Somehow that menacing and threatening look on his face which was enough for the strongest of men to pee didn't help in flinching the girl in his arms even a bit .

She just snorted and said out loudly ," Are you sure , you Shabby boy of the world , I can prove you wrong in just a glimpse . Just watch me ."

Saying this she gave him a kick right on his foot with her high heels and stepped a bit far away .

By the time , they were bickering , the other follow up cars and their owners came up too and joined them .


The girl stood a bit far away from the flinching - in - pain boy now and smirked a bit seeing her effect on him . She stood beside her red car in full glory , showing her milky smooth beautiful skin to the masses .

Even the non participant passerby stood to see the out -of -the -world beauty standing beside her car and wondered if some new movie of hers was upcoming up or was there some shooting going on there ?

Now was the showtime .

Hence the beauty now lifted up her face , smoothened the stray strands on her face , moved her face a bit left and right to show her overall face beauty and then moved on to show her milky skin on her hands and legs .

She did so , so gracefully and naturally that it didn't even seem clumsy or somewhat slutty .

Rather people who turned to look at her could only marvel at the creation of god in awe .

Her cherry red lips were a definition of natural beauty on the body or better say the face of a beautiful woman .

Her sharp , beautiful eyes with long lashes defined her face so much and only gave her face a heavenly touch that most of the girls passing by could only pray for . Her jet black hair flowing was a definition pure black and natural human silk .

Her flawless and milky white long legs covered with short capries and her party crop top accentuated her frame as she stood like a elegant lady who seemed young and of course quite a schoolgirl .

Passing boys would halt and drool over heavenly assets but she only flashed the audience gawking at her, a smile which actually and literally meant , made some boys go so crazy and so high that they even lost their consciousness .

Seeing such extreme reactions from the audience , she looked at the roguish boy who now seemed to forget all about his pain and stood there gawking at her wide- eyed .

Her work was done and she knew she had hit right in the bull's eye..