

I did a cartwheel just as a spear came flying, barely missing me.

"Nice! But we need to be faster."

Kefi and I have gotten better at communicating when we are training. This must be because we finally bonded properly.

Or could it be because we actually started to communicate? Kefi would disappear while I train and come back once it is all over to give as much critique as she could about my form or anything else really.

It was annoying. So annoying.

But now, she is the other senses I lacked. With her help, I haven't been getting hurt as much either. My speed has increased as well.

Still … I am no match for Aurora, even with Kefi's help.

I am dodging whatever she throws at me but other than that, I am not making any headway. I am unable to even get close enough to counter-attack.


"Why don't I take over during the trainings, Meraki?" Kefi asked as we were getting ready for training today.

"You are already skilled enough, Kefi. The training is going to be easy for you while for me, it is still extremely difficult. If I don't improve just from this then I'm never going to improve. I do appreciate your concern, Kefi." I grabbed all my hair and tied them into a ponytail, sighing as I stared at myself in the mirror.

"You are pretty, Meraki."

"This face is pretty. That's not the issue. Thing is, I have no emotional, or really, any kind of connection to this face or body. Every time I look in the mirror, it's like I'm looking at someone else. A face in the crowd. Goodness. When did I become so dramatic?"

"I was just about to say that." Kefi laughed. She looks a hundred times more like she belongs in this body as compared to me.

"Never mind, all that. Let's go to the training room. Aurora will have found something by now." I took one last look in the mirror with my dull eyes and walked out of the room.

"There you are, welcome to today's training." Aurora greeted as we entered the room but something felt off and I was instantly on guard.

Aurora had her uniform on as well, I haven't seen her in it in a while. Something's up.

"Oh? What's this?" Kefi's voice had a hint of anticipation in it.

So she sensed it too. Though what she is feeling is something different as compared to me.

"I am glad to see the both of you so high on alert and it is for a good reason too." Aurora is grinning playfully.

"What are you talking about, Aurora?"

"Well, I hope you will be pleased to know that I found the person you asked for, Miss."

"Really? Who is it?"

"Oh, you didn't think I would hand over this information so easily did you?"

"What are you talking about, Aurora?"

"Miss, I will do anything to protect you and once I give this information to you, you will forever be in a world of danger."

"This isn't new information, Aurora. Even having Kefi is putting me in danger already."

"I wish you to be able to live a life full of joys and the get to see the beauty the world has to offer. But you are leaning to a path that will destroy all chances of that. Are you sure you want to know?" Aurora looks sad as she said this, what did she find exactly?

"Of course. I am so close, Aurora. I can't just quit now. What did you find exactly?"

Aurora refused to answer, turning away from me. Why do I feel my blood boiling?

"Aurora!" Kefi shouted. Guess she is also getting impatient as well.

"How about this? For today's training, if you are able to touch me within ten minutes, I will tell you everything I found and even help without questioning anything anymore. To the end."

"And if I can't?"

"We go away from here, far away. The news will spread the word of your death. We can bring your mother as well and live a normal life, away from everything here. What do you say?"

"I thought you said that you will have to follow my every order when you made that blood pact with me? Were you lying to me?" I hissed out.

"NO! I mean … these are my conditions, Miss. I'm sorry. I just need to see how far you are willing to go for this."

I can see how much she is struggling to be stern with me, it's a little amusing to watch.

"So what should we do?" I asked Kefi.

"Other than accepting, are there other options?"

"Yeah. But I can hardly avoid her attacks and I doubt she will hold back this time. I'll be wiped out in a couple of minutes."

"I am finally feeling excited! Don't worry. I will be supporting you from today onwards. Not just now but even later on. Ok?"

"Fine. I'll be counting on you then."


Seven minutes have passed and I am nowhere near Aurora. In fact, it seems like I am just getting further away.

It is impressive that I haven't gotten hurt yet. But that's not enough, not yet.

"She really is in her element, isn't she?" Kefi said she's been having the most fun out of the three of us.

Aurora created a platform from the ground, standing right at the centre of around fifty weapons, which she created out of thin air. Every second, she aimed those weapons at us and attacked. It was so fast I don't know when or how I dodged each of them. I have never seen her like this before, so calm and controlled.

She almost looks cool.

OTHER than that, she has to have a weak spot somewhere. Wait-

"Meraki!" Kefi took over my body and jumped out of the way just as another spear came charging at us. However, it still grazed my thigh and I clenched in pain.

Kefi touched the ground and made a wall, blocking us from her view.

"Damn it. Pay attention!"

"Sorry." I grabbed my thigh and saw the open wound. I tore a piece of my shirt and wrapped it up, heaving from the pain.

"At this rate, we aren't even going to be able to get close to her, let alone touch her. Are you sure you don't want me to take over?"

"Yeah. I have to take care of this on my own. You helping me like this is more than enough."

"Well, what are you going to do then? There is no way to get close to her, especially in your condition now."

"I have a plan. But it is a bit dangerous and I will need your help."

"Well spit it out then. Nothing like a little danger to liven things up."