Rita went over to the class after calming her broken heart to some extent .

Samuel joined the class after some time . He took a quick glance at her . He was broken hearted already to see her fallen face but he couldn't do anything other than this to push her away .

Both of them couldn't concentrate anywhere in the class . The classes went on one by one but neither of them had their concentration in the class . Both of them were busy in their own broken thoughts .



As Rita was moving down the pavement to cross the road and move to the side for her driver to pick up , she was totally unaware of the upcoming and ongoing traffic .

She walked down the path all absent mindedly . She was like a log moving without any life in it .

She couldn't fathom what was right and what was wrong . All she could think of was the scene that she came across in the locker room . No matter how hard she tried to remove those thoughts out of her mind , but she just couldn't .

As she was crossing the road , she wasn't paying attention to the upcoming fast vehicle ,her way . She didn't move anyway cautiously even when the driver just honked like crazy .

She was totally oblivious to the scene around her .

Suddenly , she felt someone's arms around her waist and then she was pulled to the side hurriedly . It all happened so suddenly that she wasn't able to register what was happening and she was unable to register of what just happened .

She felt something or better say someone holding her in its embrace tightly and she could even hear her rapid heartbeat in her ears .

She now registered after sometime of what happened . She was walking down the road absent- mindedly and a fast incoming car was honking for her to move but she didn't flinch even a bit . It was like she didn't know where she was going , how she was going and what she was doing . Totally lost in the web of the world .

She slowly tried to detach herself from that embrace but the one embracing her only tightened his hold on her . She was helpless so she lifted up her head to see who was holding but she was dumbstruck to see the boy who had saved her from the possibly fatal accident .

It was Samuel .

The Samuel who had broken her heart , the one who had taken her once lively heart and soul away .

She stood there in his embrace but didn't hug him back .She stood like a log of wood .

After what seemed like a long time , Samuel slowly loosened his grip on her and asked her in a hushed tone ," Are you okay? ".

But Rita didn't reply to him .

He distanced himself from her to see if she was hurt in anyway . He was relieved to see that she was not hurt anywhere .

Suddenly he heard Rita speak to him in an ice -cold but maybe a bit gratitude filled formal tone ,"Thank you for saving me from the accident . If you could excuse me , I'd like to go back to my car . My car is standing at some distance . Thanks again and I'm very grateful to you . "

Somehow Samuel didn't like the tone in which she spoke so he said , "What are speaking about Rita ? I mean when did we become so distant ? You know right , that we promised each other that there should be no sorry and no thank you between us ."

Hearing him speak these words , Rita felt a slap right at her face . She felt like someone had poured ice cold water all over her and she could feel her body go all numb .

But now was the time to take a step froward and get away from him for she couldn't continue to be even in his vicinity . So she looked up at him in a questioning way ," When did we become so close , classmate Samuel ? I thought all we were having a relationship was a classmate relationship and nothing more . Sorry but I think you got the wrong person whom you made the promise with ."

Deep inside , Rita was feeling raged , not at Samuel or anyone but all at herself for being a fool to let herself fall for Samuel when he clearly didn't like her . He just took her as maybe a plaything with whom he could have the fun with in the name of being friends .

But with a resolve in her eyes , she looked up at him again and said , "Thank you for saving me but I think I should go if you'd excuse me please ."

Seeing her giving him a cold shoulder and ignoring her promise to him , Samuel felt his insides burn .

He could feel her disappointment for what he did this morning but he didn't expect her to be so straight forward and blatant with him and ignore him right at his face and that somehow made him feel very bad . He felt like he was losing her every moment but was helpless .

Just as Rita lifted up her legs to move on , she hissed in pain and bent down a bit . She saw her ankle all red and she knew instantly that her leg was sprained maybe in the process of saving and all .

She hissed a bit more in pain and bit her lips to control the pain .

She knew it would be hard for her to reach the car waiting for her but she wasn't one of those to ask for help from anyone . Even her driver knew all about it and so he knew what to do in such a condition .

She never liked anyone's mercy and she always wanted to be dependent on herself for her pain coz her father had taught her to be strong minded and to have the heart of a lioness .

Only when there would have been some dangerous problem did she allow the people around her to come into action or else she knew how to curb from it .

Rita dragged her leg with as much strength as she could muster up .

Samuel was shocked to see her in so much pain but not asking for any help from him . He tried to help her but she instantly refused him and slapped his upcoming hands towards her , away .

Samuel was hurt to the core ..he knew that he was wrong in his ways but he didn't like it in the least bit when she flinched all away from him .

He didn't like it when she had that disgusted look on her face like he was some dirty person whom she couldn't bear to live in the same vicinity with .

Rita hence somehow helped herself through all the way and went to the car and climbed up on it . Just as she entered the car , she asked the driver to run for hospital for she needed to get herself checked out soon enough for her to be sure that she didn't break her leg .

She was sweating from pain but she just gulped down the whole bottle of water to help herself up in some way at the very least .


The doctor after running his tests on her prescribed her some painkillers to help her with the pain from sprain and gave her necessary advice to help herself get better .

As she got out of the hospital and climbed in her car , she found herself immersed in thinking about the incidents that happened in the whole day ...

She was exhausted by such a sudden topsy turvy turn in her life . She couldn't understand what to do and how to deal with the turmoil of such emotions in her . So she decided to seek help from her mom for she knew that none understood and knew her , better than her mother .


At the upcoming vicinity to the gigantic palace like bungalow , Rita was fiddling to keep her emotions at bay .

She wanted to cry hard in her mother's arms , she wanted to rant all her anger and frustration in front of her mom , she wanted to seek advice from her for she wanted to run away from this gut wrenching pain in her heart .

As they were getting near the palace like house , she could see the swaying sunflowers in the garden , she could see the fully blossomed various varieties of flowers in the beautiful garden .

Whenever she saw , she would smile brightly and forget all her problems but today unfortunately she was feeling a lot low and she not only didn't smile like everyday but that got her mood dampened a lot more.

As soon as the car reached the bungalow , she just wanted to rant out her emotions but because of her sprained ankle , she had to take some support to move on and she asked the driver to help her this time .

When she entered the giant palace , she was shocked to see her grandfather and father discussing something very seriously . As soon as her grandfather saw her taking support , he instantly furrowed his brows and Rita knew what was upcoming her way ....

As he saw her coming while flinching every now and then in pain , Elder Mo stood up abruptly and rushed with all his might and asked in a hushed and worried tone , "What's wrong with you , Rita dear ? Why are you flinching again and again ? Did something happen to you? Where did you get hurt ? Tell me fast . "

Rita knew that her grandfather loved her and doted on her a lot since young and she was his most loved one in terms of relations . Even her father got a bit jealous at moments when he saw his own dad prioritising his daughter over him but deep inside he was proud of his daughter that she had the ability to win the heart of such devil man named Elder Mo .

As Elder Mo helped her to the sofa , she gave a brief summary of whatever happened with her . She skipped the part of her morning scene she encountered and the reason she was so lost . She also skipped the conversation part of her and Samuel and then she soothed her grandfather and father by saying that she already got herself checked up , that she was fine .

She finally excused herself from the worried male duo after she assured them a thousand times to be not unnecessarily worried about her .

She was desperately waiting for the moment to release her up- to- neck bottled up emotions to her mother .

So she just waited for right moment and as she got the moment , she came up to her mother and asked her to assist her in her room .

Rita's room was filled mixed stuff , both boyish and girlish . She wanted her room to be comfortable according to her own taste and not like the one where she would have to be like a princess all the time .

Although she was spoiled to no end , she was taught to be humble with everyone around her and she got these traits mainly from her mom .

As she and her mother entered the room , she instantly locked the door and came up to her mom , only to tightly hug her and let her controlled tears out .

Her mother understood what she needed the most at the moment was comfort and she hugged her daughter tight and let her cry and sob as much as she wanted . Slowly , after what seemed like a very long time , Rita collected herself up and told her mom all the incidents that happened that day .

All of them ..word by word ..incident by incident .

And as she finished her story , she started ranting out her emotions again ," Mom , what's wrong with me ? Why do I want to distance myself from him ? Why did I feel so bad , hurt and probably..jea..jealous when I saw them making out in the locker room ? I know that he didn't feel the same way as me but why couldn't I control my emotions? You probably mist be feeling that I'm such a dumb head to have even fallen for him when I didn't even know what he thinks of me ."

Saying this , Rita slumped on the bed and hugged her mom again but this time lightly and sighed deeply .