Known but unknown at the same time .... strange

...… All this time , the only person who was in my thoughts and my mind , was actually quite near me .


Rita's point of view

I turned to the guards and the assistant to give us some introductory time so that we can be more acquainted in the mean time . As I turned around to see Mr . Chen and greet him , I could practically feel my world stop .

The man in front of me was handsome , not just handsome but a must say to call him the most handsome man I could've ever seen . His brown eyes were fixed on me and I couldn't help but suddenly feel a feeling of belongingness .

I wanted to greet but since the other party was clearly …stoned ? And shocked? I could thereby only look him straight in the eye . Who was this Greek god standing right here ?

Why do I feel like I know him but couldn't identify him ? Why do I suddenly feel like a sense of belongingness with this person ? Why do I feel like this person has been some lost part of my life and I finally got him ?

I am getting confused and confused with all this . What should I do ? Should I make a move ?


Author's point of view

Samuel was very happy but his heart squeezed in pain when he saw the empty eyes of Rita staring back at him .He thought that all this time , when he was thinking that maybe Rita was still in love with him , he could still stand a chance to mend his mistakes . He was getting pain in his heart intensified second by second as he realised that the blank expression and the empty and confused eyes of Rita were genuine and not fake ones to fool him .

At the same time , Rita could feel that the man in front of her was a bit strange . Although she could feel that bond , but it was still weak . She didn't know why but she felt like she could see the heart of this man in front of her . He seemed to be …suffering and a lot at that .

She could see his eyes filled with hurt , sadness , longing and a bit of confusion . Sadness and hurt were the most prominent one of them . She couldn't put a finger to what his eyes conveyed and as she waited for time to pass , she could feel the atmosphere turning intense and a bit awkward .

"Umm… Mr . Chen ? Are you okay ?"

Samuel snapped out of his daze in a matter of seconds , after having stared at her black orb like eyes for what seemed like eternity . He wanted to search even a bit of warmth in them . But he failed to find any . All he could see was confusion and awkwardness coming in .

So he just solemnly nodded his head and sat back at his place .

Seeing the obvious environment turning into being a bit more awkward ,Samuel and Rita decided to introduce themselves to dissipate the previous tension in the air .

"Myself Samuel Chen ."

"Myself Rita Mo .."

Both of them began at the same time and introduced themselves . Samuel could feel his heart hammering against his ribcage in his chest when he heard the same voice introducing herself seven years ago .

There was no mistaking it but he couldn't understand the look of confusion on Rita's face . She seemed like she didn't remember him .

What exactly had happened ?

Rita was stupefied for a very long time . She felt like the person in front of her was someone who she knew but didn't knew at the same time . Who was this known person ?

Samuel ??

She didn't know why but when she heard his name , she felt like some strings were tugging her heart . She could remember a person in her dreams and thoughts named Samuel but she couldn't possibly ask this man in front of her if he knew her or not , right ?

After all , there were many people named Samuel and many named as Rita . Maybe this one was not the she was searching for in her heart . Maybe the tugging of her heartstrings could be because of some of other reason like the fact that his name resembled the one in her thoughts .

Both of them , spent a while in silence and then , Rita initiated the conversation with the deal that Samuel had to offer . Considering that there might be some misunderstanding between them , Samuel wanted to clear it all out soon but soon he realised that Rita wanted to be started with the deal on a professional level and with that , he realised that he shouldn't press the matter too personally .

He could befriend her and come to know her in terms later on .

And in this way , both of them started off with he discussion about the project . sometimes while Rita skimmed through pages , Samuel would steal glances at her and at times when Samuel was briefly explaining her about the deal , Rita would steal some glances at him while watching his chiselled face shining with an aura of confidence , patience and maybe a bit coldness . She realised that both of the were somewhat similar in this case , of being cold but patient with people .

She was indeed very intrigued by his handsome face hut with that's he was also curious about the reason for his incognito identity of being mysterious like she was . She wanted to know about the person of him being the one to approach her for the deal . Was he also waiting for some proper time to go public with the world like her ?

Similarly , Samuel also was in dilemma about her being in shadows .

After having discussed every point about the deal in detail and having got comfortable with each other , Rita finally signed the deal and Samuel could be seen with a slight smile on his face .

[ A bonus chapter for u guys

I tried my best to give the meeting of Samuel and Rita a much realistic touch as possible (-_-') and I guess that I really gave it all .

Here , Rita is not pretending but she actually doesn't remember anything about Samuel , except his name . She just remembers the story of her school days but his image has been removed from her memory . The reason and everything else will be updated soon .]