Stand up to your expectations

Changchang , who had her head bowed down , raised her head when she heard him say these words to her . She had expected him to say some harsh words but what she got to listen was a friendly lesson from him . she never expected anyone in her life to be so gentle and understanding towards her except her mother . 

Since childhood she had been just backlashed out at . She had been bullied , she had been made fun of and was considered an outcast by many . Just because her mother worked at a bar to help make the ends meet .

She had not had any friend because of this , since all the children's parents asked their children to be away from her , considering her as  a bad influence . With time , she had learnt to bottle her emotions and feelings within her , with none to share to . Even when her mother was busy , she would always take some time to help Changchang celebrate her birthday , have Christmas celebrations and do anything special just to make her daughter smile . 

At times , Changchang cried herself to sleep whenever she thought about the hard work her mother was doing and all the sufferings they had to suffer . 

Her father was still anonymous to her , but all she knew was that he left her , when her mother was pregnant with her .

Hearing such a prestigious and highly ranked man say something so encouraging to her , Changchang felt like she was on the brink of crying but she tried to hold it all in . Biting down on her lower lip , she sniffed hard to prevent the tears from falling off . But she failed in her attempt . 

How could she control her emotions when someone suddenly comes to her and says something so sincerely touching to her with such an encouraging and empathizing sense of words . 

Shen Yu who was thinking of trying to lift her spirits , felt like his heart skipped a beat when he saw a stray tear escape her eyes , followed by another and then another . All he could do was just watch her , frantically wiping her non stop flowing tears . 

Suddenly he grabbed her hands making her look at him in wonder , but before she could say anything , she was yanked to something hard yet muscular in the next moment . Before she could realize , she was wrapped tightly in his arms . Changchang was speechless . Her eyes widened in shock and surprise while Shen Yu held her tight in his arms and held her head close to his chest . 

Changchang could smell his scent of cologne , a mix of fresh mint and maybe sweat .

Changchang just stayed like a statue in his arms , too surprised and shocked to do anything . After a while , she heard him whisper close to her ear , 

" Changchang ? "

Changchang felt a shiver down her spine . But what was interesting was the fact the shiver didn't make her feel creeped out but it felt kind of … genuine and pleasurable ? She was herself astounded by this . Before her mind could run anymore errands , she heard him say again , 

" You don't need to feel insecure about yourself , Changchang . There are many people in this world , who appreciate you and each of your small to big achievements and characteristics . Just be yourself . Just be confident in yourself , don't et the negative comments from people get the best of you . Just think of them as jealous people and keep polishing your skills . I believe in you and slowly , but surely , everyone will too . "

Changchang who was still trapped in his arms , felt her tears return but this time , these tears were of joy and happiness . She let some of the tears soak into his shirt , which surprisingly for Changchang , Shen Yu didn't mind . Shen Yu and Changchang stayed in the same position for a while , until Shen Yu slowly detached himself from her . 

He had let himself flow in his emotions and let those feelings take the best of him . he almost felt embarrassed of his own actions . He had hugged many woman and not just hugged , but even kissed them . But it was all a mutual physical pleasuring business , which moreover those women initiated themselves . He felt like he might have scared Changchang with his actions and he almost felt afraid that she might think of him as a creep . Before he could even think of an excuse to let her know that his actions were just involuntary or whatever , he heard her say in a tiny voice . 

" Thank y - you sir . "

Shen Yu looked at her before Changchang raised her head and held his gaze with her own and continued , 

" Sir , I promise that I won't disappoint you and I'm really thankful for your encouraging and motivating words . Those words .. no one has ever said those to me . I will surely work hard to meet your expectations . "

With that said , Changchang gave her brightest smile yet . Her eyes which were a while ago wet with tears now seemed to glisten under the lights in the room . And Shen Yu couldn't breathe . 

He had never seen her smile so brightly except that excited jump at the office . He almost felt his breath sucked away and his heart skip a beat . She was just so beautiful in that form . 

' How could this girl not know that she was so beautiful when she smiled like that ? If only she could look at herself from his perspective . ' 

He didn't realize it himself , but Shen Yu himself felt himself smile at her with the adoration that he never felt for anyone . 

Meanwhile , while they were both talking and having their own cute moment , they failed to notice some other person who now looked at them with eyes filled with nothing other than jealousy and fury . Li Shu thought to keep waiting in the quarters for a little bit late this time . She needed to get Shen Yu's attention again . She didn't want to lose him to anyone else . Although it was very much clear that she was the only girl with whom he had spent the most time since the very beginning . It must mean something right ? 

After all herself , being the person to last longer than any other women before , meant that she might be someone he liked . But recently , he was kind of acting weirdly . 

Whenever Li Shu attended him with the expectation of having him pull her in for a kiss or for making out , it always turned her mood down . Because he would just turn her away without so much as a glance . He would stay up till late and also come early in the morning . So todays he decided to give him a surprise visit . 

For that , she waited for almost the whole building to go empty until she went into one of the changing rooms and got herself changed into a sexy outfit , which was hardly any more covering her . 

Her cleavage couldn't have been anymore exposed and her hips couldn't be anymore enhanced by the tight , short dress that's he wore . 

With a nude yet appealing makeup on , she looked at her reflection in the mirror . Fluttering her fake long eyelashes , she winked at her reflection confidently and moved out of the changing room with her hips moving from left to right and then back again vice versa , and her head held high .

On her way to his office , however she came across the dancing room which had its lights on . She wondered who could be in there and so she decided to just peep in once and go her way back to the office . 

But what she witnessed there made her stop in her tracks . Shen Yu was actually hugging a girl ? A girl who was visibly younger than her . And not just like that , he was actually hugging quite tightly . But the irony was that the girl didn't hug him back tightly , the way any other women would have and just let her tears fall down and soak up in his clothes . 

Li Shu didn't know whether she should be ignorant about this or should be furious at the girl . When she saw them detaching themselves and smiling at each other , it almost made her ears to throw off the steam of jealousy and anger that was bubbling in her . Her face which was initially covered in makeup of an innocent looking beauty , was now contorted in fury and jealousy . 

She knew that Shen Yu was a player , but this actually made her even more furious than ever . 

' Seems like , I would have to teach the rookie a lesson . ' 

With that thought , she angrily stomped away from the building .

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