Tell Me

"So?" I asked Aurora, the woman who burst into the room in a panic just a couple of hours ago, as she skimmed through the results of my MRI.

Her full attention was on the paper so she didn't hear me and the place where she drew the symbol on my arm felt like it was on fire when I saw that she was ignoring me.

Trying to distract from the pain I looked around the room, taking everything in.

Not long after the pact was made, the nurses burst in and took me to another room. This one was private and extravagantly furnished which feels a bit much, given I am in the hospital, not a hotel.

"This is the best?! Not even a dog is fit to stay here and this is where you are placing Miss Sagepice? Do you have a death wish?" Aurora yelled at them, I could feel the anger from where I sat and it wasn't even directed at me.

Damn, just who is my family?

Either way, her getting angry at them for the room is such an insignificant place to release an emotion. There are more important things to worry about at the moment.

"It's ok. I don't mind." I said, cutting her off her scolding.

"If you say so, Miss Sagepice." Aurora immediately changed her tone of voice and they all ran out of the room.

"Are you feeling alright, Miss?" Aurora asked, taking a seat beside the bed while I looked out the window.

So that's how outside looks like. Green and dreary. Yuck.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Aurora, Miss. Aurora Windsor."

"Who are you to my family? No." I turned my attention to her, "Who are you to me?"

"Nothing, Miss. I am nothing to your family or to you."

"Then what was with the blood pact?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I pledged to serve you and nothing can break that promise, not even death."

"So that means I can order you to do anything and you can't refuse me?" The emotion that welled in me before didn't disappear, it only calmed down and at that time, it threatened to consume me whole again. Like someone trying to claw its way out of me.

"More or less, Miss."

Trying to swallow down the feeling, I decided to try and ask her about my family but then the doctor called her out and they began talking to each other out of my room.

She came back with my results and is now inspecting them.

This distracting method isn't working, I just feel the burning get hotter as I remembered how I was ignored twice and without realizing it, I grabbed the vase from the table beside me and threw it with a strength I didn't know I had.

She caught it without even flinching which made my entire body burn with anger. Does she dare ignore me? Me?! And how dare she catch the vase that I threw?!

"Is everything alright, Miss?" Aurora finally looked at me and I could see the fear in her eyes as she looked at me.

Do I look that scary?

Yes! That's the look I like.

Who is this other voice I'm hearing?

"Don't you dare ignore me!" I hissed at her but the actions felt nothing like my own.

"I'm sorry!" She bowed her head down, voice full of fear and … excitement?


"Good. I am feeling gracious today so I will not do anything to you. Now, you will answer all the questions I have to ask without leaving anything out, alright?" My voice slithered out of my vocal cords, leaving a tingly sensation in my throat.

"Yes, Miss! I do not deserve your kindness!"

As quickly as the emotion overtook me, it disappeared, leaving me in confusion.

"What was that?" I looked at my hands still shaking from the rage I felt but not experienced.

Aurora looked up, a grin on her face as she took my shaking hand in hers, "That, Miss, is you. It's you. And I am so honoured to be serving you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Miss. I will remember it for eternity. I get to watch the Sagepice family rise again."

"OK." I pulled my hand from hers, a little uncomfortable. "Tell me, who is my family and what is it about this world that feels strange? Don't leave anything out."

"I will tell you all that I know, Miss. Your family is the Sagepice, a highly influential and powerful group of people. You see, in this world, there are the Magic Users and the common folk. In the Magic Users, there are two types- Magic Wielders and Magic Holders. Magic Wielders use the mana present in the world and manipulate it as they wish, then there are the Magic Holders who need to replenish the Vitals they have in their body with specific mana to use it.

"There was an incident that happened years ago in a kingdom and from then on the number of Magic Users have decreased. Most of the population have no magic now and those that still do are revered highly. There are certain noble families that have started to be affected by this though, with the birth of just one Non-Magic User, the next generation of that family remains Magic-less.

"Only five families still have magic- Redmont, Farrington, Hampton, Weston and Sagepice. Of all these, Sagepice remains the most powerful so it is safe to say that you have quite a few enemies, Miss." Aurora smiled at me. Her attempt at humour is average at best.

"Now, when you were born, you had no magic and everyone took it as an opportunity to bring your family down but your parents remained unaffected by their efforts. They were still respected and beloved by the people. This made others angrier at your family, so I believe a plot was hatched.

"They attacked your family and killed your father, you and your mother were left for dead but some of your parent's friends found you and brought you to the hospital. Just in the nick of time too. That's all I know. According to your test results, you have amnesia from head trauma and your mother has become a breathing corpse when she found out about your memories."

Aurora sighed, I could see a heavy weight of regret on her. She blames herself for what happened and is taking this harder than she needs to.

"What about that just now?"

"Oh, that one! It means your magic is awakening, Miss. The Sagepice family's crest is a snake and that's your spirit animal finally showing itself."

"Why now? Why not long before?"

"Usually, you need strong emotions to awaken it. I'm guessing that because of how peaceful life is becoming for everyone, it remained more dormant in you, Miss. What is the strongest feeling you have at the moment?"

Aurora's pupils dilated as she asked me this. She looks so excited. This woman is strange.

I'm guessing the woman I saw when I first woke up was my mother given her reaction when I asked who she was. If this is true then, I would want revenge right?

But, something doesn't feel right still.

"I don't feel anything except a burning sensation occasionally in my body," I said gripping my arm. "There are so many questions I have. If we have that many enemies, wouldn't we have guards?"

"That's the same question I had, so I went and check. Seems like the guards have no memory of what happened that day. It could have been anyone that attacked you ad we can't just accuse with your memory not there. But if we know what you felt that day to awaken the spirit, it can lead us in the right direction."

"I can't remember anything. Nor can I feel anything at the moment." I said, still confused with the questions swirling in my head.

"It's ok, Miss. Take your time. There is no rush, ok? Until then, I will take care of you and your family estate." Aurora exclaimed, full of energy.

"And when you remember," a deep purple glow emitted from her as black lines ran all along her face and hands, a sadistic look forming as well, "no one is going to be safe anymore."

Damn. She's so noisy.

I want to sleep.