Chapter 7 White and Grey

He sat at the bench staring at the three tall trees near the main Attraction making it looked like a triangle, at the middle placed there was a red fountain.

Wu Bey stood up to approach the red fountain,He Glanced at the top where the water would flow but there wasn't any coming out of it except for the unclean water underneath the sprinkler.

Wu Bey was about to step inside to grab something ontop but the sweeper stopped him.


Wu Bey let down his hands and titled his head to wear he heard the voice, there was a someone staring at him it's left eye was all white while the other was fine.

He skipped his gaze and glanced at the thin man's clothes and broom then asked.


"don't grab the thing on top of it"

"what's on top?and why won't I not grab it?"

He asked the sweeper some questions to satisfy his curiosity Wu Bey wouldn't let go a single chance that he had.

"your quiet stubborn, there's a pink diary on top of the fountain many people said it's cursed until the news got to the manager she then decided to stop the water flowing to the fountain he even added a sign so that no visitors would come near it."

"does the pink diary had a name in it?"

"i don't know no one ever touched it since then or else you'd be haunted for your whole life or worst be killed"

"you wouldn't believe me even if I told you,so go play somewhere else."

"can I ask you one last thing?"

"you better hurry not for the others being absent I wouldn't be here talking to you."the sweeper said with annoyance while glaring at him

Wu bey didn't mind the sweeper's attitude all he wanted was to gain more information about the diary so he asked the sweeper again.

"what does the cursed diary do to people if they touched it?"

"they would be haunted by a girl."

"a girl‽what does she looked like?"

"i haven't seen her but some of my co workers had,they said that she was wearing a white dress and smiles weirdly while she sat on the fountain"

"i advice you to not find it."

The sweeper then turned back to the spot where he was cleaning before and swept again

Seeing the sweeper know something Wu Bey was relieved realizing that he had encountered an old worker from the park.

he didn't mind the sweeper's advice so he kept searching the thing on top of the fountain but there was nothing.

"there's nothing here"

Wu Bey thought to him self where would the notebook be,he was about to ask the sweeper but he didn't realize that the man was already gone

"he didn't even said goodbye"

Wu Bey glanced at the time on his phone,it was already 6:30pm he then left the park and head to Xiang Hong apartment.

While walking was Wu Bey he glanced at his surroundings the streetlights flashed to the leaves that were left on the ground it was like falls at an Eerie night.

He tilt his head to see many trees on the area it's like he was lost in a dark forest that where ever his gaze stop trees are the only one that can be spotted.

He walked alone by the road while the leaves gave a screeching sound at night he looked at a familiar area then narrowed his eyes fucose on that one place inside the woods.

There stood a cabin at the middle it was locked but the window was open,Wu Bey can't see trough the cabin cause the darkness was all around the place.

He was just about to turn right and head to the cabin but he stop there was a shadow of a man inside it staring back at him Wu Bey pretended that he didn't saw it and continued walking ahead.

He reached a two 4 story building one was painted grey while the other was White he stood at the road while studying the two buildings they were facing each other just like a mirror.

Many rooms can be seen at one floor both buildings had stairs placed at the left side and elevators at the right.

Wu Bey head to the left where the white building was,it looked more appealing than the grey one.

"i wish this is my lucky day.."

The elevators number slowly decreasing until it went to two Wu bey was about to push the button from the Elevator when a female voice shouts at the back.

"Mr Bey!"

The voice eco from the two buildings at night but neither one of the tenants opened their door as if they are already used to it.

He stared at the last room from the third floor stood there was a woman wearing his white coat the woman waved at Wu Bey telling him that her room is here.

Wu Bey nodded and head to the third floor,he reach the first floor and head to the stairs at the left when he reached the second floor the door next to the stairs opened.

Stood behind the door was a little girl spying on him the girl was adorable her hair was short and she was holding a big red ball.

"Hi what's your name?"

Staring at the cute face he waved and gave a sweet smile making himself look like a big brother.

"m-my name is Sheena"

The girl hid her face from the door while the ball dropped and rolled to the ground moving to Wu Bey.

The girl poked his head and stared at the ball while her hands we're shaking while Wu Bey picked it up.

"don't worry here."

Wu Bey gave the ball to the girl but she didn't accept it she just kept her doll like eyes on the ball.

"big brother what's your name?"

"my name?"

"yes your name"

The doll eyes skipped it's gaze to stare blankly at him,Wu Bey kneeled down to level his height same as the girl.

"my name is Wu Bey"

"a nice name,can I tell you something big brother?"

"you could tell me everything you want"

He patted the girls head but the girl doge it making Wu Bey's mood kinda awkward.

"the big sister at the room 102.."

"what about her?"

"after an hour please quickly leave the building"

Being confused Wu Bey asked the girl again.


"you'd get killed."