Falling from the Sky

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" The girl woke up from the nightmarish hell. She was drenched in sweat. The girl, Wei An, was about to sit up, when she noticed the huge gap difference between the ground and her body. Terrified, Wei An flapped her arm, trying to fly. Then she realized that she didn't have wings and screamed at the top of her lungs, plummeting down to the ground.

As she fell, Wei An flip flopped from different trees, finally landing on her butt with a boom. She stood up, clutching her butt and kicked a few stones in a fit of anger. A drop of blood landed on the stones, but she didn't notice at all.

"Damn!" Wei An began to curse her bad luck as she tried to pluck the twigs from her hair. After a few minutes, she decided to wash herself in the nearby stream. Finally feeling refreshed, she put on her clothes again. Just as she crossed the stones that she kicked, the clouds began to darken.

"Why is my luck so bad!? I just arrived and I'm already gonna get roasted!!" Wei An groaned. The heavenly tribulation was annoyed. It was in the middle of its beauty sleep, but that damnable human just had to summon it! If Wei An knew what it was thinking, she would've lost her temper and berate the tribulation.

"Curse you! Other protagonists arrive with in the new world in the form of a soul! What do I get? I fall from the sky and bruise my bum! Other protagonists just have to deal with a few evil nannies, but I have to deal with the heavens! This is too unfair!" Wei An ranted.


In the Heavenly Sect...

"Someone invoked the heavenly tribulations!"

"Wonder who it is..."

"Oh yeah, I remember seeing someone fall from the sky."

Students were busy talking to each other and gossiping about the latest news.

"Attention, students and teachers! This lightning is abnormal, so Elder Fan will be leading a team of teachers and students! Remember not to let your guard down, and prepare for departure!"

The team was made up of Elder Fan, an array master, Teacher Nan, a doctor, and several more students.

Upon reaching their destination, Elder Fan immediately saw the stones and twigs lying around.

"Heavenly tribulation array! Wasn't it said that this was lost a few thousand years ago? I could go back and figure out the formation!" Elder Fan was ecstatic. Not noticing the victim's anguished looks and cries.

Wei An was busy dodging the lightning when the bunch of old fogeys arrived. Hmph, not only did they not help her, they were muttering to themselves like maniacs.

Elder Fan finally noticed Wei An, who was exhausted and fried like smoked fish. Realizing that she was having a hard time escaping the lightning, he stuck a high level defense talisman onto her. Wei An could finally take a break. After 10 or so strikes, the lightning finally stopped and everything was back to normal.

"Young lady, could you tell me how you chanced upon the heavenly tribulation array?" Elder Fan excitedly asked.

"What do you mean? I don't know about arrays and whatever you're talking about! I just kicked a few rocks and twigs in a fit of anger!" Wei An was confused.

Elder Fan nearly spat out blood. Kicked a few rock and twigs! This was a long lost array formation, and she said that she kicked a few rocks! Seeing the constipated look on his face, Wei An asked,

"Are you okay Elder? Are you perhaps sick or need to go number 2?" Wei An asked out of concern for the elderly.

Elder Fan turned red in the face and inwardly shouted, 'You're sick! Your whole family is sick!'

Just then, a vortex opened up and a white cat fell from the sky. Recognizing the cat, Wei An yelled,

"Crystal! God damn it, I need to go save her!" Running around, crazily, Wei An tried to pinpoint where Crystal would land. Crystal dropped with a thud, right into Wei An's waiting arms. She sighed with relief. This was one of her early best friends, always accompanying her wherever she went. The clouds started to darken again. The heavenly tribulation cloud, sighed and went back to Wei An, ready for a new bout of lightning. Wei An looked up and shouted, "You darn cloud! You just couldn't wait to fry me couldn't you! You just left and now you're back? Shoo! Go back to where you belong, you bastard!" Wei An didn't notice the look of awe that appeared on the teachers' and students' faces. Elder Fan just sighed at the girl's bad luck. First, she unintentionally called the heavenly tribulation cloud over by kicking a few stones, and now her contracted beast fell from the sky and was undergoing heavenly tribulation right after the last bout of lightning. Up above, the tribulation cloud couldn't help but feel wronged. It was just doing its job, okay? It wasn't like it was intentional! Cowering in fear, the tribulation cloud decided to let her go for today after sending down a few bolts of lightning to ensure the evolution success. Crystal began to enlarge and developed stripes.

"Divine white tiger!" Students and staff gasped alike.

"It's alright, Crystal. You're safe." Wei An comforted the tremulous tiger. Crystal leaned over and licked her head. A white holy light began to flash around each other, forming an unbreakable bond between the two. Wei An was restored to her original state, and Crystal returned back to her cat dormant state. The students clutched their hearts at the sight of Wei An. Her hair was now completely silvery purple, and her ocean eyes were filled with love for Crystal. Paired with her serene look, delicate skin, and rosebud lips, Wei An looked like a true immortal.

Upon noticing their stares, Wei An blushed and said, "What are all of you looking at? Come over and help me bind Crystal's wounds!" As if her luck wasn't bad enough, her Chinese bamboo flute fell from the sky, landing on a particular someone's head. Luckily, it wasn't broken and instead looked brand new. A drop of her blood landed on the flute, and it flashed with another white light.

"Pearl's Flute!" Once again, students were gaping and teachers were salivating. Luckily, Wei An had formed a soul bond with the flute and tiger. If she died, the flute and tiger would follow her to reincarnation. If her soul perished, than they would automatically perish too. Inside the flute, Wei An looked around her surroundings. A waterfall cascaded serenely in the distant, and the space was surrounded by precious herbs and wildflowers dotted the scape. A huge pavilion sat in the middle of this paradise, wearing a huge sign that said, "Phoenix Pavilion". With all this space, she wouldn't need to worry about where to put things. To avoid kidnappings of her beloved Crystal, Wei An tried to transport her into this haven. Crystal looked around in confusion, but decided that it was nothing strange and went back to sleep. Wei An ventured into the pavilion and found that it was separated into different sections, Beast, Guest, Alchemy, Array, and Owner. In the middle sat a crystal box the size of a palm. Cautiously, Wei An placed her hand on top of the ball, and was suddenly sucked in.

When she awoke, she saw an old man stroking his beard and laughing, "Finally, a new disciple! When I go to the netherworld, I can brag to that old fogey about her!" Upon noticing that Wei An was awake, he said, "My dear inheritor, you are going through the inheritance process! I will determine whether or not to finish establishing the contract between my flute and you! Get ready!"

Without waiting for her consent, Wei An was sucked into another world. A gorgeous woman dressed in black was arguing heatedly with a stunning man in white. Both looked like immortals that descended to the mortal realm.

"Light should exist above darkness! Light provides people with warmth and health! Darkness only makes them sick!"

"No, darkness should be above light! Darkness makes people feel at home and lets people fear them in order to be controlled!"

Suddenly, both turned to Wei An and asked, "What do you think? Should darkness reign, or should light prevail?"