Chapter 6 Su Ziu??

Wu Bey knocked at the door three times before it was opened.

"oh you're here"

A woman with a white coat stood by the door smiling she looked sweet and trustworthy like a big sister next door.

"sorry, my friend told me that you were searching for me?"

"yes about that can you come in first?"

Wu Bey nodded and followed the nurse to her table,there was a name plate at the middle and a picture placed at the right corner of the desk.

"Sit here I'll go get something you could drink"

After the nurse left Wu Bey stood up and Romed around the place he read the name on the name plate and he felt his body shivered.

"Su ziu..?"Wu Bey thought that the name was familiar but he couldn't recall who she was and why the name has a great impact to him.

He skipped his gaze narrowed his eyes to look at the picture there was a woman sitting on the bench while the girl hugged the woman at the back.

Wu Bey stared at the girl at the picture and found familiarity from her,but before he could remember the door was pushed open.

"sorry for the wait, Here"

The nurse gave Wu Bey a clean glass of water Wu Bey grabbed it and placed it aside.

"Mrs Su what are you going to tell me?"

"it's about that the cat you've found.."

"what happened to him?"

Wu Bey gulped remembering what happened last night, he doesn't want the nurse to see his reaction so he emptied his emotions and straighten up his spine

"even tho the wound was big he's recovering fast"

"that's a good thing right?"

"yes but..last night i could hear a something scratching the window it only stopped when 3am comes I didn't mind it at all, then later I woke up many scratches are all over my room"

The nurse said gave Wu Bey a great hit,he was relieved that he had found the cat sooner but if he doesn't many cases of murders would be spread to the entire city of Hia-ming.

"…so I thought he misses you, that's the only way for me to sleep well tonight"

"you sure the cat missed me?"

"i have nothing on mind that is my only solution.."

"okay I'll go"

The nurse was shock for the sudden response he stared at the young man staring at her with no expression.

It gave her chills so she quickly looked down as if finding a pen and wrote her address on the paper.

"here I know that your parents are at the hospital so you can come by 6pm"

"thank you Mrs Su."

Wu Bey smiled and politely took the paper he left the clinic and head to the gate to walk home.

He stood by the big gates and took out his phone he won't be visiting his parents today so he called aunt Lou

The phone rang three times before it was picked up.

"Xiao Wu?"

A female voice was heard at the end of the line it gave off a rough tune hearing the tired voice Wu Bey quickly asked.

"Aunty,do you mind giving mom and dad a visit?I'll be busy tonight"

"it's fine I understand that your finals are near just don't forget to take care of your self"

"you too aunty you sound so tired"

"this week many people got sick but it's fine I'm already used to it"

"maybe it's because of the weather Summer is near but the clouds still rains"

"i guess,so take care off yourself don't sleep late at night"

"got it"

Wu Bey hang up the call and walked to a nearby canteen he waited until 2pm and walked home.


He sat at his bed while the rain started to pour,dark clouds surrounded the area and people hurried back to their houses.

Watching the rain Wu Bey stared at the sun that was covered up by dark clouds while he thought to him self.

"Even if the darkness comes the sun still shines"

He quickly skipped his gaze and stared at the residential area,the busy street are now empty while many cars passed by the glouse road.

Street lights soon turned on and flashed trough the street it gave a sepia tone along with the rain.

"it's already 5pm?"

Wu Bey stopped dreaming and wore his hoddie he grabbed his umbrella and glanced at his room one last time before he closed the wooden door.

"Xiang Hong apartment door 102

This is near Hia-ming's people park‽

so the picture that I saw was taken from the park."

"it's been a long time since I've visited one I wonder what it looked like now?"

He kept the paper and slid it inside his pocket After sometime he left the building and called a cab.

"uncle can you take me to Hai-ming people's park?"

"sure get in"

Closing the umbrella Wu Bey sat behind the driver he stared at the rain that was pouring harder.

'what will I do if I encountered the murderer?

Wu Bey sighed being helpless to his thoughts the driver saw it and asked.

"is there something bothering you?"

He glanced at the front mirror being stared by the driver Wu Bey smiled.

"no uncle it's just.."

"what is it? it's fine you can treat me as your friend"

"uncle it's complicated you wouldn't understand even if I told you."

"it's okay I've now been trough everything all that heartbreaks badhabits and even lost my job because of my friends"

"uncle you had another job??"

"yes..i was a Manager at a Japanese restaurant"

"so what happened then?"

"before I have this bad habit of smoking and drinking so I was surprised that the application I sent them was accepted starting that I changed my life changed but.."

Seeing the uncle hesitate Wu Bey then started to stare at the window seal.

"it's okay if you don't want to.."

"no! It's fine I'm the one first asked you.."

"At work they've paid me big salaries they say I'm really destined to work there but then after a few months my Friend visits me he was drunk that time so we had a little misunderstanding…"

"..and then a fire started."


"How about you?"

Wu Bey felt that he went to far for questioning the driver Seeing the uncle was so nice he has no choice but to tell him his thoughts.

"uncle what will I do if the final test are meant to be answered now but I didn't study hard"

"oh that's your problem?I can relate to that my advice is you should embrace the few moments and fight for it who know what will happen next"

"but what if I failed"

"Don't be sorry just smile and fight it all again like me I've become a taxi driver not much salary but it's worth it."

"hmm..just smile and fight it all again."

Wu Bey was satisfied by what the driver has said he gave off a warm smile that skipped trough the rainy night.

The driver saw wu Bey's smile thinking that he helped the man he smiled back not knowing that the his answer was different on Wu beys mind.

After sometime he left the cab and paid the fare he glanced at the place that has many tall tree's and was surrounded by light's even at night the place was still wonderful and enjoyable to see.

He walked with his red umbrella and stood near a bench sitting right there you could see the whole beauty of the park.

"so that's why they picked this spot"

He stared at the tall tree at the back for a long time and didn't saw anything off while the rain was now slowly vanishing.

Wu Bey sat down the bench and watched his surroundings before he realized something..