I stared down as Yun Che bowed in thankfulness to Ying'er, his eyes towards showed emotions of love, lust and gratefulness.
He repeatedly bowed as his eyes lingered around Ying'ers body. He most likely had fallen for her; it was the cliché hero saves damsel in distress excepts it's the other way around.
But this only makes the plan I have for him much more fun. Just thinking about it almost made my skin crawl in excitement.
As for his sky poison pearl, I will take it the next time I meet him. I need to let him suffer first then take one of the only things he has left.
This was the 'Take away the last possession of the already poor man.'
I obviously won't use this tactic in the future unless someone out there really angers me.
Later, I will need to practice controlling my emotions.
This was one of the most vital things in life, without self-control one would not be much different from a beast.
Ying'ers face remained passive throughout Yun Che's bowing. This will allow Yun Che to believe that I was controlling her, and she 'fell' for Yun Che.
Of course, Ying'er will not just stare at Yun Che. She will also sneak in a couple of winks, something that greatly repulsed her but the feeling of watching his face full of despair will certainly compensate a few winks.
"Thank you for your kindness and generosity, beautiful senior." Yun Che bowed and scraped as he tried to keep his lustful eyes away from Ying'er.
Instead of nodding, Ying'er nodded and returned her gaze to me.
Seeing her nonchalant attitude, Yun Che gritted his teeth in anger and frustration, believing that she was under my control.
Watching his angered expression made me laugh.
I kept my arrogance up and pretended to look down on him like an arrogant young master. While Ying'er bowed her head like a lowly maid.
"What about me?" I asked in an arrogant tone as I looked at him with a disdainful gaze.
Yun Che's body trembled for a slight second, whether it was out of anger or fear we wouldn't know.
He kept his head down and proclaimed, "No-one is magnanimous or generous as you, Oh great young master." He bootlicked.
"Good, you better not forget my kindness or generosity today," I grinned evilly, thinking of the expression he will have soon.
Yun Che kept bowing and stayed in the same spot, not daring to move or leave.
"Why are you still here?" I said in anger, as if his very existence was staining the area.
Hearing that he had the permission to leave, he immediately scurried away.
Feeling his aura disappearing from my sense, I sighed in tiredness.
"It's not easy pretending to be a young master."
"Don't worry, this won't be long anyway."
I didn't speak to her about the red-haired petite girl because it seemed to be something she was hiding, obviously I will find out about what happened but not yet.
We returned to the Xia manor and Xi'er greeted us at the entrance.
I smiled as she hugged me, I wrapped my hands around her and buried my face into her shoulder.
I talked to her about happened on our way back to our room and at times she giggled and sometimes was angry.
When I told her about my problem of controlling my emotions, she was quite worried for me.
"I think it's time to get started on the task we gave you, to control this whole world without any outside help. This will serve as good training and teach you about the cruel world outside"
(A/N: Outside help = Ying'er or Xi'er helping)
I nodded my head to her words, I have not truly ventured into the outside world, only within Floating Cloud City.
My eyes slightly moistened at the thought of leaving Ying'er and Xi'er even if it was only for a while. They have been with me for my whole life.
Seeing my eyes well up in tears, they moved in and brought me into their loving bosoms.
Xi'er patted my head and whispered, "It's alright, even if you don't know where we are, we will always watch over you." I kept her words within my heart.
"Let's have a few days off and stay with each other before I leave, I also need to go say goodbye Yue'er."
Hearing the first part of my sentence, they nodded but the second part, they smirked instead.
"Who says you will be alone?" Ying'er smiled as Xi'er nodded in agreement.
"Yue'er will be with me? Wow, this is going to be so much better." I exclaimed at the surprise they gave me.
"Alright should we go tell her?" They said as I removed myself from their bosoms and held their hands.
"Let's go now," I said as we walked towards Yue'ers room.
I knocked on her door and waited outside her door in excitement.
The door opened and a sleepy Yue'er dressed in a sleeping gown was standing there looking at us in confusion. Ever since I helped her, she has understood that cultivation was not something we should waste our whole life for and has spent some quality sleep time.
Her beauty has grown exponentially in these past years, especially because she has been getting her beauty sleep. Before her beauty was not comparable to Ying'er and Xi'er but now, she was definitely on par with them.
"Huh? What are you doing here Ken?" She asked in a surprised voice.
Chuckling to myself at her unkempt appearance, I answered, "Would you like to take over the world with me?"
Unable to comprehend what I just said, she replied, "Come again?"
"I said, would you like to take over the world with me?" I asked once again.
"Would I like to –sorry could you repeat that again? I don't think I heard it right." She slowly pronounced the words, as if they were a foreign language.
Sighing to myself, I repeated myself again, "Would. You. Like. To. Take. Over. The. World. With. Me?"
Her dull expression slowly morphed into one of surprise then panic.
"W-What? B-but I'm not r-ready yet, m-my hair is u-unkempt and…" She started panicking and waving her hands all about the place.
Ying'er and Xi'er to my sides both stifled a laugh at this scene. Their face went red almost trying not to laugh.
I put my finger to her lips and a hush sound.
"I didn't expect you to answer me right now," I shushed her as I realized how dumb I sounded.
I literally asked her a very important question in the morning when she just woke up and told her not to answer it right away.
I guess I still have a long way to go in terms of human relationships.
(A/N: Ken doesn't have much contact with humans besides a few maids and Ying'er and Xi'er.)
As the importance of the question dawned on her, she snapped out of her daze and broke into a smile that could kill playboys in their beds.
(A/N: Creativity is the way to go)
"I would love to," She replied.
Hearing her reply, I could not help but also break into a smile, "It's a date then," I said carelessly.
"A-a d-date?" Her face immediately went tomato red and she covered her face with her hands. Only peeking out through the gaps of her fingers.
I smiled at her cute reaction then nodded, "Yes, a date to conquer the world."
She made a very moe face and cutely nodded her head.
"Alright, I'll see you at lunch?" I asked.
"Yup," She exclaimed cutely.
We left her room and returned to our own. On the way back, I felt two hands pinching both sides of my waist in anger.
"Ow!" I exclaimed in pain, confused as to why they pinched me.
"You dare to flirt with another woman in front of us?" Xi'er said in jealousy while Ying'er nodded her head in agreement.
"Seems like we need to punish a bad boy tonight," Ying'er grinned evilly.
I tried to cry but no tears came out.