Need him now

On the other hand , Madam Chen was just stumped for what seemed like eternity . When she finally came back to her senses , Samuel was long gone .

..... with a small smile tugged at his lips .


The next day

Hua Lihua finally woke up but there started this new tantrum of hers of not eating anything , until she saw Samuel , who was actually gone long before .

As guests , the Hua family of three were given the liberty to live in the Chen mansion , not only for the sake of friendship between the two families since many years but also for the redemption of what happened to Lihua as a consequence of Samuel's not - so good response .

Obviously , this gave a chance to Lihua to actually spend some more time with Samuel in the name of paying for what wrong he did to her . When in actual reality , it was all not even close to anything bad .

Anyways Lihua was just very happy for the events .

Madam Chen and Hua ran back to the room when they heard from the servants that Lihua refused to take in anything .

Madam Hua lovingly patted her daughter's head as she said , '' My daughter , eat up . If you don't eat up , then it will affect your health . You are already so weak from yesterday . "

She looked over her shoulder towards Madam Chen for a moment with what seemed like an accusation before she continued , " Anyways , honey .. eat up the porridge before it cools down . "

Madam Chen could only sigh in defeat for her best friend's scornful look as she also tried to console Lihua into eating up the porridge . But to their dismay , Lihua didn't want to as much glance the food made for her . She just incessantly insisted for Samuel's presence .

Madam Chen tried to convince her but to no avail .

" Lihua dear ... eat something . Your health will worsen at this rate . You didn't have anything since last night . "

" No aunty . I want to see Samuel and I would only have as much anything to eat , only if he offers me to . "

" But Lihua , my dear .. he is already gone for office . He might be in the office now . "

" Aunty , I know that.. that you might be thinking that I am creating troubles for you . B ..but I love him . I want him , so that I can apologise for yesterday . I don't .. don't want to ruin .. 'sniff' 'sniff' .. our friendship .. ' hiccups' because of yesterday's events . "

Lihua spoke as she broke into sobs which eventually turned into crying . With he shoulders shaking and her hands over her mouth to save herself from anyone watching , Lihua cried up .

Madam Chen could feel the feeling of guilt make its way to her gut . Madam Hua ran to her daughter's side as she took her in her arms and helped her calm down as she was hyperventilating .

Madam Chen somehow excused herself and went straight out of the room to make a call to Samuel .

Samuel who was in the meeting saw his phone ringing but he ignored it once .. then twice and eventually when it became the fifth ringing , he excused himself and moved out of the meeting room .

'' What happened , mom ? "

" Samuel , squeeze out some time NOW and come home . "

" But mom … "

" No buts and ifs , come home soon . Lihua needs your presence . RIGHT NOW , COME HOME !! ''

Madam Chen was surprisingly very much insisting whose reason , Samuel felt might be related to the last day's events .

Samuel could feel an urge to pinch the space between his brows as he sighed heavily in defeat and finally gave in . He exasperatedly sighed in defeat as he annoyingly hummed in approval to his mom and hung up .

' What have I landed myself into ? '


After about 15 minutes , Samuel parked his car outside the grand mansion and strode in long steps inside the same . He didn't want to waste any more of his time . He was already able to feel the emotional exhaustion from all this drama but , was helpless .

Seeing her son coming in , Madam Chen rose up from her seat and met his eye contact as she ushered him to go to Lihua's room .

Samuel just strode in long steps towards the staircase as he practically ran through the steps , skipping some .

Not that he was desperate to meet her , but he actually wanted to avoid as much drama as possible .

As he neared the he room , he could hear the stifled sobs and sniffing . He could distinctly also hear the conversation going in the room that was going on between Lihua and her mother .

" I'm sorry mom . I made ... you and dad very ashamed because of my actions . "

Lihua , yet again broke into sobs which turned onto cries as she wiped away the tears frantically that were still not ceasing .

" No , my baby . Mama loves you and so does daddy . Don't cry baby . It's just that Samuel doesn't see you the way you do . I hope that he can one day see the good in you and decide to see you , more of a woman than just a sister . And if he can't , then there is still a lot of fish in the sea . We have more choices . "

" Mom , but I love him . I can't give .. give up on him yet . I have not started yet . I want him to notice me , just once . I don't want to be treated as just a mere sister . 'sob ' ' sob ' "

Samuel just listened to the sobs as he softly knocked on the door , followed by the sound of Madam Hua calling out for it being open .

He came in and stood by the door , somewhat awkwardly . He was awkward especially because of Madam Hua who had slapped him , just the last evening and also the awkwardness that came in him from last day's events that were to be noted .

He looked over at Lihua who had turned the other side to swipe away the stray tears in her eyes as she yet again looked back at him with puffed eyes . A sign that she had been crying for long .

He then looked at Madam Hua who seemed to have received the hint for leaving the children alone .

She excused herself and went out while Samuel closed the door behind him and came in the room . He saw the porridge getting cold while its fumes were getting lower and lower . He turned to Lihua who had a sad look in her eyes .

He sat at the edge of the bed and tried to come to match with Lihua's eyes as he sat there and contemplated of what to say in his mind .