A friendly lesson from him

' First time , that I didn't want to exploit such a young girl . It's like I don't want to scare her away and neither do I want to take advantage of her beauty . She is ... cute and innocent . I like her . ' Shen Yu thought this as he lightly chuckled to himself and finally went on to resume his work .


Over the next few days , the days went by quite a bit busy for almost everyone . Maybe except one person who was Shen Yu  Not that he was totally idle , but he had found a new and beautiful attraction with whom he wanted to stay with or spend the most of the time . 

Li Shu had been stopped from helping Shen Yu with his ' personal business ' by Shen Yu himself . At first , she found it quite odd for him to act in this way . She grew al lot afraid in the beginning when she thought of the possibility of him being trying to abandon her like the other actresses . But when she didn't find any woman passing through or going into his cabin for longer time period , she felt that maybe he was indeed quite busy and so she was relieved . 

' Maybe he really started liking me … it won't be long until I become the lady boss of the this company and his wife . ' 

Just thinking for her own self delusional future , Li Shu was happy with the fact that no other woman had contacted him .

Meanwhile Changchang had been going through quite the strenuous training . Her personality development which required her to learn about herself being prevented in the public was going okay but not as best as she had expected to give in . Also her dance classes had been going average . Time to time , the dance trainer would point out her narrow mistakes and the other girls surrounding her would laugh . 

She didn't really mind it at the beginning , but the constant bugging from the other aspiring girls that's he was not good enough was irritating her . So that's why she had thought of training in the late hours to improve . 

Quite a good thing for her , there was usually none in the training room at those hours to mock her unnecessarily and bug her . She could practice in peace . But unknown , to her … there was another person who had been leaving and coming into the office at almost the same time as her … just to get a good , brief glimpse of her hard working self  . That brief glimpse that made his day , no matter how late it was .

Similarly , it was getting late one evening , but Changchang didn't bother with the time for now .

' I have to learn this dance step , anyhow . '

  With that , Changchang gulped the water from the bottle in her hands and resumed the strenuous and hard choreography that they had been taught this morning . With music buzzing in the empty glass room , Changchang danced gracefully across the room , carefully watching her own reflection in the mirror . Graceful movements , for the viewer … but for her own , she still felt that she didn't look as good as she should look … somehow the way others girls danced was quite attractive than the way she was doing it . 

Breathing heavily , Changchang went across the room again and then slumped on the floor , butt faced with a tired sigh . 

" I need to keep up my energy going . Can't give up . Humphh !! "

With her bottle in her one hand and the towel in another , she simultaneously gulped water and dried off her self . She herself didn't realize this , but seeing her working hard like this was kind of painful for Shen Yu . He didn't want his little love to be so tired before she could even debut in the industry . But he didn't want to lower her enthusiasm as well . her enthusiasm and that never giving up spirit was what that made him even more amazed by her . And he couldn't help but fall harder each time , he saw this admirable side of hers . 

' It had been days since I last talked with her face to face …. So why not visit her today ? ' 

Not able to resist the lover boy feeling in his heart , Shen Yu made up his mind to meet her once . So he made a round about way and then knocked on the open dance room door . Truly his acting skills of pretending to have been just dropping by , was admirable , because  Changchang immediately stood up when she noticed him at the door .

" Sir .. - "

" Oh .. don't call me sir . It makes me feel older that way . Just call me Shen Yu from now on . Okay !? "

Changchang was a bit stupefied by the sudden change in the way of addressing him , but she nodded in approval nevertheless since it was what her boss wanted . She wanted to leave a good impression om her boss and encounter the lest possible problems as possible . 

" Seems like you've been working hard a lot .. hmm !? "

  Shen Yu said looking at Changchang by pointing to her swollen soles . 

Feeling him gaze at her like that , Changchang couldn't help but try to hide her feet as if three was a pillar behind which she could hide her soles . Sadly there was nothing to hide her feet in , making her attempts all futile . Changchang couldn't be anymore embarrassed . Her face burnt with the redness and ferocity similar to that of a red tomato . Seeing such a cute and silly reaction of his words on her , Shen Yu couldn't help but chuckle . And Changchang … there probably couldn't be anymore darker shade of scarlet on her face . 

When he felt that his teasing might have gone too far , considering the reddest tint on her cheeks , he pretentiously and bossily cleared his throat as he said , 

" So , won't you show me what you have learnt in all these days of training , Changchang ? "

Seeing the sudden change in his tone , Changchang rushed to explain to him that it was not what she thought .

" No .. no sir , it's just that I'm not that good at it . I'm still learning the choreography and I don't want to be a disappointment to you . "

With that said , Changchang lowered her head down in embarrassment and shame . She embraced herself to be scolded like the dance teacher scold her .

Meanwhile , Shen Yu who saw her being so shy , stopped when he saw that sincere expression of hesitation . He knew that she was still an amateur and needed to learn a lot . He wanted to be there for her in everyone of her sufferings and happiness .What he didn't expect was this strong and determined girl to simply chicken out when he asked her to show him some of her moves ? Not that he started to doubt his feelings for this girl , but he felt like there was some dull pain in his heart that increased with each beat . It was as if he felt that Changchang had a mask on her face to hide her pain and sufferings behind that mask of strong girl . 

He had seen how hardworking she was . Her staying up till late in the building to trying her best even when her feet were swollen , showed how much serious she was about this whole matter . But that hesitation made him wonder , 

' Just what had she gone through to be so doubtful of herself ? '

He just felt like he was watching some part of the person who was doubtful of himself , no matter how hard he tried and this pained him even more . 

Shen Yu wondered to himself . All this while , Changchang didn't dare raise her head to see her boss's expression . She knew that she might be doomed . Why doesn't she believe in herself properly ? She should have just shown him her dance with some built up courage and confidence . 

What was it so hard for her to do something she should be confident in , in front of her boss? Why the hell did she chicken out ? Now , he might think that she's totally an incapable girl to be an actress . Changchang started to rattle and chide herself mindlessly , until she realized that the silence had stretched on for long . 

Before she could think of bracing herself for the worst outcome , she heard him say for the first time in long time silence ,

" Changchang … I know you're quite unsure of yourself . Every person is , whenever he or she starts something anew or tries to start a new chapter in his or her life . As far as I can see you , I know you try too hard . You stay up till late in the building just to practice . You try hard at the personality development classes too , which I'm sure you're excelling at . I'm proud of you for that .  "

Changchang , who had her head bowed down , raised her head when she heard him say these words to her . She had expected him to say some harsh words but what she got to listen was a friendly lesson from him . she never expected anyone in her life to be so gentle and understanding towards her except her mother . 

[ Creation is hard , cheer me up !

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