Drop out from school ....

Her mother heard her sad sigh and helped her be calm for a while . After sometime when Rita felt better , she asked her mom again ," So mom is it right for me to be away from him? "

Her mom wanted to say something but she said something else .

Mother - " Yeah , my girl . You did the right thing of leaving him so don't stress over this matter much . Tomorrow you have to go back to school so...."

Rita interrupted in between and said , " No mom . I won't go to that school anymore ."

Hearing this , her mom was left dumbfounded .

Seeing such a shocked expression on her mom's face , Rita sighed deeply and said ," Mom , my dearest mom . I don't mean to leave school forever and be an illiterate princess of our family but .."

"But what , Rita ? Tell something ."

"Mom I want to drop out of this school and be enrolled in some other school as fast as possible . It would be much better if I can leave this city also . Mom, I know you are gonna be worried about me and in fact somewhat angry from me for this reason , but mom I can't concentrate on my studies and maybe I would be even more broken seeing him everyday in the school . I want him to be happy with his life . I don't want to attend the school , not because he kissed that girl or I am his enemy kinda something . But I maybe won't be able to remove those memories from my mind that I have shared with him . Maybe it would even affect me in the fututre when I would have to take up the position of CEO . So I possibly can't risk that factor for this . Please agree with me on this mommy ."

Saying it all in just one breath , Rita joined her hands in prayer to her mom and knelt down bowing her head , trying very hard to appease her mom .

Her mom was hurt that her daughter had to go through all this but she was proud too that her daughter had learnt to set priorities in her life and wanted to be a self - dependent person on her own .

She was proud that her daughter was ready to let go of everything in her life that caused her sadness .

So she lifted Rita up by her shoulders and wiping her own tears of both joy and separation , she hugged her tight and kissed her forehead as she whispered , ' Okay dear !! I'll talk to your dad if that's what you want . We'll help you with everything you want but you have to make sure your safety remains your priority above all coz I can't see the future girl of mine to seem old at young age . "

Saying this , both the daughter and mother duo laughed out loud and hugged each other for some more time .


Hearing that his granddaughter wanted to start her own new life with a anew chapter to take upon the huge responsibility , Elder Mo felt his chest broaden in pride .

He was proud of his granddaughter ...very very proud .

He held back his tears of joy and smiled thinking of her future which seemed bright ...in fact too bright for him to even see .HAHA!!!!

He didn't hear the previous conversation of her being stressed out because of Samuel but he heard only the last two sentences .

So with this , he went to his study room and started to make necessary calls for his granddaughter's ASAP transfer to some other school .