
I stared at my back in the mirror of the bathroom. Some parts were still bleeding from when Kefi dug into the skin. I have no idea what she used to carve this into my body but I prefer not knowing.

What felt like hours passed by while I clenched my teeth, grabbing onto the tree for support. Kefi released me from her hold once she started.

She carved all over the top half of my back, extending down to the halfway point.

There were so many symbols and words in languages I have no idea of, I fell asleep as she was explaining every one of them.

I can't believe I did that. I really wanted to know each of them too but I couldn't stay away, no matter how hard I tried to.

I have to apologise to her when she comes back. For now, I need to get cleaned up.

I looked at the showerhead and cringed.

This is going to hurt.

And hurt it did.

"Goodmorng" I greeted Aurora, who was extremely busy in the kitchen. When she said feast, she wasn't kidding.

"Good morning, Miss! How was your sleep?"

"I don't know." I mumbled, climbing and seating on the counter. Every movement I made hurt my back and my already sore muscles as well.

"Didn't you sleep well, Miss? Let me check your temperature." Aurora wiped her hand in her apron and rested it on my forehead.

"Your temperature is fine. Maybe another day of rest will do you good."

"I'm fine, Aurora." I said, resting my head on the wall. That bath was supposed to wake me up, not make me sleepier.

"If you say so, Miss. But I think you should rest up as soon as dinner is done. Now, I am just about to be done with the custards then we can eat."

"Custards?!" Kefi came out, energetic as ever.

"Yes, Kefi, custards. If you are patient for just a little bit longer than you can have as much as you want, after all, I made tons."

"Yay! You are the best!"

"It's really strange to hear that coming from Miss's mouth. Knowing it isn't Miss still doesn't help. But you seem awfully energetic today, Kefi." Aurora mused, watching us jump off the counter and roam the kitchen, smelling every food there.

"I feel great. It could be because I finally bonded with Meraki. Properly. Ooooo~ This one smells good." Kefi opened the lid to a pot and took a sniff. She is practically the owner of my body now.

"That's my specialty, I haven't come up with a name for it yet though. Anyway, what do you mean 'bonded with Meraki'? Didn't you bond with her already?" Aurora leaned against the counter, staring at us.

"Not really. I forgot that I did a temporary bond with her. Not a permanent one. So she got transported to my realm and I bonded with her there." Kefi said, plopping down on a chair in the dining room.

"What?! No wonder Miss looks so tired. Let me see. Where did she write the symbols?" Aurora walked out of the kitchen, bringing the dishes with her magic to the table and arranging them there as she walked to me.

"Do I have to show you?" I whined, wincing when I pressed my back against the chair's back.

"How big is it for you to have to do it in her back?" Aurora gently turned me around and pulled my shirt up, gasping at the sight.

"It's pretty big." Kefi said, sheepishly.

"What? I can't even understand some of these symbols. What exactly have you written here? A bond symbol is usually only the size of a very small box."

"Well, you know that I'm not like other spirits."

"Ouch. Don't touch it." I moved away from her, the stinging pain still there.

"Was Midnight Snow's one like this too?" Aurora asked, going back to the kitchen.

Kefi laughed as though Aurora told a joke so incomprehensible it had to be funny, "No way. She would die if wrote this much on her."

"Then?!" Aurora emerged with a first-aid kit. "Miss, Please come here. I need to bandage it up to prevent it from getting infected."

I trudged to the room and sat down again.

"How long do you think this will take to heal?" I asked as I sat there without my shirt on while Aurora applied an ointment on the wound.

"I do not know, Miss. I really wish I could heal it for you but using magic will disrupt the bond so we just have to wait for it heal on it's own. Why would you write this much symbols and words, Kefi?"

"Let's just say … I have high hopes for this one."

"What are you-?"

"Oh, Aurora. Could you find someone for me?"

"Of course, Miss. Who would you like me to search out?" Aurora wrapped the bandages around me as she asked, the smell of medicine is thick in the air, mixed with food.

"I want you to find out if any of the top four families have golden hair."

"Golden hair?"

"Yes. Not yellow or blonde. Golden."

"Why golden hair, Miss?" She secured the bandage by tying up the ends and tucking them in.

"I may have a lead and I need to find this out. Even if they are adopted, disowned, a cousin, a family friend, unrelated to them by blood but have some kind of connection to them, even a small one like they look after the family garden, if their hair is golden, find them. Got it?"

I looked up at Aurora who looked like she was close to tears again.

"What?" I sighed.

"It's just, I'm so proud of you, Miss. You were able to stop Kefi mid-attack and also teleport somewhere else, using her own magic. Which was considered an impossible feat because of how fast she has always been when it comes to attacks. You were able to go to Kifa's realm and get this many symbols carved onto your back. And just now, Miss, you looked so cool~"

"Ok. Will you be able to do it?" I asked, mouth full of food. Kefi had already started eating while Aurora was talking.

"Of course, Miss. I will find this golden haired person by tomorrow. Now! Let's have dinner! You really need to rest up after this, Miss."

Aurora sat opposite of me and began to eat.

"Oh, what about those reporters?" I asked.

In the time we spent practicing, the reporters have gotten very restless, looking for any information about me or mother.

The hospital staff and all the patients with their families who have seen me were sworn to secrecy by Aurora. She didn't tell me what she did but apparently it was very effective.

Some of them have tried to enter the place to investigate but they were no match for Aurora's barrier.

"Don't worry about them. They can't get past me. I don't know how that intruder broke in that day but I have reinforced it, it's stronger than before. No one will be able to get past them now. I'll make sure of it."

"You're amazing, Aurora." I murmured under my breath.

"What, Miss?"

"Nothing. You're cooking is delicious."

"Thank you, Miss." She beamed and continued to eat her food, merrily.

"Tsundere." Kefi scoffed under her breath.


"Nothing. Nothing at all. This custard is the best!"