Employees are leaving (2)

The others hooted in approval , drowning themselves in alcohol and getting drunk in happiness . But their happiness was watched upon by someone from the shadows , about whom they were turning a blind eye on and totally unaware of . 

Rita , who was silently working in her home office kept her eyes on the computer screen . Her fingers gracefully dancing across the keyboard . But her mind was running somewhere else . Suddenly her phone buzzed with the notification of someone calling her . With a look on her face , as if she had been expecting that person to contact her , she picked up her phone and in an icy prickling tone hummed - a signal for the person on the other side to continue . 

" Mam , I have done the investigations on the people you asked me to . Seems like you were right about them all along . They had been trying to sell the deals to the other companies as well . "

With no response from other side of the call , he continued , 

" So should I warn them or wait for your orders , miss !? "

" I am on my way . Keep their family information updated by the time I arrive . Tonight is the night ."

And with that the call disconnected . 

Throwing a black leather jacket with open black hand glove matching mask , Rita set off on her mission . Given that , this was not the mission given to her by her grandfather or father , but was the demand of the present for her own self . 

Meanwhile , unbeknownst to some middle aged men , still in their drunk state , they were being dragged to a dark room down the hall . 

With the stirring pain shooting up from their head where they had been hit , they started to curse at the dark force dragging them on the cold floor across the hall . All that the awakened ones could make out was a dark hallway , being dragged by an unknown strong man . Their eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness surrounding them . All was pitch black to them . Hence they could throw curses and swear at the person dragging them . 

" Hey .. don't you think this man is way too strong ? Like … aaahhhhhhh , uhh .. he's dragginggggggg … aaahhhh 

Ouch .. all of us together with just himself .  "One of the men , asked whispering to the person closest to him being dragged along .

" Are you worried about how strong he's at this moment ? Want to see his strong body ? " The other one mocked him . 

The first one who asked him , eye rolled in the dark hall , knowing that none could see him . 

The men kept being dragged on the cold floor , until they came to a sudden halt . Still in the dark , they stayed where they were and in whichever position they were in . By this time , each one of them was wide awake and was holding his head in pain . 

Aft6er some time , they felt some people making them all stand in the darkness and then binding them all to some sort of chains . Unknown to them , they started to struggle against the men with whatever sanity they had in them after they woke up , but it all seemed to be futile with the burly and strong men they were handled by . 

With their hands having been bound to some cool surface of chains , each one of them , now started to feel somber . As the somberness came , they all felt the real danger they were all in . All they could remember was them partying in a club and then whatever happened was just a blur to them . 

The cold dungeon like room made them all feel like they were in some serious danger . Not able to understand who could have done this to them , they started to think of the clients they might have offended . But no such client came into their mind . 

Suddenly a white blinding fell upon them and they closed their eyes at the sudden light intrusion . Squinting their eyes , they tried to make sense of their surrounding . 

Slowly , when their eyes adjusted to the light , what they saw around them , left them all horrified and sent shivers to their bones . It all made sense now . The strange and strong smell they were in , it was none other than the rotting limbs around them . Some seemingly fresh while others having rotten to the point of bones visible through them . 

The feeling was just so overwhelming , that all they could feel was pure fear and terror . Nothing else . Their brains had stopped functioning , their blood cold . All they could do was just break down in cold sweat . Some were gagging their insides out at the horrifying surrounding while others tried to hold their breath and close their eyes , trying to be oblivion to the surrounding bloodied limbs . 

This was just a part of the torture they were going through . The real torture had yet to be started . Some were breathing heavily having held their breath for too long . Some were on the verge of losing consciousness . Others just started crying . They were all in a room where all they could see was just some dismembered parts of human body , with blood splattered everywhere . Even the place they sat on , reeked of blood . 

The people watching them from the shadows could see them all suffering but they were still oblivion to the person torturing them like this . 

Suddenly , they were all drenched in cold water . The sudden cold water touching their skin , made them feel like their body had gone numb . Without any other option to let out their agony , all of them could only cry in numb pain , with no one to listen to . The water seemed to be colder than ice itself and their teeth rattled with the cold they were just exposed to . 

Meanwhile , Rita .. who was watching this whole scene from her screen could feel a menacing smirk hanging on her lips . The look she had at that moment could fool anyone into thinking that she's a sadist psycho .. which she was not . 

Just the icy cold look in her eyes and that menacing smirk could make anyone get shivers down their spine . Her sweet smirk and that look was just another red signal of incoming death . 

This was her favorite part . Playing with the minds of the people she was going to torture . Start with making them have a mental breakdown . A mental breakdown that only took place out of fear . Then bring them back to reality with cold water . The splash sound against the skin of her enemy just made her feel like she was watching an ASMR session . So satisfying . 

Her perfect plan worked out when she gave pain , not just physically but also an emotional pain . An emotional pain of having their closed ones betray them . The breakdown that makes any person have only one wish ~ simple death . 

But what Rita did was not just giving a simple death . A slow torture of going through hell and back and slowly deteriorating both mental and physical state of the enemy . 

That's what she had grown into and that's what she made into . To be totally unrelenting to the enemy .

  [ Creation is hard , cheer me up !

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