
"Are you feeling better?" I asked handing her a cup of tea.

"Yes. Sorry about that, Miss." Aurora sniffled taking the cup.

"Aurora." I pulled a chair up and sat in front of her.

"Before I tell you about what I found, will you be willing to listen to my excuse? Though that does feel a little … I just want to try to clear the image you may have of me at the moment. That is, if you don't mind, Miss."

Sounds like she's just stalling for time.

Yes, but I still want to hear her out.

It's your decision, not mine. Go ahead.

"What do you have to say?" I asked, taking a sip of my tea.

"Thank you so much, Miss." Aurora beamed then regained her composure again, "Sorry. Now, about thirty years ago, I met your father. We weren't in the same division and, though he was the partner I had for the shortest amount of time, he left a huge impact on me. Much more than any of the other partners I had.

"He was a powerful Magic User and brilliant as well. He had a lot of people after him for his Magic and his name. Every minute he was alive, someone was after him. But in the midst of all that, he remained all smiles and goodwill."

Aurora had a faint smile on her face as she talked about my father, a glint in her eyes.

"Did you love my father?"

Aurora stared at me then laughed a little, "I don't know if it is love or not, but I did admire him tremendously. I still do, even now."

A soft, gentle aura surrounded Aurora as she looked at me with so much pride, I feel a little conscious.

"I like to believe that I impacted him in some way as well, but I never got to ask him. I was his best man, woman, I don't know what it's called, at his wedding and was there for your birth as well."

Her eyes brimmed with tears all over again as she looked at me overflowing with love, I think.

"I remember holding you in my hands. You were so tiny, Miss. I immediately became scared that I might kill you accidentally just from looking at you."

I took the tissue box and handed it to her. My chest heaved with pangs of pain just from looking at her in this state.

"Thank you." She dabbed her eyes and cleared her throat, continuing, "I loved you the moment I saw you, Miss. You had the most beautiful smile, a smile that rivalled your father and, honestly, yours is better.

"I knew I was blessed when I got to watch you grow, Miss. I considered myself the luckiest of humans when you would make something only for me and showered me with all the love you had. You were the only good thing in my life and I became fiercely protective of you. To the point that your parents had to sit me down and give me a talking to for spoiling you too much." Aurora laughed, looking into the liquid in her cup as the steam rose out of it.

"I didn't listen to them, however. Thing is, I could never say no to you. Not when you looked at me and smiled so brightly." Aurora paused, taking in a deep breath. "That is until you asked me to teach you how to fight.

I frowned but kept my mouth shut.

"I felt everything shatter when you asked me that and, for the first time since you were born, I said no. After that, like a coward, I left.

"That day, I realized, just how different our worlds were and, no matter how much I loved being with you, I don't want you involved in it. People consider this line of work 'noble' but that doesn't take away all the bloodshed and violence that comes with it.

"Your father … he was able to live a normal life but I wouldn't be able to do so. Even if I retired, everything I did will come back so it wouldn't matter.

"I needed to keep my distance from you. So I busied myself with work. Your father would always call because you would ask about me. He told me that you would just sit in front of the gate the entire day, waiting for me and it took everything in me not to run to you immediately.

"I wasn't willing to let you get involved with my dirty affairs. I believed that I was protecting you that was the only thing that made me stand my ground. But then, I made the biggest mistake in my entire life."

Aurora shook so much, her tea spilt onto her dress. I handed her more tissues again and took the cup from her, placing it on the table.

"Thank you." She smiled but she couldn't even wipe her dress properly, so I took the tissue from her and began wiping it.

"I feel like I am always the one that needs comforting, Miss. It should be the other way around but you are, and always have been, the one easing my worries and concerns."

Aurora rested her hand on my head, directing my attention back to her.

"I'm sorry." She cried, resting her head in her hands, "The day of the attack, you called me sounding a little … frantic. The moment … I heard your voice, I kept the call and went to ��� work. I should have known from the way you said my name. I will never ever forgive myself for what I did. I … don't deserve to stay by your side. I really don't."

I stared at the woman crying her eyes out and apologizing to me. She looked like she would die if I asked her to.

How does a person comfort someone else? Coming up with no answer, I watched her cry until she calmed down by herself.

"When you asked me to train you, I felt like I got the chance to redeem myself. That's why I refused to go easy on you. I decided that if I was going to train you, I will train you to the point that no one can touch you.

"Everything was fine, but then you told me to look up that golden-haired person. That person is involved in many dangerous people and I knew that you will enter something that will make sure you are forever in constant danger if you knew more about it.

"That's why I said did such a thing. I was thinking 'It's ok if she hates me. As long as she can be safe. I don't care'. But it hurt more than I care to admit, to the point that I lost control of my Magic. That hasn't happened in years but I was so out of it and I hurt you this much."

Aurora crumpled to the floor, shaking as she continued to cry, pouring her heart out must hurt a lot.

"I don't deserve to even be in the same room as you. I betrayed your trust and I hurt you. I am of the lowest scums. I should have died the day I ignored your call but I didn't, and I still continue to hurt you."

"I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Miss. Just allow me to be by your side, I know I am being selfish but I will do anything. Allow me to atone for my sin, please.

"Even if you hate me. I can live with that. Just ple-"

I pulled her into my embrace, holding her tight. The pain in my chest felt heavy, too heavy I almost can't breathe.


"I don't hate you. I can't speak for my old self either but I know she doesn't hate you either. So just stop, say you will be with me to death and let's get this over with."


"Just don't leave my side again. I won't be able to take it anymore if you leave another time."

"I PROMISE! I will stay with you and forever be your servant to the end of my life!"

"That's taking it a little far, don't you think?" I paused for a second, gathering my thoughts. The weight in my chest lessened down but I still felt like something was missing.

"Hey, Aurora?" I interrupted her ramblings and apologies. She looked up at me, afraid of what I might say. "Why don't you just call me by my name from now onwards?"

"W-what? I- I can't, Miss. I don't des-" She pulled away from me, but her eyes never left mine.


"B-but, Miss, I-"

"Meraki. My name is Meraki."


"Meraki. We can keep going at this until you call me Meraki."

"NO! I won't, Miss."


"I don't deserve it!"

"Are you going to hurt me like that again? Rejecting what I gave you. Ok then." I started walking away, but Aurora clung onto my leg.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will accept it."

"Then say my name."


"See, it isn't that hard. Now, what are we having for dinner? I'm starving."

"I'll just heat the curry, Miss. Ah."

I turned and glared at her.

"Meraki. I meant Meraki. W-what would you mind waiting for a few minutes?"

"Sure. You haven't eaten right?"

"No, Mis- Meraki."

"Then, let's eat together. I haven't eaten with you in three days."

Aurora sucked in her breath, but it was no use, tears still streamed down her eyes.

"I'll help you," I said, turning away from her and walking to the kitchen.

"Thank you!" Aurora shouted, smiling while tears flowed down her eyes.

People are so strange.

Oh well, the weight in my chest is gone, at least.

I'll ask her about the person some other time.