Not Going to Happen

"Where's your arm?"

"Ah, well … you see. It's a funny story." Aurora quickly pulled away, nervously scratching the back of her head.


"Sorry. Regrowing limbs is not something I can do. But I can close up the wound no problem."

"What were you doing?" I asked while Kefi unwrapped the cloth tied around her arm, trying not to use our left hand, revealing a broken bone with bits of flesh and muscle hanging off the skin and bone.

"Well …"

"Nevermind. Please don't answer my question." Kefi carefully placed our hand over her's and the muscles began to intertwine while the broken edge of the bone slowly healed, her flash covering up the bone.

"Done!" Kefi exclaimed, looking at the stump with pride.

"Wow, good job, Kefi." Aurora marvelled at her handiwork. "Dare I say you are even better than Jasmine."

"Jasmine? The woman you brought?"

"Oh yeah, I should introduce you three. Jasmine, I have someone to introduce you to." Aurora called out, smiling gleefully.

"Coming." She helped Rose up and they began walking towards us. Now that I got a good look at her, I can see the same Phoenix crest-like brooch pinned on her dress. Though, unlike the other two, her's is opal.

"This is-"

"Meraki, I presume." She is so bubbly I thought I saw flowers bloom behind her.

"You know me?"

"Of course, Aurora talks about you so much I have your entire family's name and personalities memorized. I would recognize you a mile away. You're so pretty."

"Awww~ I already know that but thank you none the less."

"Oh? There are two of you? Is it a split personality thing?"

"No. This is-"

"Hey no fair, I wanted to do the introductions. I have been practising since you were a child." Aurora whined.

"How old are you? Mentally?"


"Fine. Fine."

"Remember to emphasize on who I am," Kefi whispered to Aurora with a wink.

"Of course. Jasmine, Rose. This is Miss. Meraki Sagepice and Kefi. Kefi is the snake spirit that currently inhabits with Miss." Aurora introduced us with an air of sophistication I didn't know she had. "Miss, Kefi, these are Rose and Jasmine. They are also members of the Society and my closest childhood friends."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jasmine smiled at us while Rose just gave a nod.

"By the way, Aurora, by Kefi, you don't mean-" Jasmine and Rose exchanged knowing looks as they observed me more carefully.

"Yes. That one. Incredible right?" Aurora beamed, she would have jumped up and down also but I am so thankful she didn't do that.

"I see you have heard of me." Kefi's nose grew longer with that thought.

"Why yes, who wouldn't have heard of the Battle of Iftha four hundred years ago?" Jasmine began to have a look on her face that is best to be described as 'a kid at a candy store'. "Or of the demon snake spirit that took down hundreds o-"

"Let's not talk about it now, Jasmine. You're never going to stop once we start." Rose quickly interjected, clearly used to this.

"What? I'm only giving some history lessons."

"Right … Sure. Now, Aurora the blood reading."

"Blood reading? Right after you were so close to death that I had to use one of the mana Lillian gave us to save you? Do you think I will allow you to do such a thing? You must be out of your mind, Rose. You almost died."

"But I didn't and nothing bad happened right? So all's well that ends well."

"It's not the end yet and you know it. When are you going to learn? When?" Jasmine scolded while Rose completely ignored her.

"Look. I'm going to have to do it. The apple of Aurora's eyes really, really needs it and I can't refuse. Right?" She turned to me, pleading with her eyes but I couldn't care less.

Don't drag me into this. I have no part or play in it.

I wish Kefi thought the same.

"Of course. I need their help to uncover what happened to my family. I just … want to know." She buried our face in our hands and fake sobbed while making sure to hide the bruised side from their line of sight.

"See? How can I refuse a plea like that?"

"You've never taken to children and you say that now? Also, aren't your eyes sparkling a little too much? I don't believe you."


"But I will help. What do you say, Aurora? Just like the good old times?"

"You two never change." Aurora laughed, looking at them fondly. "Sure, Jasmine. If it's what Miss wants then it is mine to carry out."

"Why do you need this for Mi-Meraki?" Aurora finally turned to me as I shoved my hands into my pocket.

"One of the men was part of the attack in my family's house. He was the reason why they were able to infiltrate our house with ease. When he was about to tell us more, he was killed. I ran after the killer but lost him, bumping into Rose."

Rose burst out laughing, "Yeah, I couldn't hear or feel her presence at all so when she jumped out and started suffocating me, I almost pierced a knife through her neck as well. It was funny."

"What?" Aurora and Jasmine shouted, frowning at Rose.

Aurora came running to me and started inspecting my neck, despite my protests.

"There's a cut here. A-a cut. Miss got hurt."

"Rose. She is still a child. You probably weren't alert or careful enough." Jasmine resumed her scolding.

"Of course I wasn't alert. Every step I took hurt, I couldn't breathe properly and even the environment seemed to be attacking me."

"We've gone through worse training, Rose. That isn't a good enough excuse. Is she ok, Aurora?" Now Jasmine is beside me, her hand on Aurora's shoulders.

"Cut. She has a cut. What dagger did you use?" Aurora turned slowly and asked, her body trembling.

"The dagger I always carry … Oh, *%$#%. I'm so sorry."

"Rose!" Both women shouted, Aurora pulling me close to her body protectively.

"I just got her back! I can't lose her again!" She started sobbing.

"You won't lose her, Aurora. I promise to do everything in my power to help her. OK? How long ago was it?" Jasmine was still calm, well, as compared to Aurora.

Judging by Rose's expression, and the panic that overtook the three women, it would seem like something bad was about to happen.

"No. Nononononono. Miss. No."


"I'm sorry. I really am." Rose sighed, raking her hands through her hair, "I should have been more careful."

Ah~ That's what's different about her.

Ok, that's it.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Kefi came out, shouting and trying to push away from Aurora but we couldn't.

"Miss. What do I do?"

"If you don't tell me now, I am getting her dagger and stabbing myself with it."


I didn't mean it but I have to convince them somehow.

No, it's ok. If it comes to it then go ahead. I don't mind.


Don't sound so happy though. You're still going to be stabbing us.

"NO!" Aurora released a breath, "Ok, I'll tell you. Us, Division Four always carry spare daggers because our swords, though powerful, can get overwhelmed when we use it a lot. When that happens, it crumbles back to mana in the air and plants.

"That's also why we carry a spare dagger with us. Just in case that happens and we are still in the midst of a battle. It is not as powerful as the sword but it is entirely made up of poison. So, if it even pierces a person …" Aurora hesitated, unable to continue.

"What you're saying is that I got poisoned … by the dagger?"

"Yes. Within two minutes the poison spreads all over the body and kills the person instantly. Miss, we have to hurry. It may not be too late. There might be a hospital somewhere."

"In this place? Not even within a hundred-mile radius."

"What do we do then?"

"I don't know. I've never had to save someone I attacked with my dagger. DO WE EVEN HAVE AN ANTIDOTE?"

I let their squabble drown out behind me as I processed what she said. My body feels fine, except for the pain in my hand and pricking from the cuts on my leg.

"Poison, huh? It's fine." As soon as I said that, they fell silent and stared at me in horror.

"What? We need to hurry, Miss. Please. It's not fine."

"I'll take you to the hospital. You may not feel it now but it'll suddenly hit and you won't be able to move."

"But … antidote?"

I held my hand up and they fell silent, focusing on us now.

"I'm fine. Right, Kefi?"

"Of course. What do you take me for? I won't let me host die just like that, not after we have so much left to do." Kefi laughed then pointed to them. "Trust me."

"Kefi, what-"

"Do you remember what kind of spirit I am?" She asked, getting cockier by the second.

"You're a snake spirit. Wh- Oooooooohhhh~" Aurora crumpled to the ground in relief.

"Yes. We specialize in poison, all kinds of it. If any poison were to be able to kill us then that would be such an embarrassment, wouldn't it?"

"So, you're saying."

"I, well, we are immune to poison. So stop panicking. Man, I thought it was something bad but it was such a meagre thing."

"Don't sound too disappointed. They might find a poison that can actually kill us."

"I'll wait for that day then."

"Oh, I'm glad. I'm so glad. I'm happy. Thank goodness."

"Now, Aurora. Could you do the blood reading?" I bent down to her eye level and asked as pleasantly as I could.

"Of course. Of course. Rose, show me where the blood is." Aurora stood up and wiped her eyes, steadying her breathing.

"There." Rose pointed to the line of bodies behind us just as a white coat came into view.

"Meraki~!" Caris came. He looks like he found something important or interesting.

"Who are you?" Aurora became defensive all over again as I let out a sigh.

We are never going to do the blood reading, are we?
