
A unit of Chaotic Energy per minute? That's so cost-effective as an ability to interrupt any Skill below Rank 3 Transcendent level.

Furthermore, remembering how long I've assimilated the Chaosworld and only a meager 21 units have been stored, it calls for me to be frugal in its use.

"Ah. It doesn't matter. Tem, can you redirect my Source Energy to my left hand once it has recovered enough?"

[Yes! It is possible. Unfortunately, Domain-type skills will be impossible to utilize. Beware of it clashing with the Chaotic Energy or they will negate each other. Worse, they might clash and cause an explosion.]

Right. Even if I already adapted it, it still couldn't be melded with Source Energy. Maybe I needed to reach the Divine Realm and assimilate it completely before I'd be able to mix the two opposing types of energies.

"I understand. That's enough, I still have other means. Momo, stop sleeping. I need you this time."