A Flashback

"What do you think? Should darkness reign, or should light prevail?"


Wei An pondered over that question. As she sank deeper into her thoughts, she suddenly had a flashback of her earliest days.


Her mother was lying on her back with her, staring at the night sky.

"Wei An sweetie, remember that even though the times may be rough, the stars will always shine brightly for you."

Mini Wei An giggled, and started to suck on her thumb.

Her mother took on a faraway look and said, "Even on the darkest nights, the stars will always shine and tell you that there will always be hope."

(End of Flashback)

"Darkness and light should be of equal balance. Where there is light, there will always be darkness, and where there is darkness, there will always be light, waiting to guide you out. Where light shines, there will be a shadow. Without light, there will be no darkness. But in the sea of darkness, someone will shine for you, telling you that there will be a way out."

The two guardians smiled and congratulated her for passing half of the test. Wei An found herself falling. When she woke up, the couple was no where to be found. Instead, a bustling market place surrounded her. Suddenly, a scream rang out. A crowd started to form. Wei An pushed through the crowd, finally reaching the clearing. A little girl could be seen squatting down and trying to shield herself from the whips that the woman was launching.

"*Hic! I-I'm sorry, Madam! *Hic! I didn't m-mean to spill *Hic t-the tea onto you!" The little girl was sobbing.

"Tch! You can't even afford to repay this dress! Even if you sold yourself hundred times, you wouldn't be able to repay me!" The woman relentlessly whipped the girl.

Wei An clenched her fists. The girl was still young, and she already said that it wasn't on purpose! She shouldered her way through, and stopped the incoming slash.

"You should forgive her. She's barely above 10! And she said that she was sorry already. Should the strong bully the weak? No! People strive to become stronger to protect their loved ones. The strong are supposed to help the weak, not kick them when they are down." People, who crowded around them, praised the "saint". Suddenly, a white light flashed around the "bullied" servant. She turned see-through and floated towards Wei An, flashing a serene smile.

"Congratulations for passing my test. You may call me Fan Shan Yue. I am the soul spirit of the Holy Hallucination Flute. My appearance alters from my master's imagination. Some may think of me as old, while others think of me as young. Anyways, although you passed both trials, I still have to check your natural aptitude to ensure the best cultivation technique. My masters were all formidable figures in their times. Thus, they left a lot of mystical cultivation techniques." Shan Yue took out the crystal ball, gesturing for Wei An to place her palm on top. Nothing happened. After a few minutes, Shan Yue sighed and said, "No natural spirit roots. *Sighs, seems like I have to take her to some special places for her to gain some."

(A/N: The name Fan Shan Yue means: to flip over mountains under the moon. At least, that's how I comprehend it. It's alright to have your own opinions about the meaning.)

Turning to Wei An, she softened her voice and said, "Girl, in order to become strong, you have to endure immense pain to form your own spiritual roots. Since I'm the one guiding you, you will have to undergo 8 times of pain to form the supreme roots of light, darkness, wood, fire, water, wind, ice, and metal. Are you willing to take this path?" Wei An thought about this matter for a short amount of time before answering Shan Yue.

"In the past, people always bullied me because of the fact that I'm weak. Now that I'm back, I will grow strong in order to let everyone know that I, Wei An, am not the same Wei An that would willingly bend to their orders!" These words sealed her fate.


Nodding, Shan Yue clapped her hands. Their surroundings warped and a volcanic mountain loomed above them.

"Now, you will be facing the trial of Nirvana Flame spirit root. It is the most powerful of the fire roots. Since you are my master, you will have no less! Once you enter the lava, you will be entering the stage of 'reincarnation'."

Wei An cautiously entered the mountain, and was immediately transported to the volcano rim. Balancing on the tips of her toes, she steeled her heart, and dove in.

Shattering pain coursed through her entire body. Images flashed through Wei An's mind as she strove to understand the existence of fire. As Wei An saw more and more images, she slowly recognized what fire represented. It represented the warmth of a family, the cleansing of evil, the beginning of new life, the passion of love. Every time Wei An understood a part of the flames, the pain lessened a bit. Soon enough, Wei An rose from the lava, relishing in the feeling of true rebirth. All this time, she didn't utter a single sound of pain or complaint as her body was reformed. Shan Yue was surprised at Wei An's endurability and gained a deeper respect for her. As she stepped out from the lava, each part of her glowed like a saintess blessed by god.

"Now that you've gained the supreme Nirvana Flame spirit root, I need to take you to the water trials. Summon your flames, I want to see it."

Wei An nodded and a rose gold flame appeared above the tip of her finger. The flame danced around as if it had a life of its own. Wei An wanted to try out something with the flame. She started to mold the flames to form the a dove in flight. Giggling, she made several weird shapes with the flames, from clowns to weapons, not noticing that Shan Yue was staring at her with horror.

Molding the flames had to take at least 5 years of practicing, and requires a deep understanding of the flames. Yet her master had took 1 minute to mold the flames.

(A/N: Hope she doesn't suffer because of heart failure in the next few years with Wei An! )

Swooning in fright, Shan Yue could only clap her hands and send Wei An to the next trial.