Employees are leaving


Rita's everyday routine now involved only working her ass off , squeezing time to somehow spend it with her family and then also getting and giving help from and to Noah . Samuel had not yet gained knowledge about Noah , so he was still oblivious to the existence of a love rival . 

Noah would sometimes pay visits to Rita at her lunch time and they both would either go out in the nearby café for lunch or Noah would himself bring out the takeout on his way . Either way , Noah was happy spending time with Rita whenever he was able to . His own business branch was blooming which was a matter of joy for his family as well . 

Rita was busy in planning the ball . The ball was to be quite a bit grand and hence she couldn't afford to just hurry in the process of planning for the same . She held timely meetings with the executives and heard over their opinions . At first , the idea of publicising the company and making its presence known to the world was like a revolting idea amongst the majority of the elder executives and board members . 

Many thought that this might bring down the prosperous reputation that Mo corps have built over the years while still being underground . Some thought that Rita was still young to be the rightful owner of such a prosperous company and were against the decision since the beginning , hence this somehow gave them an opportunity to add fuel to fire . 

These were the people who were somehow constantly involved in trying to make the employees there want to leave the company with the reasoning that the Mo corps won't stay long under the leadership of Rita . 

Rita , who was already known to all of this nuisance creators , stayed quite over this matter for some time . She wanted to observe them and see what do they really want to plan on . She didn't bother to get her father involved with this matter as well , for she didn't want to give him any kind of unnecessary tensions when he was on a long trip with her mom . 

Yes , the life after retirement is worth living for and Rita didn't want her parents quality time to be interrupted . 

So, she just kept a close eye on these fire spreaders and pretended as if she knew nothing of their motives . Because on the surface , they somehow did show that they favoured Rita , with their overly sincere smiles and sugar coated words . But the real reason behind their smiles was now not unknown to Rita anymore . 

' I guess , I'll have to actually clen up the mess of these people who want to spread their poisonous words among the employees . '

On one such day , Rita got a notification from the HR department , calling upon her urgently for the matter of employees who wanted to leave the company . Most of them were the middle aged or the ones in their thirties or forties . These people wanted to leave the company with quite the lame reasons of wanting to quit their positions and the jobs . 

The HR department head who was panicking like crazy , sprinted towards Rita's side and started narrating the whole scenario . 

The employees who wanted to quit were no more than twenty or so , but for Rita it somehow felt like she was losing man power . After all , the employees are the important asset of a company and people suddenly leaving the company would be a shock to anyone . 

Rita could feel that those poisonous elements were taking their game to the next levels and so now from this moment on , there was no going back . 

Rita whispered something to the HR department manager , who almost felt his eyes bulge out of the socket and Rita knew it , so she whispered another message to him that had him calmed down quite a bit . 

Rita came inside and saw each and every one of those employees faces carefully as if memorising their faces . she then smiled like it was a happy occasion and then said ,

"  I see , some people have quite a decisive plan of leaving the company . So may I get the knowledge from you all , as to why you all suddenly want to quit ? "

At first , when those people saw Rita smiling , they felt quite intimidated and confused at the same time . Intimidated for the shrill they all felt down their spine , and confused for the happy smile that she wore on her lips , as if it was all nothing but a happy occasion . They were confused over the fact that the young girl who was ' wrongly ' crowned to be the CEO of the company , had such an aura and smile on her face that made them , the elders feel like they were quite small in comparison to her . 

When all the employees just stayed silent and didn't speak a word , more likely because of the fear and intimidation they felt from her aura , Rita continued with yet another bright smile , 

" No problem ladies and sirs . If you feel uncomfortable sharing the reason , then I won't force you . Rather as the CEO of this company I will gladly give you what you wish for . But … "

Rita kept her suspense silence for a few beats , making the twenty people start to sweat in anticipation and fear and then continued , 

" Remember one thing for sure . If you move out of this building with your resignation letters now , no one among you should come here later , of course in the coming days , begging in front of the Mo corps building to take you in . "

The sudden change in tone of Rita's voice , made everyone's skin feel goosebumps . The commanding tone that she carried in her voice was enough for anyone to stand on their tiptoes . With the pin drop silence engulfing each and every individual there , it made the environment of that office , even more suffocating and dark . 

Rita however continued back again , 

However , I'm not very heartless . So I would give you all one chance to think over your decision of quitting . You can bring back your resignation letters by tomorrow , if you feel like you really can't work with the conditions that are unavailable for your convenience . But , do keep my words engraved in your minds . Good day . "

And so with a smile on her face while greeting them goodbye , Rita made her way back to the office . Liam Sheng who was himself a bit stunned by the aura that Rita had emitted a few moments , hurried after her . 

Rita calmly opened her office door and let Liam Sheng come in along . Huffing from all the un and hurry , Liam tried to catch his breath for a few moments and then looked up at Rita who faced her back to him . 

Overlooking the bustling city , Rita felt the questioning gaze of Liam Sheng on the back of her head , but she stayed silent for the moment . She was obviously thinking about her next move to stop those rowdy members of the board . And so Liam Sheng didn't question her any further . He waited for Rita to give him instructions .


Later that day in some bustling night club . 

Some of the middle aged men drank the night away as they seemingly celebrated their happiness . One of the bald men among them raised his beer mug as he clinked it with the others' mugs as well and stood up on his place . 

As if he were some great orator , he started giving the pleasantries to the other men with him .

" My workmates … Toady is a day of huge celebration as we mark our very first step to our success . The dream that could have been .. ( hiccup ) .. potentially trampled on by the young baby girl . " 

Others joined in approval as they all raised their respective voices of opinions . But all of them were cut off in the middle as the spokesperson started his speech again , this time seemingly drunk and under the influence of alcohol , 

" Let's keep doing our ( hiccup ) .. work of getting employees turn back on her . And then .. we would .. be … ( hiccup , hiccup ) wealthy .. Hehehe ..

The others hooted in approval , drowning themselves in alcohol and getting drunk in happiness . But their happiness was watched upon by someone from the shadows , about whom they were turning a blind eye on and totally unaware of . 


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