
"So, what role do you play in all this?" I asked Aurora, taking a bite of the apple she peeled for me.

"Role? Nothing really, Miss. You needn't concern yourself with me. My existence is nothing but a mere fly on the wall for you." Aurora draped her white blazer on the chair and had her sleeves rolled up as she peeled another apple with a small pocket knife.

She always says this, dismissing every question I ask about her relation to me and my family.

"Why would you form the blood pact with me then? You also seem to have a good idea of my family's background and what goes on there. What are you in it for?"

I can't trust her just yet. Just because she made that pact with me, doesn't mean anything.

"You don't need to worry, Miss. A blood pact is one that can never be broken and there are severe punishments on the betrayer. Punishments worse than death." She shivered a little, gripping the half-peeled apple tight enough for some of its juices to run down her hand.

What's this? She's scared? That's strange.

I tried to stop the grin from forming in my face but I couldn't, even with another big bite of the apple.

What is wrong with me?

"So you needn't worry, Miss. Ok?" She smiled brightly at me while I turned away from her to face the window, she can't see the grin I have on my face.

"Sure." I blurt out while pinching my cheeks, hard.

"Brilliant, Miss. Now, what would you like to eat tonight? I will call and make an order."

"Noodles," I mumbled, willing the grin to disappear.

"Ok! Chicken noodle soup! Coming right up!" She exclaimed and walked out of the room, dialling the restaurant probably.

The moment she walked out the door, I hopped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Looking at the mirror I frowned.

That stupid grin is still there and I look absolutely horrifying. Like a killer who had just found their prey and couldn't wait to begin dissecting it.

Stop smiling you freak!

"And why should I?" My reflection replied back to me, her tone almost mocking.

Seems the reflection's movements do not affect my own as she crossed her arms but, looking down at my hands, they remain hanging at my sides.

Someone's cocky.

My reflection laughed and came closer to the mirror, the grin that refused to leave my face before and the one that looked so off when I stared in the mirror only seconds before, looked so natural on her face.

That doesn't make sense though. Isn't that my face either way?

"I like you." She said slamming on the glass as though she was on the other side of the mirror.

A ripple spread across the surface like a drop falling on still waters and the image changed, my black hair turned white and brown eyes became grey and glass-like.

Her hand reached out and grabbed my face, while the rest of her body followed.

"Yes. I like you a lot. Let's have some fun ok?" She gripped onto my neck and in a bright flash of light, I was alone again. My body slumped on the ground and convulsing uncontrollably.

I felt pain like I never experienced before, it ran all along my veins and nerves up to my brain. I felt like multiple worms were wriggling underneath my skin, trying to get somewhere.

It hurts. It hurts so bad.

"It hurts!" I cried out, my voice breaking but it was only as loud as a whisper.

Am I going to die like this? Isn't it a little sad to die on the bathroom floor while in agony and no memories?

Oh, well. Just get it over with already, I feel so disgusting, with the wriggling under the skin of my cheek.

I closed my eyes. It didn't help in the pain at all but at least I feel closer to death.

"Meraki! You have to live!" A man's voice resounded all through the empty darkness that surrounded me. In an instant, I could feel the pains subside but I couldn't open my eyes.

Meraki? Oh, wait. That's my name, right? Strange name if you ask me.

"Meraki, take care of your mother ok?" A man's face appeared in front of me, gentle and warm.

He ran to the door and closed it, just as tears spilt out of his eyes.

Wait, what is this? It hurts my chest. Why do I feel so heavy seeing him go?

No! Don't! Come back!

I need to move. I need to get to the door he just shut. I need to bring him back.

Why? Why do I need to bring him back?

I don't know but I feel like the pressure in my chest will kill me if I don't bring him back.

My legs feel like it's made of iron, each step was a pain to take. Darkness still surrounded me but all I could see was the door in front of me. So close but so far.

Almost there. Almost.

I reached my hand out and grabbed the door handle. Using whatever strength I could muster, I pulled at it and opened the door.

"Wait!" I shouted, but the shout caught on my throat as I watched the man's lifeless body slumped on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding him.

"Hello. Again." Another man's voice whispered in my ears.

Instinctively, I fell forward and looked at where I stood to see a looming shadow, staring down at me.

Who is this person?

"Regain your memories and come find me. I will be waiting, just as I promised." He said to me, leaning down.

No matter how close he was to me, I couldn't make out his face with the shadows that covered him.

"Who are you?" I asked, unsure of what I was feeling at the moment.

"That's for me to know and you to figure out. But since you did such a good job not dying, I will give you a clue regarding that man's death." He pointed to the body on the ground.

Needles prick at my heart looking at the body.

"He's my father isn't he?" I turned away from the body and focused on the figure again.

It clapped its hands in delight.

"Brilliant. Now, listen carefully. This will help you in figuring out who his murderer might be. Crown of sunlight and heart of glass. Good luck."

It waved its hands and I opened my eyes to see Aurora looking down on me, she looked like she was about to collapse from worry.

"Meraki! You're ok. Thank goodness, you are ok." She pulled me into an embrace, her body shaking all over.

"Yeah. Sorry." I mumbled, still trying to process what had just happened.

"What happened? Did someone attack you?" She finally pulled away, reluctantly. Now anger replaced the fear, I could even feel the pressure of her bloodlust to my core.

"Nothing like that, Aurora." I felt the burning sensation on my arm again and pulled my sleeve up to see, nothing.

"Your wounds, Miss. They are gone. But how? You just got new stitches a couple of hours ago." Aurora and I examined my entire body and we could see that there was no more wounds, just some scars.

We called the doctors and had them examine my entire body properly.


I was fully healed.

"How did this happen? How? I left her alone for three minutes and forty seconds and this happens?" Aurora was beside herself, walking back and forth, mumbling to herself.

I left the deduction to her while I scratched my collar. It's been itching incredibly since I woke up and with each minute that passes, it keeps getting worse.

I scratched until I felt like blood was going to come out but still nothing, until now.

Like a child playing with glue and letting it dry in their hand before peeling it off, then feeling the satisfaction of the peel, I felt that way too as I peeled it off. The itching finally subsided.

But then, I didn't put glue there.

Then what did I peel off?

Looking down at my hand, I saw a sheet of my raw skin glistening with the light.

Well, this isn't good.

"Aurora?" I called, holding the skin up for her to see.

The world around us became quiet as we stared at each other, both confused and unsure of what to say or do while my skin danced with the wind coming from the window.