The Ripple In The Darkness

*Hello today I will release two more chapters after this one I think. Yesterday I couldn't post anything as I was out shopping but right now, I am traveling in train so I have some time. I hope you enjoy my out of touch writing.*


After the cave collapsed, a small black light was ignited in the place where Boruto and Sarada were buried.

More precisely, it was Boruto's hand that shone in the darkness.


Boruto's consciousness wasn't altered even after his death, much to his surprise.

'It's so...Dark... Is this the afterlife? I can't tell.'

Boruto couldn't feel his hands or legs. He couldn't move from his spot either and only looked at the neverending darkness.

He wondered whether this was actually the afterlife he was so afraid of.'At last, it's my time to go. Hopefully, the place called heaven truly exists and I will be able to enjoy my time in there, leisurely with my family and lovers...'

Some time has past but nothing really happened. He wasn't sure how much time he already spent in this place, as there wasn't a way to distinguish time.

'In darkness for eternity, is this my punishment for sealing a god? It can't be...'


Noticing a small ripple in the darkness, he looked towards the hole and was enveloped in light.

'So my existence finally being erased? '

Contrary to what he had in mind, the reality was completely different.

Boruto felt his body getting sucked into the ripple and had no way of resisting. The whole process took a few minutes before he was finally freed from the everlasting darkness

„It's a boy!" Someone announced.

'What the hell?' Boruto opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a pink-haired woman in her early twenties, with a white coat and a headband on her head.

'That's auntie Sakura! Sarada's mother! But she died! How is it possible?!'

Boruto observed his small hands and concluded that he was just a newborn.

He clenched his small fists and thought.

'It's either a genjutsu or... I returned back in time. If it's the latter, then that means that Sarada and everyone else is still alive. Great...That's great news...'

He looked to his right and noticed his parents in a younger version. He couldn't help but shed a tear

'My parents looked good together when they were young. Sadly, even this happiness was destroyed by the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan...'

A glint of hate flashed in his eyes and his father Naruto was quick to pick it up. As he has mastered sage mode, Naruto could easily pick up the emotions of other people around him and such a strong hatred coming from his newborn son made him restless.

He furrowed his eyebrows and mentally contacted Kurama. He entered the place where Kurama resided. Once he got inside, a sleeping Kurama entered his sight.

Naruto stepped forward and lightly caressed his fur.






"Ah...I am up...I am up...what year is it?

"Stop joking around!"

Hearing his slightly worried voice Kurama opened his big eyes and started paying attention.

"What is it Naruto? What's bothering you? You know that you can always count on me."

"Thanks, Kurama." Naruto smiled and continued, "Actually, just now, my son was born."

Kurama raised his eyebrow as if he was interested and grinned. "That's great news, especially for me."

Naruto was confused and asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

Kurama closed one of his eyes and slyly smiled

"I am glad that I won't have to watch your intercourse activities any time soon. Most of the time, I turn away and try to sleep, but I always get disturbed by the moans."

Naruto turned red and awkwardly scratched his cheek, "Well...That's..."

Both of them stood there in silence before Kurama changed the subject.

"So, congratulations..."

Naruto nodded and replied, "Thanks, but anyway...just now, I felt an intense killing intent coming from my baby so I am worried...Is it possible that a fragment of your old hateful self entered his body?"

Kurama shook his head and said. "Impossible. As you already know, my Jin half was sealed inside of the fourth Hokage, your father. My Yang half is still in here, but it's been purified and I don't feel anger, rage, or any negative emotions. Sorry, but there is just no way that a fragment of mine entered your brat. It was probably just your imagination."

Hearing Kurama's explanation, Naruto sighed as the worry in his heart disappeared. "Thank you again, Kurama. I want my child to be healthy. I was just concerned."

Kurama laid down again and murmured, "Every parent wants that. Even old man Hagoromo did. Now let me sleep and try to keep it quiet at night. I don't wish to wake up to another one of your 'experiments'."

Naruto hurriedly ran out of there and returned back to the normal world.

'Just the feeling that he knows what we are doing is embarrassing...yikes...' Naruto sighed in his mind and looked towards Hinata and Hanabi, who were already playing with his child's cheeks.

"Who is my little nephew? You are! Look how cute he is!" Hanabi was touching and stretching his face while Hinata just silently watched on and caressed his head.

Boruto let himself be pet by his mother and his future lover, feeling really sad.

'Hanabi...I am so sorry...'

In his past life, Hanabi was torn apart by Isshiki right in front of his eyes. After that, he took her eyes, and Boruto was forced to run.

"By the way, what is his name?" Hanabi asked.

"Boruto. His name is Boruto." Hinata said in a weak voice. She just gave birth so she was extremely tired and needed a rest.

"Hinata, you should rest." Sakura chimed in. She was the doctor who was in charge of Boruto's birth. She was naturally concerned for Hinata as a doctor and her friend.

Hinata closed her eyes and replied, "You are right, but you should rest as well. After all, it's only been a week since you gave birth. We should have asked for someone else to take your place...We really bothered you today..."

Sakura immediately shook her head.

"There is no way that this is going to bother me. I learned a high recovery technique from my master, Tsunade. I used it on myself and I am already feeling fine, and besides, how could I miss the birth of Naruto's child? It's a one time only opportunity!"

The women were in a harmonious relationship and discussed a few things before Sakura left the hospital ward.

Deep in his mind, Boruto smirked and thought, 'One time opportunity? Two years later, you will feel deja vu. In any case, I didn't know Sarada was older than me.'

Sakura returned a few minutes later and had a discussion with Hinata about raising children. Hanabi also asked her about lots of things even though she never had a boyfriend before, she was naturally interested and wanted to be prepared for the future.

Boruto used this chance to change his laying position, only to see a fidgeting Naruto in the corner of the room. Naruto wanted to see his son up close as well but he was afraid to disturb the peaceful talk of the women trio


'Ah...old man...haven't seen your face in such a long time... '

Naruto was kidnapped when Boruto was just about fifteen years of age and he didn't see him since.

Once again, Boruto felt like crying but restrained his tears. Instead, a large amount of killing intent poured out of him.

This time, not only Naruto but both Sakura and Kurama sharpened their gaze.

Sakura stood up and looked around the room in her doctor's robe.

"Who is there! Show yourself!"

While she couldn't exactly tell where the killing intent was coming from, she knew that it was in the nearby vicinity.

"What's wrong?" Hinata couldn't help but worry.

"Hinata, someone dangerous is most likely here in the hospital. I know you are tired, but please, try using your Byakugan and tell me if you see someone shady!"

"What?! Someone dares to come here to hurt my nephew?!" Hanabi ran out of the room and surveilled all of the rooms with her Byakugan but found nothing.

Hinata did as she was told but couldn't find anyone as well. "I am not sure...there is no one suspicious...It might have just been your imagination?"

"I am not sure about that...I felt it so clearly..."

Naruto stayed silent but a frown formed on his face. He immediately used his mental connection to Kurama again.

'Did you feel that, Kurama?'



Kurama laid back down and murmured 'That wasn't because of me. The killing intent did indeed come from the brat, you should know that by yourself as you are a sensory ninja. As for how or why...Don't ask me.'

While everyone around him was panicking, Boruto had no idea that he was leaking negative energy into his surroundings and only planned his next steps in his head.

'Just you wait...I have so much time to train myself and I already know how to use Hiraishin, Sage mode, and even a few abilities of Tenseigan, even though it will take some time until it unlocks again. I just need to focus on fortifying my body and then...I will try to master the rest of the useful forbidden scrolls in our village. I just need to figure out a way to get to the vault again.'

A few days have passed and Hinata was released from the hospital. She got the news that Naruto bought a new house for them and had already moved all the furniture inside.

Once they stepped in, Hinata exclaimed. "How pretty and cozy."

Boruto on the other hand was hit hard by nostalgia vibes.

'Our old house...I still can't shake the weird feeling of sleeping inside of a house instead of a cave.'

Boruto couldn't sleep the past three nights in the hospital, as he always felt like someone might attack him and his family at any moment. This was the kind of survival instinct he had developed after such a long time of running away and living on the brink of death every day. He wanted to set up a barrier or a rock formation but as he was a baby, he couldn't even stand up. He didn't even have enough chakra for a shadow clone. Heck, he was born three days ago.

'I need to get a grip. Nothing serious is going to happen in the next 12 years, so until then, I need to get as much sleep as possible to be healthy, although I can't relax, because I need to train myself harder than ever. But still...sucking on my mom's...breasts is awkward as hell...Especially when I used to do it to Hanabi a lot in my past life.'

Hinata took off her t-shirt and said.

"Now, be a good boy and open your mouth."

Boruto resigned himself to his fate and got ready to drink more breastmilk.

'I need to survive the following year and after that, I won't need to do this anymore...It's a small price to pay for reincarnation...'