
"Miss!" Aurora shouted, almost squeezing the life out of my hand. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry."

I am in my room, getting treated by Aurora. After I collapsed, she carried me all the way from the training room, while panicking.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, pulling my hand out of her grasp.

Every day I get more and more bandages on me.

It's so difficult to move around with them on.

"I didn't mean to lose control like that and I … I hurt you. I'M SORRY! I will take any punishment you wish to give me. Anything. If you want me to jump off of a cliff and impale myself then I will do it happily."

"Whoa, Whoa. Slow down. Sheesh. Are you looking down on her or something?" Kefi came out of nowhere, taking the situation in her hands again.

"What? I would never-!"

"Then stop apologising and praise her for what she was able to do. All these apologies are starting to make me feel sick. Tell her she did a good job and keep your end of the bargain."

And she's gone.


"I'll bring you lunch."

Aurora had her head down the entire time Kefi spoke, now she wouldn't even look at me. Not when I spoke or even if I called to her. She would come, give me food and walk right out.

It's been three days since then.

That kind of hurts just a little bit when she doesn't acknowledge me, I wonder why.

Is she backing out on the deal? But this was her idea.

"What a handful." Kefi sighed loudly, leaning back against the pillow.

"Ouch." I sat back up, the stinging pain in my back is still there and it is becoming so much more inconvenient with the passing days, along with my impatience.

"What is with this nonsense!?" Kefi shouted, grabbing the pillow and flinging it to the door.

"Kefi, calm down." I looked into the mirror placed just beside my bed.

"Calm down? You're telling ME to CALM DOWN??!! After everything that happened?!" Kefi grabbed the covers and tore it with her hands.

"Yes. Did I stutter?"

"Hey, Meraki. What's wrong with you too? You promised blood. YOU promised that to ME and look at where we are now. Where is the blood? After everything, I've done?! Where is it?!"

"You can scream into the mirror all you like but it's not going to change anything. I understand your impatience because I can feel your hunger as well."

"I'm going crazy, Meraki. I going crazy." She grabbed my head and pulled on my hair. From my reflection, I look like I have gone insane.

"I can see that. Are you regretting making the bond with me?"

"No. I don't regret it. It's just that ... I always got what I wanted, instantly. You are the first to get me to wait. I wonder why I let you too." She released my hair and stared into the reflection, a tired look on my face.

"Why are you putting up with this then? You can terminate the bond any time you wish, right? It wouldn't be hard."

"Do you want me to terminate the bond that badly, Meraki?" She tilted my head a little to the side, looking at me with her deep blue eyes.

"No. I don't but seeing you suffer like this … it's not fun. I'm sorry, Kefi." I don't know what this feeling is called but it is a mix of frustration, annoyance and dejection.

She was there with me through it all but I keep making her wait. Wouldn't it be better if she left? Sure it will be much harder for me but ... I don't know anymore.

"You're not giving up are you?" She scowled at me, anger thick in her voice. "On your revenge, your promise to me. You're giving up?!"

"I never said I was giving up. Don't just make assumptions all on your own."


"I'm getting annoyed with all your complaining. I am still going to continue, whether you and Aurora are with me or not. I've come back to life for a reason and I am not giving up or dying until I find out what it is."

Kefi grinned her signature grin, the crazed look in her eyes didn't go away. She walked to the mirror, pressing her hand to the reflection of my face.

"This is the reason I stick by you so much. This is your fault for getting me so invested. I will see this to the end as well so, you'd better get used to all these complaints of mine. Coz, I'm not leaving until the day you die."

"Alright. Suit yourself."

I felt happy hearing her say this, really happy. What kind of lonely life did I live before to feel happy over this trivial thing?

"So what are we going to do now? We still need Aurora on our side, even if it's just for now."

I looked all around me, seeing the pillow on the ground and the ripped sheets I got an idea.

"I need you to take care of it this time."

"What do you need me to do?" There was no denying the excitement she felt when I saw how much bluer her eyes got.

"Wreak havoc."

"Ohhh~? Leave it to me then."


"Miss, Dinn- Miss?" Aurora dropped the plate when she saw me curled up on the ground, naked, the room a complete disaster.

"MISS! What happened?" Aurora ran and held my body up. Tears rained down on my face and I'm basking in it as I stared at her blankly.

"Isn't this better, Aurora? Letting the wounds fester until I get an infection and then die from it."

"Why would you think that's better?!" She sobbed. "Why would you want to die?!"

Ahh~ I'm feeling a little bad for her but then again, I'm just giving what's due.

"I woke up with no memories then I met you and Kefi, finding a purpose to me being here. But if you wouldn't wish to even help me then, what's the point? I'll just die as I should have on that hospital bed." I mumbled to her, refusing to look her in the eyes. "Go."

Kefi released her magic and created a barrier between us. Aurora was pushed back as she dropped my body back to the floor.

I feel like a rag doll.

"Miss." Aurora chocked, banging her hands against the barrier.

Just how many tears do humans have to be able to cry as much as they wish?

"It's better for you too right? If I die. You won't have to look after me anymore and you will be released from the blood pact. You will be able to live your life again. That's what you wanted right? That's why you made that false promise to me. Just leave me here to rot, Aurora. Go home."

"No! I'm not going to do that! I'm never going to do that again! I'm sorry. I will help, as I promised. I will do anything and everything you ask me to. Just let me be by your side, please! I made this mistake once, don't let me relive that mistake again, please. This is home! I- I am home. Please." She slid down to the floor, bawling her eyes out.

"Don't you think this is enough, Meraki? I feel a little bad."

"Aren't you just getting sentimental now?"

"I don't care about humans and their emotions but since I am sharing this body with you, I know it's hurting you to see her like this, even if you can't really feel it. Enough, Meraki."

"Fine. Remove the barrier."

Huh~ if she begs like that, who am I to say no?

I pushed myself off of the floor and looked at Aurora as the barrier disappeared.

"Aurora," I called to her.

"Miss?" She looked up, eyes red with tears still flowing down.

I opened up my arms and said, "Come."

Without wasting a second, Aurora buried herself in my arms, which was a feat given how much bigger she is as compared to me, crying her eyes out again.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." She bawled.

I wrapped my arms around her and patted her head, letting her cry.

For this moment, everything feels so warm.