
"Oh~? Members of the Society? Is this why you were concerned about the mole, Meraki?" Caris asked, looking from one person to the next before finally landing on me, still wrapped in Aurora's arm.

"Do you happen to be a member, Meraki?" His voice was low and controlled like he was trying to control his emotions.


"No way. As if I will ever join the Society." Kefi scoffed at this thought, waving her hands in the air dismissively. "They are merely Meraki's friends."

"That's a relief." The ominous air around Caris disappeared instantly and he began smiling again.

"Hey, what's wrong with the Society?" Rose piped in, most likely annoyed with our conversation.

"The Society is just a means to hold people with power and control them. But then, my opinion here isn't what matters, now is it?" Caris brushed Rose away.

"Look here, it is highly distinguished and has done a lot of good for the people around us. Right, Aurora?" She looked hopefully at her but Aurora turned away. 


"Well … the Society has done a lot of good but … it was never intentional," Jasmine replied nervously. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Remember, Rose, the society exists out of the social construct and norm. Our 'good' and 'bad' decisions don't necessarily mean it is with the people in mind. We carry everything out in the most beneficial way, even if it means putting the people at risk. You know that right?"

"That doesn't change that we have helped a lot of people," Rose grumbled. 

"Of course it doesn't but you have to understand if someone doesn't view us in a good light." Jasmine talked to Rose and smiled up at her sweetly. 

"Yeah, your right."

"Wow." I blurt out. 

"Seems like someone can actually admit when they are wrong. So you aren't a stick in the mud after all." Kefi continued. 

"What was that?" Rose quickly changed her mood and glared at me, earning another glare from Aurora. 

Kefi snuggled closer to Aurora, a sly smile on our face. She winked at Rose, agitating her further but she didn't dare do anything with Aurora there.

You're having too much fun. 

Is that such a bad thing?



Who knows?

"Miss. Who is this man?" Aurora asked, looking down at him from her nose. 

"Aurora, this is Caris Lupin. Caris, this is Aurora Windsor." I clumsily introduced. 

"I don't care about you but if Meraki is introducing us then I do not intend to embarrass her. It is not so much of a pleasure to meet you." He said, giving a small bow to Aurora.

"What is it that you want with her?" Aurora ignored his introduction and continued to question him. 

"I only am interested in her." He replied, vaguely and with a mischievous grin. 

"I hope you know, I have no intentions of handing her over to you," Aurora replied, pulling me behind her. 

"Who says I am going to ask for your permission? Isn't it up to Meraki to decide?" Caris took a step towards her, in an almost taunting way. 

Meraki. We have to do something. Before they start fighting.

"Of course. But Miss will surely ignore you. She is, after all, a person with … taste." Aurora snarkily replied, looking at Caris up and down. 

I didn't know you cared so much for Aurora's safety.

"Yes. I do not have any doubt about that because she had already agreed to my proposition." He said, fiddling with his coat. 

"You … You tricked her didn't you?" Aurora walked to him, stopping only inches from his face while she stared him down. "What lies did you tell her for her to agree? Miss is not one to fall easily though she is a little too kind."

It's not her I'm worried about and you know it. 

I looked at Caris smiling blissfully while Aurora got more and more agitated with his lack of an answer. 

Behind them, Rose and Jasmine were watching the scene unfold with surprise in her faces. 

What are they so surprised about? Isn't Aurora always like this?


Ok. OK.

"Rose." I walked up to the woman and pulled her down to my height, whispering in her ears I said, "There's a mole in the Society." 

"What?!" Rose stood up straight. "You … You … You're not joking, are you?" 

"Joking? About?"

"Why would I joke? I have no interest in the Society." Kefi answered, crossing our arms across our chest.

"The Society? Joking? What?" Jasmine asked, looking at both of us. 

"Fine, say you are telling the truth, do you have any proof?" 

"What is going on here?" Jasmine continued to ask but we continued to ignore her. 

"Remember the blood reading you offered?"

"You mean-?"

"Your answer will be there," I replied, hoping she sees through my lie.

"Fine. I'll trust your word for it then." She finally said after thinking for a second. 

"But what about Aurora?" I asked, looking at her grab Caris by the collar. 

Seems she's run out of patience. 

Seems so. 

"I'll take care of her." Rose walked to Aurora and began arguing with her, I couldn't make out what they were saying to each other but whatever works to get her to do the blood reading. 

"Excuse me, Meraki?" Jasmine called, tapping my shoulder. 


"What were you and Rose talking about? I hope you do not mind me being a little nosy but I heard 'The Society' and couldn't help my curiosity." 

"I only told Rose that there is a mole in the Society." 

"That's … a very serious claim, Meraki. Are you sure? Do you have proof?" Jasmine frowned at me, hands on my shoulders. 

"That��s why Aurora and Rose have to do the blood reading. To get the proof." 

"You can be penalized for making such a claim. I do hope you are right, Meraki and they find the mole. Otherwise …" She looked at the three approaching us. 

"Miss, are you sure? A hundred per cent sure?" Aurora asked, crouching down to my eye level. 

"Yes," I answered, looking into her eyes. 

Aurora looked at Rose who nodded and sighed, "Alright. Let's start the blood reading now."

Rose and she went off to get the blood samples and Jasmine followed to help set up while Caris and I stood waiting for them to come back.

"Oh My Goodness!" Kefi shouted, "Why did you do that? Why did you have to say that?"

"It wasn't a lie." 

"That doesn't matter. You still told them that they can find proof if they did the blood reading. You are connecting the mole to the killing of all these people. Are you crazy? I thought you didn't want to die!"

"Of course I don't want to."

"Then, why did you do that? You know that accusing there to be a mole in the Society is a punishable offence if proof is not found?"

"That place sounds stuffy."

"I'm sure it is. All the rules they have to follow, ugh. But that's not the point. The point is that you accused and you can get punished for that if they don't find any proof."

"Why are they so concerned about that?" I asked. 

"Years ago," Caris began, surprising the both of us, "there was a rumour like that starting in the Society. Everyone began suspecting each other and it was a whole mess. No one knows what really happened at that time but after that, The Society has gotten tighter in the rules and admissions."

"What is the punishment?"

"Donno. But judging by Jasmine's face and also Aurora, it's safe to say that it's not going to be a pretty one." Kefi answered, "Why?!"

"I had no other choice. Do you think they will actually do a blood reading if I hadn't said that? Look, they are even done setting up." I pointed to the symbols Jasmine drew on the ground with a stick.

"You are right but … I wish you weren't. Ooooooohhhhh~, you're going to be in so much trouble." 

Caris laughed, "Don't worry, Meraki. I will protect you if anything were to happen."

"Of course I also won't let anything happen to Meraki. I'm just surprised by her stupidity sometimes." Kefi answered back running our hand through our hair. 

"Well, if it makes you feel any better I do believe that the mole has something to do with this." I tried to reassure them. "Everything's too convenient for them not to take the bait."

"The mole is the only one that knows about those scientists. So, to cover their tracks up, then they would seize this opportunity. I know I would."

"Amazing. You thought all that? When?" 

"Just now." 

Caris laughed even harder and Kefi screamed in frustration. 

"I can't believe this." She says this but I could feel the smile on my face from Kefi. "Well, at least it is entertaining being with you, Meraki."

"She's right about that." Caris finally called down and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Very entertaining. I am so glad I met you."

"Ok, creep."

"Let's drop the nicknames, why don't we, Snake?" 



"You're gross."

"So are you, with all your skin peeling off like that."

"I need that for a reason but here you are, hanging around a minor."


"Meraki!" Aurora called us. "It's done!" 

She and Jasmine stood in the symbol while Rose waited in the outer corner of the circle drawn. I walked and stood beside her with Caris to my left. 

"Ready?" Rose asked.

Aurora and Jasmine nodded their heads and began releasing their magic as the ground began to glow, a small glass bottle with blood stood in between them. 
