
9:50 am

Samuel arrived at the headquarters of the Mo corps . He set his foot here for the first time and still he could practically feel that the whole area was converted into an estate . Just how rich were these Mos ?

Samuel could only look over again at his suit to make sure of no turns on his suit as he made way to the entrance . The entrance was adorned with all kinds of plants as he passed by the garden to reach the entrance into the office hallway .

The guards seemed to be not only well built but they were even specialized with special training . Samuel could only face palm himself in awe .

As he entered the reception point , he turned in the appointment and he was soon respectfully ushered to the special elevator with an attendant tot end to him and help him to his destination .

As Samuel reached the floor , he was guided tot h4e meeting room and he was again surprised by the massiveness of the whole room . He wondered if it would only be the two of them or the whole of board members too but , soon he realised that it would indeed be just the two of them , seeing the lavish sofas and the presidential suite alikedly adorned room .

Samuel was seated onto one of the sofas as he was served with refreshments .

Rita was informed about her guest's arrival as soon as son as he showed up at the reception point . She could practically feel her heartbeat rise .

This was the first time , that she was meeting the elite family member of one of the most prominent families of the country and not just that , she was practically meeting a person who was actually on par with their own family business . She was very excited to meet him and she could only give a brief look over to her dress up as she set off to the meeting room .

The door to the meeting room was opened up and in came Rita's assistant who gave Samuel a brief notice of Rita upcoming .

Mr . Chen , lady boss will soon be present here . Till then , please make yourself comfortable here .

Samuel nodded and the assistant just stood by the door of the room while his own assistant stood out of the door .

Rita arrived as she was led in by Mr . Liam Sheng and two of her guards . She was behind them . She gave a brief nod to the person standing outside whom she took as the assistant of Mr . Chen .

It all seemed to be happening in very slow motion and like a very grand entry . It seemed like scene out of the movie .

Samuel also rose from his seat as he opened his mouth to greet the lady boss but he was instantly stoned to his place and he felt as of the whole time came to a major halt .

Rita gave a brief nod to the guards to leave the guest and her alone for a while as she turned back to her supposed guest when all others went out and closed the door behind her .

Rita was stoned at her place as well as she saw the man standing before stoned . She could practically feel the goosebumps growing on her skin . She felt his gaze intense on her . She suddenly felt like the person standing before her was someone who was known to her but not known at the same time . After all , who was this man ?


Samuel's point of view

When I stood up to greet the lady boss of the Mo corps , I felt like the whole world had come to a stop . I couldn't move an inch from my place . I could feel my heart beat boom in my ears .

None mattered anymore .

The sounds around escaped into vacuum along with the scene around me . The whole environment around seemed like vanishing and I couldn't decipher what to do at that moment . I could not even say a greeting .

All I could was just gape at the young woman in front of me . The girl who came in my dreams every day .

The only girl whose name was etched in my heart .

The girl who I loved immensely .

So much that I couldn't wait to go to her and hug her tight . Not just hug her , but to shower her with kisses and to tie her by my side forever .

But I couldn't move . It was as if an unknown force was making my heartbeat faster with happiness but agonizingly making it squeeze in pain at the same time . I couldn't feel anything but just the pain in my heart intensifying more and more .

Many questions swirled in my mind . If she was the heir of the Mo family , then she could have told me . I might have not taken that bizarre step to push her away from me . Not that I care about her wealth , but only about her well being .

All this time , the only person who was in my thoughts and my mind , was actually quite near me .

[ Is this a cliff ? Oh yes dear!!]