earth for Lieutenant Thomson and his scientists to use.

The new one, which looked like a large black sphere with approximately the same radius as the Saucer, with no discernable openings or windows, could achieve the same sub-light speeds as his Prometheus. It didn't have a hyperdrive, but he intended to adapt that technology at some point as well. He didn't need it though, because, unlike the Saucer, this ship would be capable of accessing the StellarNet, or both of them.

The rest of the girls were in charge of designing the inside, since they didn't think Harry had the appropriate sense of style. Harry's previous creations were rather standard and drab. All metal and function, with some inspiration from modern space fiction. They were putting in comfortable heated chairs, with more defined stations. The walls weren't all silver metal either. It was mostly dark browns with lighter highlights. The floor was a laminated pattern that Fleur had designed, which lit up slightly where you stepped. They were going for comfortable, since they expected Harry to use this ship as his primary transport from then on, considering it was likely the safest transport he owned. They'd also added rooms and a kitchen. This ship was bigger on the inside than the Saucer had been, but nowhere near as large as the Prometheus, so they had to be careful with the space, during design.

The test was to have transportation take place through an adapted subspace transmitter, which could transmit not only radio frequencies, but, as the Asgard used it, light. The transport only went a short distance, but the Asgard were still shocked when he'd successfully transported The Sphere (his new ship's name) through the transmitter array. They'd be keeping one set up on Othala, for transport to occur between the two galaxies instantly. Harry intended on networking the StellarNet devices in both galaxies, using that, to allow them to call for aid, should the need arise, and visa-versa, thereby not needing to keep the other transmitter on his ship and allowing for more versatility.

The Sphere had all the weapons capabilities of the Prometheus and the beaming technology (which he understood a lot better now and had been able to apply, but not only with magic) and would be basically impervious to attack, due to a combination of runes and a special Asgardian Alloy, which was supposedly the strongest stuff they had ever made. The elements that made it up, were Naquadah, Carbon and another metal alloy Harry had never heard of before.

Said alloy, which Harry would later find out was called Trinium, was very adaptable and Harry had found it even more fun to play with than Aluminium, since, with just a bit of magic, it was like putty in his hands, figuratively speaking. It was still an extremely strong metal, but knowing the atomic structure had made it the most adaptable metallic substance Harry had ever come across. In its refined state, it was easier to manipulate than Tungsten Carbide, which was what the hull of the Prometheus was protected by. The Asgardian Alloy, however, was very difficult to manipulate, even more so than making diamond. The Asgard had built the sphere for him and he and his girls had done the rest. Bill even got in on the act and added a few things of use.

Speaking of Bill, he'd been discussing his projects and what he had been capable of with an Asgardian scientist, named Loki. He couldn't share his methods, of course, but he could give the alien an idea of the capabilities of magic. He had found that the alien was interesting, though when he told stories of the Twins' escapades over the years, the alien had not had problems with the more questionable pranks they had pulled. Loki had simply said that it seemed like they were doing all they could to achieve their goals. He'd apparently found it admirable, even when it more than inconvenienced others.

Loki seemed very interested in magic and had asked Bill outright, for a tissue sample, for him to make a few clones with, to test his own theories. Bill had refused, of course, and the alien seemed to accept it, but Bill made a mental note to add the interaction to a list of things to add to his own report on his experience in this galaxy. It seemed that this alien was not above experimenting on human test-subjects. That evening, during dinner, he had informed his friends to keep an eye out and not to let anyone take samples from them.

That had all happened over the course of their visit, though. When the team was ready to depart, Jack had finally woken up.

"What's happening?" he asked groggily.

"Hey there, Jack." Harry said.

Jack looked up quickly. "You're really here?" he asked. "That wasn't a dream?"

"Dream of me often Colonel?" Harry asked.

"Should we be keeping an eye on you?" Luna asked. "I'm not sharing Harry with a man." she insisted.

"What? No!" Jack exclaimed. "I just… You know what, it's still good to see all of you." he said, smiling. "We've been missing you during missions. The wolves are fine, but they lack a certain…"

"Personal touch?" Daphne offered. Jack nodded.

"Well, you're just in time to help us go home." Harry said.

"Taking the long way?" Jack asked.

"Nah, our friends have decided to help me set something else up." Harry said. "Would you mind going back through the Stargate with a piece of tech for me?"

"What did you have in mind?" Jack asked.


When the Stargate opened, it had been an hour. They still had no control, but the Stargate did open on the backup site, as intended. When Jack stepped out, there were sighs of relief. He was carrying an orb, slightly larger than his fist.

"Feeling better, Colonel O'Neill?" General Hammond asked.

"Right as rain." Jack said, as he walked into the Security Room, to be scanned.

"Anything to declare?" the operator asked.

"Just a little gift from a friend." Jack said, holding up the orb. "I'm told it's a something to deliver to the Envoy."

"I'll call up Lieutenant Colonel Lupin." General Hammond said, as Jack exited the transport room on their side.

"No need." Jack said. "It's a gift from the Envoy."

"It's from the Envoy, to the Envoy?" Teal'c asked as he stepped into the Embarkation room with Sam and Daniel, and nodded at Jack in welcome with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah." Jack said. "Apparently I went to where he's been hanging out."

"Why didn't he come back?" General Hammond asked as he joined the team.

"He took his own car." Jack said. Everyone should understand that. Harry had gone with Prometheus, after all.

"Of course." General Hammond said in understanding. "Any idea what it does?" he asked.

"I think it helps him get back more quickly." Jack said. It hadn't been explained to him properly, but then he didn't really care for long explanations. His Comm rang then. "Speak of the Devil." he said answering the Video call.

"Thanks, Jack." Harry said. "It worked like a charm." he added as the orb was beamed away.

"Upgraded your toys, have you?" General Hammond asked.

"And made some very grateful new friends, General." Harry said. There was a lot of pinging happening on his side.

"What's all the noise?" Daniel asked.

"Probably a bunch of messages coming in." Harry said, looking around as all his girls took out their comms and started reading all the missed messages. "I'm thinking I'll have a few myself."

"You can just ignore the ones from me." Jack said. "We had a couple of issues while you were gone, but we resolved them. The wolves were quite useful with one of them."

"We'll catch up later." Harry said. "I've got to go park and see the family."

"Can we schedule a debriefing?" General Hammond asked, hopefully. New allies was always going to take priority, especially ones that had seemingly allowed their young benefactor to learn from them.

"First thing in the morning, if you don't mind General." Harry said, before he looked around, when Cooper spoke up. "You sure?" he asked. "Okay then." He turned back to the Comm. "Cooper is willing to come give you an initial debriefing."

"Thank the Corporal for me, will you?" General Hammond said, gratefully. The marine was really growing on him.

"He heard you." Harry said. "See you tomorrow." he said then, before hanging up.

"So, he's invented instantaneous intergalactic travel?" Sam asked incredulously.

"With some help, I'm thinking." Jack agreed.

"We'll not be looking a gift horse in the mouth on this ranch." General Hammond said, before he smiled at Jack again. "I'm really glad you are feeling better, Jack." he said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Welcome back." Then he walked away. Knowing Harry's capabilities, Cooper was likely already waiting in the briefing room.

"Any chance you can explain how the power device worked?" Sam asked Jack, referring to the item he had made to increase the power output going to their Stargate.

"Nope." Jack said, shaking his head. He was smiling though. "Don't remember a thing."


Up in the debriefing room Cooper was, in-fact, waiting for the General and standing at attention. The General nodded at the man and said, "At ease soldier. Take a seat and welcome back."

"Thank you, General." Cooper said, relaxing and taking the offered seat.

"What can you tell me?" the General asked, just as the rest of the team showed up. There was no way they'd miss this. The General nodded at them and indicated for them to close the door and take a seat as well.

"It was a very educational visit, sir." Cooper started. "As you know the Asgard Supreme Commander, Thor, was interested in what Mister Black could do for them and apparently the Asgard High Council agreed with him. He picked us up and took us to his home planet. A planet called Othala, in what he called the Ida Galaxy. Apparently it's four million light-years away from here."

"How long did the trip take?" Sam asked.

"Only a few hours." Cooper said. "It impressed Mister Black as well." he said, at her incredulous look. "The Asgard are probably the most advanced race out there."

"Besides Mister Black himself." the General said.

"I don't know, sir." Cooper said honestly. He wasn't a scientist. The Asgard didn't have magic, though, so he suspected that Harry was capable of more, but by different means.

"And?" Jack asked. "What did they want help with?"

"I don't know the details, but it seems the Asgard had some sort of genetic disorder, which Doctor Parkinson was able to help them out with. It's not fixed, but as I understand it, there's been significant progress and things are looking up on that front.

"Besides that, the Asgard are having problems with an enemy called the Replicators. They are large insect-like machines that make copies of themselves from whatever materials they can find and then move on once a planet has been stripped of whatever resources they have. Mister Black was able to outfit them with some of his technology to help them fight the creatures." Cooper finished.

"And did he get anything from them?" General Hammond asked. He knew better than to ask what means he had supplied them with. He could ask Harry, but he'd not put the Corporal in that position.

"Yes sir." Cooper said. "Upgraded systems and better understanding of their technology, for him to adapt with his own."

"And that's how you came back so quickly?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Ma'am." Cooper said. "It's protected information, but I think it's safe to say that there is now an extension in his capabilities, which will allow for a faster means of transport and communication between the Asgard and here."

"They'll be able to use it?" Jack asked.

"Yes, sir." Cooper said with a smile. "'That's how friendship works.'" he quoted. "Mister Black can call on them, as they can call on him. They only have one ship capable of using the system, though, and it's also their primary ship for attacking their enemy."

"Anything else we should know?" General Hammond asked. These Replicators sounded like trouble.

"There were a couple of concessions." Cooper agreed. "One of them, was that the Asgard needed to contain the Replicator threat to their galaxies."

"Galaxies?" Jack asked.

"They have two primary planets in two different galaxies." Cooper confirmed. "The Replicators have a presence in both."

"So these replicators have intergalactic capabilities?" General Hammond asked.

"I don't know sir, but it was suggested that the Replicators would need help to expand further. Fortunately it seems like they plan on finishing in the current Galaxies, before expanding outward. Unfortunately they have been able to take over some Asgard ships and they learn, so there is a chance that they've acquired the technology." Cooper said.

"Was Mister Black able to come up with an effective way of combatting them?" General Hammond asked.

"Yes, sir." Cooper said. He didn't volunteer anything more, though.

"Very well." General Hammond said. If the man wasn't volunteering it, it was a secret. "I'm going to put this in the 'win' column. We have a new, powerful ally and Mister Black knows enough to combat the threat that might one day come to our world. I'm assuming he'd be willing to give us more information, to make preparations?"

"I don't think he'll have a problem with that, sir." Cooper said. "Though I do suspect that he'll want a few days off. He'll need time to catch up on everything that's been going on here. As I understand it," he said, lifting his Comm, "there have been a few developments with the Pack back home."

"Anything we should be worried about?" General Hammond asked. He doubted it, since he believed Lieutenant-Colonel Lupin would have informed him if there was a problem… At least, if it was a threat. He doubted they'd have problems that his people could help with.

"Not at all, sir." Cooper said. "Only good news. As I understand it, there's been a bit of a push for results while Mister Black was away, but I suspect he'll want to tell you about it." There was a hint of mischief in his eyes, though.

"Daniels did something 'Mister Black' won't be able to complain about, but won't like either, right?" Jack asked.

"Something like that, sir." Cooper said, as he started getting up. "May I be excused, sir?" he asked the General.

"Dismissed, Corporal." General Hammond said. "And fine work, as always." he added.

"Thank you, sir." Cooper said, saluting the General, before about-facing and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Any chance you can do something about Cooper's record, sir?" Jack asked. He liked the man too. He'd pulled them out of a couple of tight spots in the past.

"I was thinking along the same lines, Colonel O'Neill." General Hammond said. "I'll make a few calls and see what I can do." he said, also getting up.

When the General was gone, the team turned to Jack. "What?" he asked.

"Did you see anything?" Daniel asked. He'd been remarkably quiet. It seemed the universe was opening up to Harry.

While Harry had been away, Sha're had given birth and the Goa'uld was removed from her body. Daniel and his wife had instantly moved to a place made available to them in Harmony, being offered a place simply because he was friends with Harry. Sha're and Daniel were able to visit Abydos whenever they wanted, through the transport tunnel. Even if Goa'uld showed up, they would be unable to find the old Stargate, meaning they couldn't conveniently use Abydos for anything but the ore that was being mined there. The Naquadah was also too precious to destroy the people, giving them a measure of protection, even if the planet was an Alliance protected planet.

The Alliance was what they called the people who would participate in the mission of Harmony: Equality and Freedom for all sentient life. The current members were a few of the Alien races they had met. The Nox, the Jaffa, the SGC and obviously Harmony itself. Even the Unity crystals had offered the resources of their planet, as long as it didn't damage the planet or them, not that they had much to give. The Tollans had been offered a space, but they had yet to decide to join. The Asgard would hopefully also be able to join them at some point.

About the new-born, though; the magicals had had Daniel supply a few drops of blood in a potion, which was given to the baby. It had made Daniel feel better, to know the child was now genetically his own son. They'd have to wait and see if the Goa'uld genetic memory was still there, since the male donor's part of his DNA had been altered, during the event. There was no certain way to know until later.

"A few aliens." Jack shrugged. "I didn't really have time to sit down and chat. They removed the knowledge and I blacked out. When I woke up, Harry told me I was coming back."

"And now he's busy with other things." Sam said. "Do you think he'll re-join the team for the next mission?" she asked.

"I don't see why not." Jack said. "Depending on when we go, I suppose."


Harry was standing in the prison on Mars with Daniels and the rest of his girls. The prison was large, but Harry had estimated that it would take years to fill the place up. Imagine his shock, when he returned to give Hathor her part of the deal, only to discover that the Prison was at capacity. Apparently the wolves had needed to expand and when that wasn't enough, they'd started storing entire cells filled with prisoners in storage discs.

"What happened here?" he asked, as Daniels stood proudly next to him.

"The Tok'ra are very knowledgeable." Daniels said. "We took the time to discuss what was known about the System Lords and then we started planning. It took only a few weeks to locate most of them. When we had a large majority located, we sent teams to go round them up."

"But-" Harry started.

"We are aware that other Goa'uld will likely try to take control." Daniels said. "We did take a precaution though." he said, taking an orb out of a pocket and levitating it in front of him.

Soon an image appeared. It was an image of Garshaw, leader of the Tok'ra. "The false god that once ruled here has been removed from power, for the crime of enslaving the people who live here. Should someone come to claim their place or to threaten these people, they too will face judgement. The people of this planet are now free. So says the Alliance."

"We left these at all the locations where the System Lords were taken, along with which worlds are now part of the alliance." Daniels said. "We informed the leaders of the local villages that they should not bury the Stargate or resist if someone tries to take over again. We're monitoring those planets. We've already sent teams to subdue a few more would-be System Lords, who tried to take over."

"What about the worshipers?" Daphne asked.

"They are allowed to keep on worshiping their gods, as long as it is done peacefully." Daniels said.

"Some of these people are quite primitive." Harry pointed out. "Without support from someone with the correct knowledge, they could start suffering. The Goa'uld did support their people, even if it was done forcefully."

"It's taken care of." Daniels said. "Comms have been distributed on those worlds with people trained on the use and a call centre set up with people to call, should something come up." He smirked at Harry. "We didn't make this decision lightly. The Tok'ra are rendering assistance and keeping an eye on Goa'uld movements, while the call centre managers are taking inventory of the resources of each world, so that they can arrange trade between the different worlds."

"Good work, Daniels." Harry said, smiling at the big man, after considering what he had been told. "Any people you couldn't get to?" he asked. He'd wanted to know what was going on, but he also knew the big wolf was proud of his action and he likely did it with the blessing of the Alpha.

"There are a few who either stay on ships, or only use Jaffa to carry out their will from remote locations." Daniels admitted. "We know where they operate, though, and the locations are being watched."

"You know of their scorched earth policy?" Harry asked.

"If they can't have it, they'll destroy it." Daniels nodded. "We've got people on it, don't worry. If a ship appears above protected planets, I'll be recalled and we'll take Plutus to the location instantly to render support. We've got all twelve ships operational and have their crews trained up for their functions."

"Good work." Harry repeated.

Daniels smiled at Harry. The cub had been worried about the state of affairs in the galaxy and the wolves had the drive, the ability, and now, the knowledge to help. When Daniels had seen the recording of Harry using his image to reprimand the actions of an advanced race, his chest had filled with pride. The cub obviously looked up to him and he wanted to prove that he was worthy of the faith Harry had in him.

Starting on the action was not by any means a quick and easy decision. They needed to consider the ramifications and discuss the needs of the people. Taking out the System Lords was going to cause mayhem if it wasn't handled correctly and they would be taking on a big responsibility by doing so. The System Lords had reigned for thousands of years. The people would cling to their religion, since it was both a responsibility and a comfort to them. It had been decided to let them continue believing as they wanted, but the use of humans as hosts was outlawed entirely, except if both the symbiote and human was willing to share the body mutually, like the Tok'ra did.

The Jaffa would be allowed to keep using the larval Goa'uld, since they needed them, but they were given the option to become human and would be placed on a waiting list to receive the treatment. Many wouldn't go for that, since it cut their life-expectancy in half, even if they needed to find a new larval Goa'uld every few years.


It was decided that Hathor would serve as a queen for spawning the needed larva. It was no longer a sexual act, since she was no longer enjoying the normal form of procreation. Instead, a mundane donor was used and the 'donations' were delivered to Hathor, who used means Harry didn't want to think about to produce the new offspring.

To accommodate her required payment, a stock of storage cards were used to store the hex he used on her. For every new spawning she performed, she would receive her payment and her life started becoming much more enjoyable again. As a result of her loyalty, proven through many tests and enforced by magical contract, she was given the freedom to roam Harmony.

She had been amazed at the sight of the magical city, a place she now referred to as the home of the gods, but had eventually found her way to Harry's mansion and had started working as a maid in his house. That wasn't an easy pill to swallow for a few of the girls, but Hathor had grovelled and begged her mistresses to allow her to serve, swearing that she would die for her master. She just wanted to be of use. They had put her through another set of tests, but her loyalty was proven to be unwavering. She did want to look good though, and started wearing a sexy little French maid outfit, provided happily by Fleur. The French girl found the whole thing rather amusing and was one of two who supported her cause entirely, the other being Luna, to nobody's surprise.

Hermione had been outraged, calling the whole thing a form of slavery, but it was pointed out to her that Hathor had requested and even preferred this life to her old one. It was slavery, but a willing one, much like Dobby. Harry needed Hathor to perform her duties and Hathor wanted nothing more than the ecstasy Harry was able to give her and to feel like she'd earned it, since that made it better.

The big difference was that Hathor was getting what she had wanted for a thousand years. Permanent sexual gratification and having access to what she perceived to be the ultimate power. True, she had wanted to be in a ruling position, but serving the person who ultimately defeated the System Lords and set the rules in the Galaxy was not far away from what she wanted in the first place.

The hosts of the System Lords had been released and unsurprisingly, they had all wanted to be allowed to die, the advanced aging kicking in the moment the body stopped being put in a sarcophagus on a regular basis. The Goa'uld symbiotes were then transformed into humans, following the same process Harry had used on Apophis.

Over the coming weeks and months, there would be many ploys and threats to the locals of the System Lords' home planets, but there were no releases. The Jaffa were unable to free their masters and every attempt simply gave the wolves a new target, or targets, and they would end up joining their masters in Prison, which some of them preferred.

Harry also found time to meet a new alien race, who called themselves the Spirits, in honour of the ancient tribe of Native Americans they had chosen to protect. They were also another kind of magical, almost as close to wizards and witches as were the Nox. They had advanced technology, shape shifting abilities and the ability to heal. Unfortunately they were not interested in venturing out into the universe or joining the Alliance, but they were quite happy to meet the wolves and their leader, who turned into a wolf herself, was happy to have the wolves use their lands and woods as a place to hunt and train their wolf shapes, as long as she could join them.

There were a few other things that happened to the team, but the wolves had been able to cover them, when things went out of hand. There was one planet with large flying bugs, which resembled a dragon-fly to Harry, if dragonflies were as big as your head and could sting you like a scorpion. This particular bug, however, turned any living being it stung into a genetic copy of itself, or many depending on the victim's size. The entire planet had been overrun. The wolves had already started putting up wards to keep the menaces away from the city in which the Stargate could be found. The technology of the planet was on par with Earth, so there were no advancements, but it was an entire planet which could be used for a new colony, with structures already built and in place for people to inhabit… once they cleaned out the cocoons left by the dead people and animals, anyway.

They had also found a device which could control the weather on an entire planet. This was interesting, but not something Harry really cared about, since they'd already perfected ways of both emulating the weather they wanted and set up systems to keep everything in perfect balance on Harmony. The SGC and Harmony scientists were more than welcome to study it, though, as long as it wasn't moved from the planet it was on.


There had been a strange situation, where a strange six-legged insect-like human-sized being had tried to follow them through the Stargate. The mundane SG members were unable to see them, but the wolves had used magic to bind the creature and brought it along. The insect looked fierce, but turned out to be quite peaceful. Establishing communication had been a bit difficult, but it turned out the creature understood humans easily enough, and they ended up communicating through a computer with a keyboard.

The Re'tu informed them of a rebel faction of their kind, who wanted to eliminate all possible hosts for the Goa'uld, since they had been attacked simply because they were invisible to normal people. The Goa'uld were not the kind to leave such a threat behind. The wolves thanked the creature for the information and there was now always one wolf in the control room, to ensure nobody brought more of them back, even though every team had a magical now. They could still miss something coming up behind them, if the creature was really, really lucky.

Also, while Harry was away, Sam's dad told her that he had cancer. They were not allowed to tell him about the Stargate, but Harry's people had made the executive decision to go pick the man up and explain a few things to him. He was told about there being hope for him, but he'd need to sign a contract, to keep things safe. He had refused at first, until it was mentioned that they worked with Sam on occasion.

That had changed his mind quickly and he signed the document. That had enabled them to tell him about their own operation, which just so happened to include monitoring things happening at the SGC. That's how Jacob Carter joined the Stargate program, as a consultant for the Wolves. Jacob had, in an effort to stay in the action, moved to Harmony, where Sam now saw her dad all the time. She was even considering leasing a flat in one of the newly constructed magical residential buildings.


The next event to occur, had Harry very glad he'd put the backup site in place. Apparently one of the teams were exploring a desert-like world in a binary star-system, when one of the two suns collapsed into a black hole. The effect of the black-hole was to keep the wormhole open when the SGC dialled out to the location. Fortunately they had been able to switch it to the backup site. Not too soon either, as their proximity to the black hole was affecting time and the wolves had barely been able to call for help, to arrange extraction.

Prometheus, being the only ship capable of hyperspace travel, since Harry refused to use the StellarNet near a black-hole, was sent and they recovered the team by beaming them on-board from outside of the gravitational and time-distortion field. They had then left in a hurry.

The effect was diagnosed on the backup site, all missions being cancelled and recalled. The returned people were still scanned, but they were obviously not sent through to the backup site from there. When Harry called Thor to ask about the effect, they were informed that such things did occur and that they had been lucky to remove their forces before they were un-recoverable. Loki had suggested that they divert the Stargate to another location, when they found that it could not be closed from their side, even though they had dialled it, but Harry just called in Doctor Pike, who giddily performed the first reset of their backup site. It took only minutes for the backup site to be online and connected again, no longer connected.

The whole event took only a few days and missions resumed normally after that.


There were a few developments over the following months, but nothing the SGC really needed the wolves for, since the Goa'uld were trying their very best to try and avoid detection from the Alliance.

Harry had succeeded in using the knowledge that the team who had made the portable DHDs had gained to speed up the dialling process, by creating links between the symbols on the Stargate and having those connections activate as if they were in the correct location to be locked in. This had come as a welcome surprise to the operators, since Harry had done it in secret. He was reprimanded for not telling anyone, but he didn't really care. It would be an asset for them.

Jack had joked about the Stargate being able to tone-dial now, which was a pretty accurate statement. The previous dialling method worked much an old analogue telephone.


Harry had been called into a closed door meeting by General Hammond, when Sam had received a wound on her hand in a recent mission. General Hammond had been adamant that the wound be treated by normal medical methods and then went to speak to Harry.

"Time Travel?" Harry asked, after the General told him the entire story as he remembered it. Apparently SG-1 had met the General when he was a much younger man, and a Lieutenant, but Samantha Carter had a very familiar wound on her hand when she went back.

"Yes." General Hammond said. "I know what I need to do, but you can't tell them what you know and you can't accompany them."

"Because you didn't see anyone else with them last time." Harry said in realization. "Why aren't we warning them?" he asked.

"Because they were as confused in 1969 as I was." General Hammond said. "I had Captain Carter research everything she'll need to know and I will be certain to hand them what I know I did last time."

"I hate time travel." Harry groused.

"You've got experience with it?" General Hammond asked.

"Not that I can tell you about." Harry said.

"Ah, I see." General Hammond nodded. If Harry couldn't share it, it was either a trade secret or too dangerous to be tampered with. "So you understand why I need to have things happen as they did before?" he asked.

"Not really." Harry said. "But I suppose you will know best. Hopefully it doesn't take them years to get back, or they need to get help."

"Do you know of a sure-fire way to get them back?" General Hammond asked.

"Of course." Harry said. He could likely simply create a safe location, set up a machine and set a timer, before transporting them all into a storage device. "The problem with not knowing everything about the situation means you need to make it work for you. Unfortunately you know that they get captured, so if I changed things, we couldn't have this conversation, so that, at least, will still need to happen. After that, though, you don't even know if they make it back. For all you know, you've sent them off to re-appear years from now. I don't think they'd appreciate that."

"And your solution?" General Hammond asked.

"We simply accompany them invisibly." Harry said with a shrug. "We wait for the time to pass, where you no longer know what will happen and then Cooper and I set things up so that we can come back."

"Is there a way to gain some sort of advantage from this?" General Hammond asked.

"Not for you, necessarily." Harry said. "For me, definitely."

"Without affecting your personal past?" General Hammond asked.

"I'll confer with the Asgard, but I'm almost certain it's achievable." Harry said. "Do you know when this will happen?"

"I just know that Captain Carter's hand was still healing and had stitches." General Hammond said.

"I'll confer with the Asgard and make my plans." Harry said. "Do you know what time-frame we're working on?"

"The next mission for SG-1 is scheduled for three days from now." General Hammond said.

"Cool." Harry said, getting up. "I'll be back." he said, modifying his face and voice to emulate a certain robot, sent from the future.

"This isn't something to joke about." General Hammond said.

"What's the point of life if you can't enjoy it a little?" Harry asked, before smiling at the man. "Don't worry, General, I'll make sure that the situation is handled with the utmost urgency and professionalism."

"Somehow, I doubt that." General Hammond said. He knew the young man could be trusted, but he was, sometimes, a little on the impulsive side.


The team were sent off, with General Hammond having given Sam a note which she was meant to read after they arrived at their destination.

They had been captured, shortly after arriving plus-minus thirty years in the past, and figured out that they had been sent back in time. They had wondered about the fact that they had been sent on this mission without Harry and Cooper. At that moment, it seemed like they could have used the help. Sam was telling them that they were not allowed to change things and they were still discussing what to do, while they were being driven off in the back of a truck, when the truck got a flat tire.

A short while later, the much younger Lieutenant Hammond explained to them that he'd found the note in his own handwriting, telling him to help. It was the note sent with Sam. It seemed the General had known to expect this and they asked for the note. It said only to help them, with dates and times. The dates and times were for solar flares that had occurred that year. They would be able to predict the correct time and use the Stargate to travel back. At least, that's what Sam was thinking.

They made quick work of the guards, stunning them with the Zat-Gun (a weapon that stunned through electrocution, killed and disintegrated, depending on how many times you shot someone or something) and disintegrated their equipment, so as not to have it fall into the wrong hands, changing the time-line. When Jack finally stunned Lieutenant Hammond, after borrowing a bit of money, Harry appeared. "Took you long enough." he said, as he pulled a large black orb from a backpack, which rapidly expanded into The Sphere.

"Harry!" Jack exclaimed. "When did you get here? How?"

"I came with you guys." Harry said, like it should have been obvious.

"So, you don't happen to have a time-machine in there, do you?" Daniel asked, hopefully.

"Something like that, yes." Harry said as the hatch opened for them. "Come on. Let's get going." he said, leading the way onto his latest ship.

Jack was the first on-board. He looked around at the inside and noted that it was very comfortably appointed, with a few dedicated rooms and even a small lab. "Not what I'd call cosy." he muttered.

"So the General told you what was going to happen?" Sam asked.

"Remember the research he had you do?" Harry asked. "He was going to have you use that to go back, using solar flares he looked up in our time. Unfortunately he never considered the possibility that you overshoot your destination. Since he never saw you again, he assumed you made it back."

"Well, he's not a scientist." Sam said, defending the man, and her own research.

"Can you be certain you'd be able to get the timing exactly right?" Harry asked, with a lifted eyebrow, as he led them to the bridge.

"Well…" Sam said. She had to admit that she'd like to try, but there was the possibility that she'd not get things exactly right. "What's your plan?" she challenged.

"I worked with the Asgard on a plan and then set up an automatic release system for my storage disks." Harry said.

"Suspending us perfectly for exactly the right amount of time." Sam said in realization.

"Good plan." Daniel said. "Are you here alone, or are your girls around somewhere?" he asked.

"They didn't need to come." Harry said, as he took his seat. "We should only be gone a couple of minutes if our plans work out." They were already invisible as they flew up. "So, are there any events over the next 30 years you'd like to witness?" he asked with a smirk. "I'm just saying, we're invisible and I can set up the system to store us however long we want…"

"If you spend too much time away from home, your fiancées will note that your hair has grown." Cooper said as he finally slipped from invisibility.

"Oh, good." Jack said with a sigh. "We're not alone here with mister 'I build working spaceships for fun when I'm twelve'."

"Technically, I suppose we could…" Sam said, feeling the same about having Cooper there.

"Would there not be temptation to change the past?" Teal'c asked, from where he sat at one of the gunner positions. He felt quite comfortable, since it was his seat and the girls had taken that into consideration when they designed it. His controls were very familiar to him.

Sam was sitting behind her own screen, where she had access to more of the views, with access to star charts built into the system, for navigation. The StellarNet didn't exist yet and she still didn't know how that worked anyway. "There is very little we could do in this timeline, that wouldn't affect our own lives."

"And I thought you were smart." Harry said, shaking his head, smirking at her for her oversight.

"We're in a spaceship." Daniel pointed out. "Anything we do or change off of the planet, should be safe, as long as we don't go anywhere we've been before."

"We could still affect things that change things on Earth." Sam said.

"So, we won't buy stocks in Microsoft." Jack said.

"Sony would be easier. They actually exist." Harry pointed out.

"How do you know?" Sam asked, with narrowed eyes.

"Well… if you know you're going back in time, you plan for it." Harry said, as he started flying them straight up. "There's a lot of things that take time and you could start a few processes."

"You've got something in mind?" Jack asked.

"I was thinking of buying a couple of bottles of scotch and wine that is reasonably inexpensive now, which we know ages well." Harry admitted.

"How will you buy things?" Daniel asked. "You don't have any money here."

"Diamonds only started being tagged in 1983." Harry said, smirking. Once they were out of the atmosphere, he stopped them and used the limited range system he had built for the Sphere. It functioned on the same principle as the StellarNet but was only able to function in their current solar system. He focussed on the information he got back and they appeared above Mercury.

"What are we doing here?" Sam asked.

"I'm dropping a couple of toys from the Asgard." Harry said, as he pressed a button, which released the devices. Four magical solar panels connected to the latest storage devices the Asgard had come up with appeared in front of the ship and Harry activated them. They started flipping open more and more panels, until they were many times larger than the ones Harry had made to power Harmony. It would be capable of storing limitless amounts of energy. Set that up for 30 years and they should be able to output more energy than the ancients could get from their Zero-Point Modules… at least for a while.

"What are those?" Sam asked.

"Batteries." Harry said. "Solar-powered."

"How much can they store?" Sam asked.

"Considering how much closer we are to the sun? Probably enough to power Harmony for a thousand years once we pick them up in thirty years… each." Harry said, with a smirk.

"You're not serious!" Sam exclaimed. So much power! How could any device store that much power?

"We'll pick these up when we're back in the future." Harry said, as he transported them back to Earth. "So, what first?" he asked.


General Hammond had just watched SG-1 leave through the Stargate, when he received a call on his Comm. He went to his office quickly and answered.

"The mission was a success." Harry said.

"Good job." Hammond said, sighing in relief. Perhaps it was a good idea to let the kid go with them, after all.

"We're quickly handling the mission you sent them on originally, then we'll head back to Harmony." Harry said.

"You didn't mess with the timeline, did you?" Hammond asked.

"Only a little." Harry said. "Are you in your office?��� he asked.

"Yes." General Hammond said.

"Open the Comm-box." Harry instructed.

"What's this?" General Hammond asked, after pulling out a dusty bottle of whiskey.

"Jack said you'd appreciate the interest of a fine bottle, over the money you lent him." Harry said. "He bought that with the money. It should be worth enough to send one of your grandchildren to college with. More if you wait till that time comes."

The General looked at the bottle. It would have been cheap when it was bought, but he knew well how some bottles age well and their value increasing because of it. "Tell Jack that he's right." he said. "And thank you." he added. He'd be putting the bottle in a display case.

"See you later." Harry said as he ended the call.


They didn't just buy the one bottle. No, they'd bought a few cases. And then some other stuff Harry knew would become valuable with time. He'd left them in a secure location, which he had then sealed off, and then he'd activated the self-containment of the entire Sphere. It was reasonably easy to do, with a bit of experimentation. The function was protected and only he'd be able to activate it, but it would be useful if they ever needed to wait out an enemy, for whatever reason, so he decided to keep it.

After the mission, which was a simple exploratory mission, he'd gone to retrieve the devices from where he had left them. He could tell that they had stored a lot of energy, as the hand-sized blue diamonds that were used as the storage mechanism had an aura of magic he could sense. Hell the aura was visible to the naked eye, so Sam had scanned them for radiation, just in case. They seemed to be perfectly safe.

He took the devices back to the Asgard, but kept two of the Diamonds, to place them in Harmony, where he'd use them if the need ever arose for something that required such immense energy. The Asgard had explained the principle to Harry who had loved to hear about ways of storing energy, besides his method, which released energy instantly and all at once.

They'd explained that the diamonds' physical form represented the opening to a sustained pocket in subspace time. The time factor was what released the energy, depending on the amount of drain, much like how a battery could, in different situations, lose their charge more quickly, depending on what it was used for. While not being used, however, their potential energy does not escape, so they would stay charged indefinitely.

In Harry's mind the visible aura would suggest that the energy was escaping, but it was explained as a side-effect of the type of energies stored, on the heat radiating from the diamond. Since it stored all kinds of energy, even though it was completely contained, they still affected the energies around the crystal, so it wasn't so much escaping as the potential energy was reacting to the actual energy in and around the crystal. Cooling it down from room temperature proved this, as the aura vanished entirely.

They also informed him that the aura would change depending on how the energy was used, something they'd already apparently tested and found to be true. It could change colour, or become bigger, but it would simply be a visual side-effect, which would show that the crystal was in use. When at normal room temperature the diamond still had a lovely blue-hued aura that looked like cold fire burning on the surface. It would have that same Aura until it was drained.

They intended to develop a way to measure the energies contained and promised to give him a method to see the charge at some point in the future. They apparently had plans on making more of these crystals, and seeing how the energy could be used, and what it worked on. Harry didn't give them many rune-schemes and had warned of the dangers of experimenting. If they proved they could be responsible with the knowledge he had already entrusted to them, he'd give them more information. Much like how they didn't give him access to all their technology, for the same reason.


Over the next few months, things slowed down some. With the Goa'uld fighting for dominance amongst each other and the Tok'ra keeping an eye on them, things were finally looking like they would calm down. The missions were sometimes more difficult than others. Harry had a rough time with one culture who used their children, through use of nanites, to learn things more quickly and then share the knowledge, leaving the children robbed of all they had learned in their short lives.

He had wanted to simply outlaw the use, but it was decided that the culture had a right to their own ways of doing things. Considering the children agreed and that their civilization had a massive technological growth-rate, they just ensured that the children were better taken care of afterward. Unfortunately magic would damage the nanites, otherwise Harry would have used his means to copy the data first, to give it back to the children after it was removed, along with all the nanites.

Harry needed some time off after that, and Jack joined him. He had had much the same reaction. They kept the knowledge from the Goblins, though. They'd go to war and kill every person who had ever benefitted from the sacrifice, even if it was only a sacrifice of knowledge. Children were a sacred treasure, after all.

Harry and Jack showed up on the planet where Sokar, the 'god of the dead', or the devil, made his home. He was an outcast and he seemed to prefer it that way. He was sitting alone in his throne room, contemplating the flame of a candle, when two people appeared before him.

Trying to look unsurprised, he looked up at them, still somehow looking down at them past his nose. "Who are you?" he asked in a cold tone.

"Hi." Harry said, as he conjured two chairs, one for himself and one for Jack, who had his weapon trained on the man. "I'm Harry. The one with the gun is Jack. The other one doesn't matter to you."

Sokar looked around, but saw nobody. "The other?" he asked with a sneer.

"Don't worry about them." Harry said.

"Why are you here?" Sokar repeated, eye twitching as he did so.

"We have been looking for you for a while." Harry said.

"Enemy of my enemy and all that." Jack said.

"Exactly." Harry said. "I hear you plan on conquering the galaxy and taking out the System Lords."

"My plans are none of your concern." Sokar said.

"I'm here to inform you that your plans have changed." Harry said. "As of a few weeks ago, I've taken most of the System Lords into custody."

"Impossible." Sokar said.

"Sorry." Jack said. "We were tired of waiting for you."

"You are bluffing." Sokar said. "You found out about my plans and now you are trying to trick me." he stated.

"No tricks." Harry said. "We've got quite a few of them."

"Nine." Jack said.

"Nine." Harry nodded. He hadn't counted. "We're still missing you, and a few others. The other Goa'uld are fighting to take over their territories and to claim positions as the new System Lords."

"That's impossible." Sokar repeated.

Harry created illusions of the System Lords they have in captivity, just standing there in their prison uniforms. "These are the ones we have. We set their bodies free and made them some new ones."

Sokar looked at the faces of his enemies and smiled. "So you have destabilised their power structures."

"Ripe for the harvest." Jack agreed. He had needed a win and Harry had discussed his current plan with him. He was looking forward to the show.

"Why are you telling me?" Sokar asked.

"Because we want you to win." Harry said.

"He does." Jack corrected, indicating Harry with a nod of his head. "I want to simply kill the bunch of you, but that's apparently not a long term goal."

"You wish for me to become the god to rule above all others?" Sokar asked, as he raised his hand, where he suddenly realised his weapon had disappeared.

"Nothing like that." Harry said, waving his hand as if banishing the thought. "I want you to act like you do, though. It'll make it easier to destroy the Goa'uld who act like gods. I'll even promise you a planet of your own at the end of it all."

"You think you can dictate to a god?!" Sokar finally lost his temper. "Guards!" he yelled.

Harry simply smiled at the man, clicked his fingers and waited. A troop of Jaffa rushed in and ran straight into a barrier Harry had setup in secret. "Oh, no." Harry smiled at him. "There goes those men. Want to try again?" he offered. He turned to Jack. "Do you want some coffee?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure." Jack confirmed, lowering his weapon into his lap.

Two cups appeared before them. "Thank you Dobby." Harry said, picking up his own.

"What is this?" Sokar asked, suddenly realising these were no mere mortals. "Who are you really?"

Harry had decided to make a little display of it, to burn off some of his frustration, so he started creating an illusion he had been planning as he and Jack discussed how best to handle this.

Sokar watched in horror, as the room around them lit on fire, the floor melting from the heat he felt on his skin. The newcomers were sitting quite comfortably on their seats, which were now made of fire, but the one not holding a weapon, who was still sipping from his cup, suddenly had red skin and horns grew out of his head, while furled leathery wings appeared on his back.

The worst part were his eyes. They were completely black, but surrounded by an ethereal green fire. The complete apathy in those eyes, as they regarded him, was frightening to him. He at least enjoyed the torment of those he sent to live on the hellish moon above his planet, but this monster didn't really care one way or another. He would have his way, or he'd try something else.

As Sokar lifted his feet away from the fire on the quickly melting floor, he saw lakes of fire and thousands of screaming souls, for they could not be alive with so much of their different body parts missing. He saw immense demonic creatures laughing and torturing those souls, gigantic pitchforks and other instruments of torment in their hands.

"Who we really are is of no concern." Harry said. His voice was now so low it rumbled, with undertones of sibilance as his forked tongue came out of his mouth for a second. "All you need to know is that you have been using a name that does not belong to you. You will serve me, as I see fit, or I shall place you with the rest of my failures." he said, pointing below them.

"This… this isn't real." Sokar denied what he was seeing.

One of the giant demons below them suddenly looked up and smiled as he reached his hand up, barely reaching Sokar, but still grasping his entire torso in a crushing grip. The heat from the hand was scorching his skin as his clothing started to burn and he instantly started screaming as he felt his skin begin crisp up like he was a pig on a too-hot fire.

"Stop." Harry said calmly, still in his modified monstrous voice.

"BUT MASTER, HE DESERVES TO BE PUNISHED." the demon said, bowing his head at Harry, while his unholy voice echoed off the walls and ceiling of the room.

"He has not learned his place." Harry said. "Release him. If he still refuses me, you may have him for a couple thousand years. Then we'll see if he still feels the same."

"AS YOU COMMAND." the demon said, dropping the would-be-god. "PLEASE DENY MY MASTER. I WISH TO FEAST UPON YOUR SOUL!"

Sokar landed on his chair, his skin still scorched and blistering. His clothes having completely burned away. He looked at Harry in horror then.

"You took up the identities of gods long worshipped before you were born." Harry said. "Did you not fear angering them? Did you never wonder from whence these beliefs sprung?"

"You c-c-c-can't be?!" Sokar stuttered through his pain as he curled up in a ball on his seat.

Harry smiled at the man and snapped his fingers. The ground reformed, his horns retracted along with his wings and his skin turned normal, but his eyes remained black for a few more seconds until he blinked and they were his again. Sokar's skin was still scorched and blistered, though. A reminder and encouragement that he should not forget what he had experienced. "What I am isn't important. What happens now, is."

"Cover yourself, man." Jack said.

Harry snapped his fingers and the man was clothed again. "Sorry about that, Jack." Harry apologised. "The minions seldom care for such things."

"Understandable, considering how they spend their days." Jack said, reasonably.

"So, Sokar, shall we talk duties?" Harry asked, his eyes flashing to black again for a second.


"Where have you been?" Hermione asked, as Harry returned later that day. "We couldn't reach you and you weren't on any of your usual feeds."

"I was on a mission." Harry said.

"He needed to let off some steam and put something in place." Cooper said, from the door, where he would depart from. "I was with him and he had Jack there as well. He was perfectly safe." Harry would be spending the rest of his day at home and Cooper had a life of his own. When Harry wasn't off-world or working on dangerous things, he usually tried to fall in with other missions going on, on Earth. He still liked to spend time with his wolf brethren, when the opportunity arose.

"Thank you Cooper." Hermione said. "But I wasn't asking that."

"I needed to do something personal." Harry snapped at her. "I'm not a child." he finished as he stomped away.

"What is going on?" Hermione asked, partially worried about him and partially worried she'd somehow offended him.

"Harry is still not happy about that planet and the children." Cooper said. "He also feels like he has no privacy. Every time he does anything, you lot insist on knowing what he's been up to."

"But we worry!" Hermione exclaimed.

"So do mothers when their toddlers are in day-care." Cooper pointed out. "Do they put them under full-time bodyguards and surveillance?"

Hermione wanted to object, but realised the man was right. She'd properly stuck her foot in her mouth. Harry had been very forthcoming and gave them an unreasonable amount of oversight, at their insistence. It was only a matter of time before he started pushing them away, if they kept on insisting on him being watched at all times. Hell, she herself would feel insulted at what they demanded from Harry. "When did we start doing this?" she asked herself.

"When he started playing with things that put himself and others in danger." Cooper said, uninvited, before he turned and left. He could never understand why Harry always indulged them, when he personally knew it chafed at his nerves to always be treated like a child. He'd seen the warning signs, but had said nothing, knowing that it would rear its head at some point. Harry was not just a strong young man, he was also intelligent and quick on his feet. They really should show a bit more trust.


"So, he impersonated the Devil, nearly killed Sokar and then left him with orders to unite the Goa'uld under the banner of the Alliance?" Daniel asked Jack.

"While punishing the wicked, as the devil is supposed to." Jack nodded, having pretty much just finished his report to his team-mates.

"And the 'nearly burning a person to death' thing doesn't concern you?" Sam asked.

"Do you know what Sokar used to do for fun?" Jack asked. "He'd send people to be tortured and then expected detailed reports so that he could enjoy the pain he'd inflicted. Now, he's been ordered to use every means possible to take over the Goa'uld territories without so much as one innocent human dying or suffering. Sokar is free to do as he likes with the Goa'uld, but their hosts may not be harmed. I'd call that a better use of his time, wouldn't you?"

"With the current chaos, Sokar will likely have very little resistance when he takes over. Many Jaffa will still die, when the Goa'uld they serve resists." Teal'c said.

"Many Jaffa are dying already." Jack pointed out. "That couldn't be avoided." Teal'c nodded in acceptance. "That doesn't mean we can't spread the word that Sokar is under new management. If the Jaffa leave their current Goa'uld overlords and join him willingly, or go to Alliance protected planets, things will change in this Galaxy pretty quickly."

"Until Sokar finds out Harry isn't the real Devil." Daniel pointed out.

"If you were there, you'd understand." Jack said. "If he came to me with that display, I'd believe that he's the real devil." He shuddered. "When that Demon reached up and grabbed Sokar, I thought he'd somehow figure out it was an illusion, but Harry made the illusion real. Just seeing that thing made me want to crap my pants! If Sokar believes he isn't the Devil, he likely believes that he's a real god."

"Is that any better?" Daniel asked. "We're trying to get these people to stop believing in false gods."

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Jack exclaimed. "If we can get the Goa'uld to keep themselves busy with their in-fighting, all we need to do is mop up what's left over and make sure the people don't suffer." he said.

"Is Sokar being watched?" Teal'c asked.

"Oh, yeah." Jack smiled then. He took out his Comm and clicked on a new icon with little devil horns. Instantly a display popped up with an image of Sokar inspecting a burn-wound on one of his arms. The symbiote was already healing him, but there was a strong likelihood that the giant hand-print would still be visible after he was healed. "He's got the guy under personal surveillance. Apparently the Wolves will have access to this and an 'Emissary' of the 'Devil's' will be able to speak to the man directly in his ear, if he steps out of line."

"Wow." Sam said. "I didn't know he could do that."

"Well, it is Harry we're talking about." Daniel said. "If he wasn't capable, we'd be in serious trouble."

"So, Harry has handed over the operation to the wolves?" Teal'c asked.

"Harry doesn't ever sit around watching people." Jack said. "That's why he's got people to do that for him. Personally I'm hoping he continues his research."

"What's he working on?" Sam asked, out of interest. Suddenly the whole Sokar thing didn't bother her all that much. Harry liked to get dramatic sometimes. Usually it ends up working in their favour, like what happened on Cimmeria.

"I think he's working on a different way to travel besides entering and navigating Hyper-whatever." Jack said. "He was saying something about entering subspace."

"He once mentioned something about spending holidays exploring the 'infinite cosmos'." Daniel said, seemingly in thought.

"Do you think-" Sam started.

"I don't know." Jack interrupted. "I'm not a scientist. He just said something about sub-light engines in hyper-something being limited because of the limitations of the dimension."

"And the Asgard can travel between Galaxies in hours already.�� Sam said, her eyes showing shock.

"Harry can too." Jack said. "He's got the Prometheus all kitted out, after all."

"And that instant travel thing he's got set up." Daniel added.

"But that requires an established connection." Sam disagreed. "He'd still need to travel to the different galaxies initially. If he can set up an automated system, which creates the links between the galaxies, though, he could potentially start exploring further than we can currently see in space."

"Is that even possible?" Jack asked.

"I honestly don't know." Sam said. "We can speculate, but we don't have proof that what we can see isn't limited by something, somehow. The universe could potentially be infinite."

"I've got a suspicion that we'll find out, when Harry's done advancing." Daniel said.

"I don't see that happening anytime soon." Sam said. "With how far he's come in so little time, I'd not be surprised if Harry will discover a way to become immortal, just so he can keep on learning."

"The human mind can only contain so much information." Teal'c said. They had learned that lesson, when Jack's mind was being overwritten by the ancient knowledge.

"He'll likely find a way around that too." Sam scoffed. "Him or Doctor Parkinson. Did you know that she was able to help the Asgard come up with a solution to a problem that has plagued them for thousands of years? It only took her three months!"

"Well, magic is relatively new in the universe, if he's to be believed." Daniel said. Then he smiled. "I really hope he lets us join, once he makes the Stargate program obsolete."

"Hasn't he already?" Jack asked.

"Well, only as soon as we've been able to discover every world that has one, considering so many of them have people on them." Sam said. "By that point the only way to discover anything new, would be to travel to new systems by his methods. Or our own, if we learn enough. I don't know if we'll need to expand that far in our lifetimes, though."

"Considering the enemies we have here already, let's hope that's a few years away still." Jack said, hopefully. "There's more than enough trouble here. There's no need to go looking for more."


Harry was struggling with a difficult decision. The Stargate team had become good friends of his, and he liked spending time with them, but he'd been so focussed on them for the last while, going on missions almost every other day these days, that he wasn't getting to spend time on his own research. He really wanted to focus on that, but still wanted to join them.

"What's got you down, pup?" Sirius asked, as he joined him on the balcony of the Black Mansion, which overlooked Harmony.

"Oh. Hi Sirius." Harry said, looking up at his godfather. "Back from the office early?" he asked with a smirk.

Sirius narrowed his eyes at Harry. "If Amelia makes me sit through one more meeting about the laws of Harmony and how we need to implement them, I'll likely curse her." he finally admitted.

"Just take her out for dinner already." Harry chuckled. "She's just trying to spend more time with you."

"What?!" Sirius asked, shocked. "But she's so old!" he exclaimed.

"She's ten years your senior, Sirius!" Harry pointed out. "Besides, if Madam Pomfrey succeeds in her project, you'll both be able to counter the effects of age, making age just a number."

Sirius's eyes widened as he considered it. "That's not a bad point… Hey! You changed the subject on me! I asked you why you were looking down." he reminded Harry, putting the possibility of dating Amelia in the back of his mind. It wasn't difficult, considering how much he cared for the young man, but he'd definitely consider the possibilities later.

"Nothing." Harry lied, as he turned to continue to staring out over the town. Teal'c had recently made the move there, after finally, and uncharacteristically, needing to pull together the courage to ask his wife and his superiors at the SGC. Harry had watched him walking his son home from school, from his balcony. They had just returned from another mission and Teal'c had caught a lift with Harry.

The boy had been animatedly talking, likely about what he had been learning or friends he had made. He had watched them until they disappeared into a large apartment building, where they stayed in a rather spacious double story house, complete with a backyard, grass and a couple of trees. You just had to love magical construction. They even had a view of the sky. The idea had been to allow people to feel like they weren't living in each other's space.

Drey'auc had recently even passed her tests and gotten a permit to rent a scooter. It was the magical variety and could fly at a modest clip. It was her primary form of transport and it was a very popular choice currently. Even when it rained, the scooter remained dry and didn't need to worry about obstructions. She just needed to follow the rules. In this case, there were specific places and ways to travel. There weren't 'sky roads', per-se, but there were places that still saw heavier traffic and for those, there were rules.

The whole thing had been handled by the Council of Harmony, the governing body, which consisted of the heads of the different departments, who, besides the Goblins, were voted into positions based on the need. Moody had been miffed that he needed to have his Police learn the licensing and flight rules, so that they could take charge of that, but seeing as how the police were basically wolves with flight capabilities built into their uniforms, at least they didn't need to use the same tools.

Harry shook himself out of his thoughts when he realised Sirius had been talking and he'd not heard a word. "I'm sorry, Sirius." he said. "What were you saying? I kind of got lost in my thoughts for a bit."

"I was saying," Sirius said with a sigh and a roll of his eyes, "that you seem distracted. What's going on?" he asked again.

"I'm just trying to decide if I should take some time off from the team." Harry said. "I really want to do some research, but I've put so many systems in place for security that there's a new mission every other day."

"The price of having made things so damn efficient." Sirius said. "Your Cacodaemon do their scouting before any mission is attempted, in secret, and you know when a place has people you want to meet. How many alien races have you met by now anyway?"

"Define alien." Harry said.

"Intelligent, but they don't look human." Sirius said.

"Six or seven." Harry shrugged. There were the Spirits (shape shifters), the Asgard, the Unas (a reptilian humanoid race from the Goa'uld homeworld), the Jaffa (who it turned out were just modified humans), the Nox, the Goa'uld themselves and a few more. Some were more primitive, some were more advanced.

"That's six or seven more than we knew about a few years ago." Sirius pointed out. "At this point, does the team even need you?" he asked.

"I suppose not." Harry allowed. Scouting missions were about all they got. All worlds with advanced populations were now contacted by a ship from orbit, allowing the locals to decide if they thought the visiting race were advanced enough to meet in person. Or, at least, that was the plan, since they had yet to meet another more advanced race.

The people on the ship would be made up of people from both the SGC and Harmony. When the American Government tried to push their own agenda, General Hammond had loved telling them that the Envoy had refused to work with anyone new.

There had been an incident where someone showed up to abduct General Hammond's grandchildren, but the wolves had had them under protection from the moment that they started working with the SGC. When the perpetrators started showing up with signed and recorded confessions, bound and gagged at FBI, MI5 and Interpol facilities, worldwide, the NID had been quick to disavow any connection with any of the people and the hounds had been called off.

General Hammond was no idiot and had quickly requested asylum from Harmony, which was granted. The NID were not above having him and his entire family snuffed to show their displeasure, which was confirmed by one of the people they had interrogated. General Hammond barely left the SGC as it was. Stating that his family were in witness protection was simple enough and claiming that a foreign agency had arranged the whole thing was believable, considering the reach of the NID, even while it was a civilian branch of the American Government.

The Envoy did relay a message which was to be delivered to the President directly. If the NID continued with their attempts to affect the workings at the SGC, further support would be cut off and the Stargate would likely need to be taken away, until the threat that the NID posed could be stopped.

General Hammond had backed the play up, saying that the interrogated NID personnel had confessed to having been ordered to obtain weapons technology by any means necessary, to use in the protection of the Earth. Their goal may be noble, but their execution would likely make them only more enemies in a galaxy which had many cultures with more advanced technology. The fact that they had been ordered to abduct Lieutenant General Hammond's grandchildren had struck a chord with the President, who had started his own plans to have the NID disbanded. Unfortunately they were a powerful group of people, so the President would need to work at it slowly and carefully.

General Hammond had only been able to read that much between the lines, but at least the current administration seemed to be behind them. He had not been able to tell Harry any of this, but he told the team that the President seemed to not be behind the attempt.

There was a bit of silence as Harry considered all of the recent happenings. "Maybe I should just start working on Prometheus permanently. Then I can stay on the ship with Bill and he can keep an eye, while I continue my own work." Harry said, deep in thought.

"Would you even be able to work like that, knowing the team was off doing all the work and having all the fun?" Sirius asked. He doubted it, very much.

"We'll have to see." Harry said noncommittally. "I'm thinking the team will need to be assigned another wolf, to round things out at least. All the other teams have two magicals. If they went to different worlds without, it would look suspicious and leave them vulnerable."

"I'll get Daniels to arrange someone." Sirius said. "I'd love to see them troop off with someone like Moody on their team." he smirked.

"Ha!" Harry laughed. "That's brilliant! Moody would be memory-charming people around every corner, paranoid bastard that he is!" he finished with a chuckle.

Sirius was glad Harry seemed to be in a better mood. "Well, until someone starts worshiping him as a new god. Just imagine; the cult of the Mad-Eyed god. You never know where you stand with him, since you'll likely never remember meeting him, but he always knows where you are and what you've done." he chuckled along as Harry started laughing again, imagining the strangeness of such a cult. Anyone could claim to be part of it, since everyone knew you wouldn't remember choosing to be part of a cult that wipes your memories of being part of it… for security, of course.