Let it go

Lihua was a little disappointed that Samuel didn't seem to be initiating any physical contact , not even holding hands or giving a hug . She stealthily put her hand , out of the covers but to her disappointment , Samuel didn't even glance at her hands . He just tried to search her eyes which she gladly met .

She thought that maybe he might see her sad and give in to the temptation of having at least a bit of physical contact with her . She was yet again disappointed when he just apologetically looked at her eyes and didn't utter a single word .

Before Samuel could voice out his apology , Lihua cut him off as she said ,

" You don't need to apologise to me , Samuel . I should apologise to you . Because of me , you and the family had to got through he troubles . And even now , I'm being a nuisance to you . I'm sorry for having brought this all upon you . "

" You don't need to apologise xiao Lihua . You – "

" Please don't say that I'm your sister . It hu.. hurts to listen those words from your mouth , especially when I have degraded my image in front of you . "

Lihua broke into sobs as she said the last sentence , making Samuel feel even more miserable .

" No , Lihua . "

Samuel caught her hands in his and gently stroked them like a brother .

Lihua thought that he had finally given in to the temptation of having some contact with her after getting over the awkwardness . She was internally joyous over the fact .

The bitter reality was that Lihua was slowly succumbing to her wants ... she had already started to envision herself in a white gown walking down the aisle .

' (^^) '

Samuel continued as he chose his words very carefully , " You are still intact like the person you were before . Just because of some awkward moments , your image can't be tainted , at least in my eyes . But please , I beg you . Don't hurt yourself like this and make it difficult for me as well . "

Samuel said his words with a worn out expression and an expression which spoke of miserable state of mind .

He didn't beg anyone in his life , but since she was his friend , he didn't want to hurt her an himself in the process .

He wanted her to open her eyes for the potential men in the world , who could give her much more love than he cold . He wanted her to find someone who would treasure and not hurt her .

Lihua was yet again stumped at tears started to prickle her eyes . She understood what that meant . He didn't want to talk about her love for him . He was trying to deny the fact .

Lihua refused to cry this time , however . She had learnt her lesson . She didn't want him to go further away from her than he already was .

She wanted to be near him , even if it meant that she should be a sister in his eyes for a while .

She pushed back the stinging feeling in her eyes as she gave him a slight smile and nodded .

Samuel was very thankful for the turn of events for good . He could finally sigh in relief as he looked at his childhood friend , whom he considered as his sister , with gratitude in his eyes .

He gave her quick hug , but Lihua could feel her eyes filling with tears . She hugged him tightly with whatever she had .

Samuel could feel her shaking beside him , so he withdrew himself form her and saw her crying . He wiped away her tears and took over the porridge for her to eat .

" Here , here xiao Lihua . Eat it all up . "

Lihua was internally torn but she out on her best smile and chuckled as she ate up the porridge spoon by spoon , as offered by Samuel .

After about half an hour , Samuel finally left the mansion .

Lihua covered herself with covers and buried her face in her pillows as she remembered her sister .

'' Why sister ? Why did you have to die ? Why did you have to leave me ? Please be by my side .. ' sob' ' sob' "

And just like that , she drifted off to sleep while crying .

Rita was busy these few days , after the deal , that's he even sometimes forgot to address some of her other important clients .

Thankfully , assistant Liam Sheng was there to help her with remembering the schedule any ways . She was mostly thankful for his last warning , so that she could get herself ready for the upcoming meetings .

Rita was just absorbed in her work like any other day but she was constantly getting lost and losing her attention . She couldn't stop thinking about Samuel Chen . The man withy whom she had successfully signed the deal .

She wondered what to do at the ball that she had planned , when she'd come face to face with him . What will she do ? He was just like any other business partner . She would just be as formal as she is .

' Gosh , what was she thinking while being at work ? '

She was interrupted in her thoughts when she saw her assistant peeking through the door at her , with concern in his eyes .

She let him in . Liam Sheng worriedly looked at her as he carefully asked ,

" Young miss , what are you thinking these days ? Although I'm in position to ask you this , but it's getting me worried ? Are you worried about something ? "

" Umm … let me ask you one thing then . It's not a question but I'm asking for an advice . Because the topic seem to be rewalted to the feelings . "

" Please do , young miss . "

" What does it mean when you are not able to take a person out of your mind ? Why do you become kind of self conscious of your looks and attire , thinking of getting in front of them ? "

" I take it that you're talking about yourself young miss . "

Liam Sheng said with a ghost of smile on his stoic face .

" Me … what are you talking about ? I am just concerned about one of our business partners . She is a good one , who caught my eye . And so when we were just getting to know about each other , she asked me this question . Anything wrong in that ? "

Assistant Liam Sheng felt like laughing out loud but he hid his laughter to break out . He maintained his posture but he could tell that his young miss was getting flustered in asking him about it .

( XD )

He was internally hushing himself to stop from laughing at the changing expression of his young miss who herself was thinking while staring at the ceiling , sometimes at the door and sometimes at him with what seemed like a sort of curiosity in her eyes .

He just let out his laugh in the form of a cough and maintained his posture again as he acted as if contemplating the serious question bombarded at him . After some moments , he said ,

" I guess the business partner you are talking about , has had her experience like this in front of a man , with you ."

" Umm ... yes . "