Chapter 5 Notebook

Closing the door he placed his bag beside the study table then glanced at his room there was a large bed in front of the window a study table next to the door and a small cabinet near the bathroom.

Wu bey walked to the Comfort room and toke off his shirt he washed his face gripping the toilet sink he glanced at his face covered by wet hair.

"who are you?"

His eyes reflecting the light while his pupils shrunk leaving just a straight line.


He was about to leave the toilet when his left pocket flashed a blue light

He pulled the thing out,it was the sapphire necklace that he had taken out from the cadavers stomach.

It flashed a faded blue light he quickly left the bathroom and turned on his laptop he searched for the thing online and was shocked from what he discovered.

"They say the bigger it is and the lighter it's color will cost…$200‽"

He looked at the necklace that was still bleeming with a faded light.

"i'll better keep you around with me but it's to feminine for me wearing a necklace"

Wu Bey thought about it and unhooked the necklace to place it unto his wrist.

"problem so–"

Wu Bey's iris was twitching so is the faded light that was slowly turning to deep blue.

He felt a head ache and gripped his hair screaming from the pain he lost control and threw all his stuff to the ground.

He can see other people's memories skipped trough his mind he kicked his bag and runned to his closet searching for a long time he then opened a white cylinder with dozens of pills inside.

He took out three and consumed it like it was just a normal water,he sat down on the ground Wu Bey inhale and exhale softly to maintain again his current breathing.

"shit what was that..?"

Relaxing body and counting his heartbeat Wu Bey then controlled his movement he looked at his surroundings and stood up patting away the dust on his shorts.

He grabbed the blood red notebook and placed it beside the lamp he was about to leave when the bloody notebook opened it's self.

It flipped through many pages that where written by blood a red fingertips can be seen through every page showing that the owner was once hurt while writing it.

When the notebook stopped Wu Bey took a step forward and opened it again,

The notebook that was once blood red was now empty without any trace of being used.

Wu Bey flipped through many pages before returning to the first page

He stared at it for a long time then the blood red words are being wrote again.

'Chapter 1:my father told me grey cat's are cursed but I didn't listen I adopted the poor kitty with a broken leg and cured him,he was so cute and too playful he always woke me up on midnight and scratches the window as if saying there's someone outside, the next day my father died.'

While Wu Bey was reading, his heart started to race realizing that the same description of the cat written on the notebook was also the cat that he had found near the school.

"so if I didn't take the cat sooner will the murderer kill me?"

Wu bey was startled from his thinking he cleaned up his mess and arranged his things for tommorow.

He then again washed his face and looked at his iris his vision was slowly clearing and the line on his eyes was slowly becoming a circle.

"Am I seeing right?,how could this be impossible! if i completed the mission given from the notebook does it mean my eyes would be normal again?"

Wu Bey felt rather happy he has the notebook but was rather aware that the notebook itself would kill him if he made a mistake.

Wu Bey left the bathroom and head to his bed he stared at the ceiling until midnight and slept at 3am..


woken up by his alarm clock Wu Bey got off his bed and took a bath he left the building and immediately head to school.

Standing at the rooms door he was like a walking zombie his gestures was dull from the tiredness.

He walked inside the room and sat beside Lin Bai holding his bag like a pillow.

"Xiao Wu?"


Wu Bey spoke while closing his eyes

"are you okay?"

"yeah I'm fine just a little tired"

He smiled without opening his eyelids.

"here this is my homework I'm all done and you can take my reviewer for this coming last test"

"the last test is far behind us why are you worrying?"

"im just advanced there's nothing wrong with it"

Wu Bey thanked Lin Bai and accepted it

Later on he stared outside the window watching the big city and the sun rising up.

because of his tired eyes he fall asleep immediately,the professor didn't mind him and continued his class...

After how many hours Wu Bey was woken up by the school's bell,seeing Lin Bai taking his lunch Wu Bey then asked him.

"Xiao Lin what time is it?"

"12pm it's classes are already dismissed and you slept the whole day"

"about that has anything happened?"

"nothing special..but there was someone looking for you"

Wu Bey then sat straight and fixed his messy hair.


"yeah it was the nurse"

Lin Bai laughed at him but he didn't mind

"have you asked her why?"

"she said she wants you to get the cat at the clinic cause she already cured him"

Wu Bey was startled reminded him of something

"if I didn't take the mission the mission will come for me?"

He was talking to his own and it made Lin Bai scared thinking the man had gone crazy.

Wu Bey wore his bag and runned down the corridor there wasn't many students left so Wu Bey could just run freely without bumping to someone on his way to the clinic.

He turned at many corridors for a long time before he reached the clinic,he opened the door..