Should I kiss you??


On the roads of London raced cars after cars in such a fast and swift motion that the cars disappeared from one's eye in the blink of a moment .

"Hey Shabby Boy of the Night , you're gonna pay for offending me . Today , you're so dead . Just wait and see ."

Saying this the girl with her hair all down but which were now flying in the wind with her fast moving car , just behind the fast racing blue lavish car overtook him and raced far ahead of the bluish car .

The young rogue man with his handsome looks and brown hair locks now falling all over his face was now gritting his teeth in anger as he too sped up his engine and went ahead so as to overpower the red car in front of him .

Both the car followed , competed and gave each other slight crashes like sworn enemies .

Rest cars behind them could only be counted as the audience trying to keep up with their sole source of entertainment .

The constant bickering and bantering of the two car drivers had become their every weekend live performance car racing show entertainment .


As the red car saw that blue car was gonna overcome it , it soon took a sharp turn and then with a swift , smooth and professional like move , the car came to a halt horizontally on the road , just right way to halt the blue one on its way .!!

"HAHAH!!! You shabby dirty boy was the nth time you lost to me . I still remember the bet we made just a few minutes ago .Let me remind it for you so that your 'short term memory loss' problem doesn't show up again . What was it ?? Yeah , yeah ..I remember it now . Go and find yourself the best woman whom you can call as the ugliest in your dictionary on the streets just now as fast as possible and move on to kiss her deep . Show your love and your .. Hhahahhaaa the so - called manliness , you say .HAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!"

Grabbing the laughing girl by her waist and bringing her close to him , the handsome man with his face shining in its glory in the night lights whispered in a threatening tone ," So you wanna see my manliness , now . Huh!!!! Say Rita , coz in my eyes , the best definition of the ugliest woman I could have ever seen is you . So , should I kiss you ??"