
The ground shook a little as the symbols on the ground glowed, covering us with a strange white light. 

Something like a fog descended from the skies and settled all around us with little white things that look like sparkling snow remained suspended in the air.

"Wow." Kefi gasped as she touched one of the suspended snow like thing and it burst like a firework in the air. "Isn't it pretty, Meraki?"

"I guess." I stared at the little burst of sparkles disappear.

"You're no fun," Kefi complained, bursting the others. 

"Kefi. Pay attention." I scolded when the ground shook again, turning back to Aurora and Jasmine. The light died down and everything looks like we were stuck in time. 

The bottle with blood in it burst and melded with some of the 'snow' around them, turning red because of the liquid. 

The 'snow' clumped together, getting bigger with every little addition to it until it was about the size of Aurora. Then the 'snow' started to take the shape of a human, lumping in several places before it finally looked human. 

After another few seconds, the features became more prominent though it remained red from the blood. 

"Oooooooo~ Who do you think that is?" Kefi asked, tilting from the left to the right to try and get a good look at him.

"One of the doctors probably," I said as what looks like crystals started growing out of the person's face. I raised my eyebrows, impressed at the details on the person's face and body. 

"This is taking so long," Kefi whined and Rose looked like she was trying her hardest not to punch us by sucking in her breath and clenching her teeth. 

"Think you can do a better job?" I asked, seeing other 'snow' figures form, slowly. 

"Yes. I never got to show you my full potential. That's why you always look down on me." 

"I've never looked down on you, Kefi." 

"I'll pretend I believe you for now. But they need to speed this up, otherwise, the blood may dry or lose more of its memories."

"Your right," Aurora called, smiling at us with a tired expression on her face. "We should speed this up. Kefi, I'll need you here." 

"Finally!" Kefi called out cheerfully and ran to her. "Just watch ok, Meraki. This is what a powerful spirit like myself can do when compared to even some of the most powerful Magic Users."

Without waiting for Aurora to say anything, she touched the snow sculpture and released her magic onto it. The magic from her hands engulfed the figures all around us and what looked like skin appeared over the red and white. 

"Wow," I said seeing them turn to look like actual humans. In a split second, it was finished and Kefi stepped back, admiring her work. 

"Wow is right. Aren't I amazing, Meraki?" 

"Yeah," I said blankly, staring at these lifeless statues. "Amazing." 

"Well, I am an extremely powerful spirit after all. These are nothing." Kefi laughed loudly, clearly proud of her work. 

"Now what?" I asked, looking up at Aurora who rested against Jasmine while gasping for air. "Aurora?"

"I'm fine, Miss. Don't worry about me." She said when she looks as bad as Rose looked, maybe even worse. 

"Give her to me," I said, holding Aurora around the waist and, with a strength I know didn't come from me, pulled her to me. 

I am barely above her chest but her weight seemed to have doubled as she leaned on me, hardly able to stand up on her own. 

"Miss." She huffed out, her body heating up while she tried to summon the strength to stand up, failing miserably. 

"Just lean on me," I said, as I held her upper body and carefully sunk to the ground. I sat down and rested her head on my lap. "Kefi?"

"Go ahead." 

I borrowed Kefi's magic to my fingertips and carefully started patting Aurora's head. She visibly relaxed as I did this, calming down. 

This should be enough for now. 

"Jasmine," I called to the woman blatantly staring at me with confusion all over her face. "Can we hurry this up?"

"Hey, that is no way to talk to your elders," Rose shouted, stomping to me. 

"We just keep wasting time. At this rate, it's almost like something is messing with the situations around us to make sure we know as little as possible. If I am, to be frank, I am suspicious of you." I narrowed my eyes at Rose. "So please, get this over with then you can talk all you like."

"Fine." She sighed, running her hands through her hair in frustration. "Jasmine?"

"Yeah." Jasmine turned away from us and released that strings from her fingers and spread them to the figures, who came to life the moment those strings touched them. 

They went into positions, just like we left them. Sitting on the ground, bound and with their head down. 

"Finally! Can't wait to see what will happen." Caris shouted with glee from behind me. Where did this man disappear to suddenly?

"Don't look at me like that, Meraki. I only went to check the parameters." 


A gust of wind came over us and the ropes around the people came off. They looked at each other in wonder and surprise, with also a little bit of hope. 

Then the screams started. There were only four figures besides the first man created, so the memory is already faded this much.

Startled, they slowly stood up and began to walk to the sound when something flew past me and hit one of the women in the head. She slumped to the ground, lifeless. Her wide, frightened eyes on me while a throwing knife is embedded in her forehead. 

I frowned as the others began to freak out, screaming and running in different directions as they disappeared out of the man's line of sight. 

The man fell forward and kept running, the foggy scenery around us moved with him through the trees and bushes until he hid behind a tree, trembling with fear. 

He slumped to the ground while covering his mouth with his hands, trying not to make a single noise as calm footsteps came from behind him. 

He curled up into a ball, shaking like a leaf. Hoping that whoever he is running from doesn't find him. 

The 'snow' started moving again and formed the shoes of a person making their way to the man. Only the leg with boots formed at first then, the person's hand formed as it grabbed onto the man's shoulder. 

Panicking, our man tried to run away without turning around so the person's face never formed. Not even when he was getting stabbed from behind did he think it was important to look at his killer. 


We watch the person drag him back as the scenery around us began to fade away, slowly. Just like a hazy memory while he slowly started to lose consciousness. 

The person brought him back to the place we found them dead. Some other people came, covered from head to toe in cloth, dragging the rest of them and carefully placing them on the ground. 

Our man isn't dead, yet but everything is getting hazier and hazier and I don't have much expectations from him anymore so I turned away. 

Not a single distinguishable feature. What was the point then?

"Pause!" Jasmine shouted, drawing my attention again. My eyes widened when I saw the person's half-formed body hoping more will be revealed but it just froze like that. 

Before we could only ever make out their hands and legs but this memory is up to the belt. 

Improvement but, still not enough. 

"What's wrong, Jasmine?" Rose asked as Jasmine talked to the figure, her entire attention to the belt. 

"Rose, come here," Jasmine called her and they looked at the belt again. 

"No way."



"It is, isn't it?"



"Go check what's wrong." 

"Of course." He gave a small bow to me and walked to them. They began talking about something, even Caris became serious as they continued whispering among themselves. 

A tight feeling of something hot spread from my chest to all parts of my body, especially to my face when I looked at them. 

"This is annoying, Meraki. They should come here and talk to us. How dare they ignore us?"

"Right." I unclenched my fists, checking to make sure Aurora is ok. 

"Why are people always leaving us out? Shouldn't we be the centre of attention? I am the great Kefi after all."

"I don't know how it works for you but I am still a child in their eyes, Kefi. So that's all they'll see us as."

"This is infuriating." 

"Ok. Stop clenching our hands like that, you might hurt Aurora." I unclenched my fists again and gently rested them on Aurora's head again. "If you are so mad about this treatment then why not do something about it?"

"Something like what?" 

"You tell me. What's the best way to get someone's attention according to you? What's the best way to show that you are not one to mess with?"

"Ahhhhhh~ I get what you are trying to say now." Kefi grinned, placing our hand over our lips. "I guess I have been too lenient to everyone. I'll show that I am not one to be messed with."