Love at first sight

He awkwardly cleared his throat and motioned her to sit on the chair in front of him . The girl bowed and sat down . Taking out her credentials , she didn't notice the look in Shen Yu's eyes . The look that every woman he had been involved with intimately wanted and desired for . The loving look .

Handing out her biodata and resume , Changchang looked at him with nervousness . While Shen Yu went through her biodata , her hands clasped together in prayer on her lap as she silently prayed for herself to be given this career .

It was the only real thing that she was quite good at or better say , she had the talent in . She also needed money for her sick and bedridden mother's medications . She needed this company as it was her only option . Having tried her hands at other small companies in hopes of getting any small role job , she was always strayed away .

Either because they didn't want to hire new talents or because of the lewd middle aged bosses wanting to make use of her ... only for her beauty and body , which she won't allow . Because according to her , any form of art doesn't need to be made use of by external forms . It'll eventually shine on its own . But with constant failure , she was losing hope and hence this company was her last hope . She had never imagined coming to such a grand company to apply for her talent . But maybe fate wanted her here and she couldn't change it anyways .

On the other hand , Shen Yu was internally feeling that ... that loving sensation rooting itself in his heart and by the time , he had thoroughly gone through her resume , he had no doubt that he might have fallen for her .

Maybe that's what they call - Love at first sight !!

" Congratulations . You are selected . " Shen Yu said with visible appreciation in his voice for the new talent in front of him .

Changchang , who had unknowingly closed her eyes in prayer , was jolted from her praying mode as she stared with her honey colored eyes at him . As if finally understanding what he said , she jumped from her chair and threw her hands up in joy , while also jumping in glee . Her hands clasped her mouth tightly as she excitedly hopped around for a few minutes without realizing that's he was still in her new boss's office .

Unlike other artists who would have masked their happiness with a poker face , Changchang naturally hopped around which showed her happiness in real .

By the time her excitement quieted down , it was already too late for her to undo her excited deeds .

Her new boss was looking at her , amused and Changchang's face couldn't be any more redder . It felt as if her face would become a tomato if she blushed some more than she already had . She cast her hazel eyes down , as she bowed down repeatedly for apologizing to the boss .

She thought that she was now done for . Her impression had already been destroyed by none else but her self . She internally chided herself for it all . She expected to get to hear some good scolding or get apiece of mind from the new boss , but she was surprised when he just laughed , amused .

She looked up at him and saw his head thrown back , with him laughing heartily . His eyes made crescent shapes while he laughed and that suddenly made her heart flutter .

' Stop heart .. don't run away . He's your boss . Don't fangirl over him . Bad manners . '

Finally when he steadied himself , Shen Yu said ,

" So , shall we discuss the business at hand or do you want to celebrate a bit more ? "

Changchang shook her head and sat back down while listening intently to all the information , terms and conditions and policies of the training and being an actress later on .

By the time , he was done explaining , Changchang had already jotted down important notes in her small notebook . The studious and intent expression almost made Shen Yu want to tease her again but he hid his smile behind his hand and let it be . He didn't want to leave an expression of a crazy boss on the first day .

With a final signature on the contract paper , Changchang stood up . along with her , Shen Yu also stood up and professionally said to her ,

So you'd be joining us from tomorrow . Your accommodations will be shifted in the dorm across the building street . Go home and rest now . See you tomorrow . And with that he flashed her his signature smile .

Changchang's heart almost leapt out of her chest with that smile . But she bowed down and thanked with a gratitude filled smile and walked away from the office , leaving Shen Yu at his own thoughts .

It was the first time , that he didn't feel any kind of crazy feelings for a woman from the perspective of her body shape and curves . It was the first time that he didn't want to touch her body without her permission or at least not with some hidden benefits .

Other times , it has always been the women or other aspiring actresses who flirted with him , while he flirted back with them by hugging them as a gesture of professionalism , but with that hug , it brought other intimate activities too .

' First time , that I didn't want to exploit such a young girl . It's like I don't want to scare her away and neither do I want to take advantage of her beauty . She is ... cute and innocent . I like her . ' Shen Yu thought this as he lightly chuckled to himself and finally went on to resume his work .


[ Creation is hard , cheer me up !

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