Chaos Veil

Looking around, the veiled woman who was still as critically injured as earlier started desperately pooling all of her remaining Source Energy. She knew her inevitable demise was about to come, and her only shot was to end me before that happens. However, she could also not do it so quickly. Slowly, she encased herself in an ice crystal, perhaps to prevent herself from being attacked while she was in that state.

Activating the Chaotic Energy within me, the incarnation materialized itself in the same form of a thumb-sized figure of a boy in a black beetle costume.

As always, I felt the raw Chaotic Energy pulsating and trying to occupy most of my Energy Channels as if it wanted to convert me from a Source Energy being to a Chaotic Energy Being. It's impossible for it to corrupt me anymore, after all. Nonetheless, that feeling only flashed past before I masterfully controlled the Chaotic Energy coming out from its vessel inside me.