Self-Control *NSFW*

Ever since their little arcade outing, Tiza's interest had been piqued. Interest in what? Interest in other forms of dance either than classic ballet. As stated earlier, the man was not oblivious to the existence of these other types of dance but had no interest in them before this point. As to what had made him so intrigued he couldn't say.

So Tiza did some research, watched some tutorials, and felt that even though this wasn't how he usually learned he felt like he could try some new techniques out...just for learning purposes. The blonde was wary of his brother catching him but Sean didn't have any classes to teach today, hence the lack of his overbearing presence and Tiza had some free time before his intermediate classes began. He was still devoted to classical dance, really he was. Most of the dances he had been studying recently were based in ballet so he wasn't straying too far from his roots, plus that also made the moves easier to learn.

There was one dance in particular that he liked. It was...well erotic to put it bluntly. A little too far out of his comfort zone, but Tiza was always up for a challenge and was determined to try this routine out as soon as he had a moment of privacy.

In the solitude of the dance studio, he had the audio connected to the speakers and the visuals playing on his phone. He was already working up a sweat and had probably done the routine at least six times, but with each time he felt he grasped the steps better, moved his hips in the right way, and conveyed the same type of energy as the dancers in the video. Looking at the time he told himself he would give it one more go through and then he would have to set up for class.


Aosh felt like he was about to combust.

The spectacle inside the studio was almost too much for him to look at but he couldn't force himself to look away.

He had never seen Tiza dance this before.

The thumping of upbeat music could be heard through the cracks in the door and through the window, Aosh could see Tiza dancing anything but ballet. From where he was, Tiza's back was to him, but the Omega was facing the mirror wall so Aosh could see everything he was doing.

He watched the man move at a fast pace, watched as he rolled on the floor, spread his legs, and run his hands up those sinful legs of his. His eyes bulged out of his head when Tiza's ass shook and his hips moved in ways that Aosh had never seen before, it felt like he was being hypnotized by the sway of his body. The Omega's slender hands ran up his stomach to his chest, making his shirt lift just a fraction to see the paleness of his stomach and the slight bumps of his ribcage.

He glistened with the slightest sheen of sweat but it made him look heavenly in the natural lighting of the room. Tiza strutted, dropped to a wide squat, and then slowly came back up dragging his hands from his ankles to his inner thighs; Aosh could see his fingertips graze his crotch before he transitioned quickly to another move. The blonde was making a wickedly erotic face, he was flushed slightly from exhaustion and his lips were pouty as usual; Aosh could see him counting his steps.

Aosh's mouth felt dry.

His pants felt constricting.

At this point, he realizes that his hand is on the door handle about to open the door, and he thanks a higher power that he has enough willpower not to do it. Even though he wants to. God does he want to. Aosh grits his teeth and like ripping off a bandaid walks towards the exit quickly trying to will away the boner between his legs.


Later that night Tiza is getting rather tired of being ignored. Since Friday, the night of the bar incident as Tiza has dubbed it, Aosh has not texted him back.

At all. And the blonde knew the other had at least read his messages, the fucker had his read receipts on.

This was only proving to Tiza that maybe something did happen that night. He didn't want to be right though. He also didn't want to be ignored. The least the Alpha could say was 'Hey, I'm on my rut and I'll be peacing out for a week.' instead of radio silence. Tiza didn't usually text first either and he'd already sent at least five. He wasn't desperate to talk to him, even though he literally had no other people to talk to.

Talking to Aosh was just another way to fill his otherwise empty schedule. For instance, tonight the only thing he did read another one of his shitty horror novels and do some more modern dance research. After returning to his room, wrapped in a towel, he was determined to get to the bottom of this. It was one thing when Tiza was doing it, he was cold to a fault, it wasn't uncommon for him to give anybody and everybody the cold shoulder.

Aosh, on the other hand, wasn't like that and at this point, Tiza felt pretty confident in saying that. All the suspicions he had about the Alpha had slowly dwindled to nothing at this point. His guard wasn't completely down, he didn't think it would ever be around an Alpha but he didn't think that if something happened Aosh would just ghost him. He didn't seem like the type. So Tiza had deduced something was wrong and the Alpha was ignoring him for a reason. And as stated earlier Tiza was going to find out.

If the Alpha wouldn't reply to his texts then he would just have to call him.


Today had been brutal but it seemed like everything was calming down, if just slightly. His parents had gone to bed a while earlier and now Aosh relished the silence of the home he grew up in. His old bedroom had been turned into a guest room upon his move out, but it was where he stayed now, temporarily housed there because of his unruly mating cycle.

It was almost midnight and sleep pulled at his eyelids while he scrolled through his phone in the dark. The white glow illuminated his face and cast shadows that accentuated his sunken eyes. Maybe he shouldn't have gone to work today, but he called in earlier this week and didn't think it was appropriate to do it again. Besides his rut would be over in a few days he could manage, he told himself. As long as he kept his mind clear and refrained from thinking about a certain somebody he would be golden. Aosh could do this, he had practiced restraint for years, he was not going to come undone so easily again.

His phone rang.

Tiza's picture, the same one taken at the arcade, lit up his caller id and Aosh felt like his lungs didn't work. Why did the universe hate him? His finger hovered over the decline button twitching to tap the screen. He knows better, after seeing Tiza earlier that day he knows he just needs to ignore him, even if it was rude. He had been ignoring his texts for that very reason, he just couldn't trust himself!

His finger hit the accept button.

There was silence on the other end of the line and for a second Aosh hoped that maybe he had been butt-dialed.

"Oh, so you'll answer a phone call but not any of the texts I sent you? I see how it is," said an all too familiar voice, the same voice that haunted his dreams, kept him up at night, and made him as hard as a rock.



"Is that all you have to say?"


Aosh felt himself grow hard and felt ashamed. If Tiza's voice alone could do this to him, then he could only imagine what that mouth would do in other places. His lower half twitched and he breathed heavily through his nose. He'd have to end this phone call quickly.

"Well since you didn't answer my texts I guess I'll tell you now. So...thank you, for bringing me home the other day."

'Oh please don't bring that up,' Aosh silently pleaded. The last thing he needed was a recount of what transpired like it hasn't been the only thing circulating his brain for days.

A sigh sounded on the other end.

"I don't like admitting this but, I can't hold my liquor too well. I'll pay you back for the ride you paid for since you went through the trouble of dragging my ass back home."

"No, it's fine."

Aosh pictured Tiza's ass earlier that day, swaying, taunting him from behind the window. His hand palmed at his crotch. His lips stifled a moan from the pressure his hand put there.

"Well, I hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing...If I did tell me ok? The last thing I want is to make a fool out of myself because I can't handle a few cocktails."

If he was asking Aosh, the man didn't know where to begin. For one, it wasn't just a few cocktails, his credit card bill was a testament to that. Secondly, what didn't the Omega do that night that was embarrassing? Clinging to Aosh so tightly, wrapping his slender legs around his waist, and pulling down his pants so he could see pale blue panties and just the hint of the outline of Tiza's cocklette. Aosh's hand slipped into the thin fabric of his boxers and he pulled himself out, he was hot and heavy in his hand.

At this point, his hand moved on its own and he didn't know if he could stop if he wanted to. How lewd was he, touching himself while on the phone with someone. It felt good, it quelled the burn in him and he sought comfort in his fist.

"No, you didn't do anything embarrassing, you were a little more talkative than usual, which was... nice," Aosh managed to say.

"I could say the opposite about you right now."

"I've just had a long day. They had me moving a lot of yard equipment today...and it's hot as hell outside."

Aosh's hand moved languidly like his words. He was hanging on every word that came from the other end of the call. Like every word, Tiza spoke caused his hand to move.

"Is that also why I haven't seen you in a couple of days? Too busy with work?"

"Yea," he lied, "They've been working me…" he squeezed himself from base to tip smearing what accumulated there into his palm, his lips quivered, "ragged…"

"I don't understand how you can work out in the heat like that all day." Aosh hears shuffling on the other end.

"W-what are you doing…? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Desperately he was trying to coax the other to hang up since he couldn't control himself.

"I just got out of the shower before I called you, I'm putting on some clothes now and then I'll going to bed in a bit."

Aosh was barely able to hit the mute button before a groan came tumbling out of him. His toes curled into his sheets, and the heat inside him was hitting its peak. His body recognized the other voice as the only one it wanted, the only one it ever needed. Aosh's hand worked up his shaft faster, unable to channel what little restraint he had left. Tiza continued.

"Anyway, I also called to see if you're joining me at the park tomorrow morning. I'll take it into account that you're tired or whatever but at least let me know if you're not going to show up. I was waiting for thirty minutes on Sunday before I decided to just go ahead and go without you. Since you haven't been answering I went without you the last couple days too."

The phone slid from the slack hand that had held it and it rested on the pillow next to his ear that was tinted pink much like the rest of his face. As he ran his fingers through his bangs pushing his head back in pleasure, Tiza's voice kept talking next to him. If he imagined hard enough he could feel the ghost of his breath like the night they were embraced together. Squeezing himself harder he imagined Tiza next to him talking into his ear, his pouty lips leaving butterfly kisses along the shell of it, then licking and sucking on his earlobe. Hips met his movements, and he replaced his calloused hand with Tiza's soft delicate ones in the frenzy his muddled mind was becoming.

The Alpha could no longer keep quiet, his desperate moans filling up the darkness around him, his burning cheek pressed up against the phone wanting to be closer to the voice that was about to break him. Aosh couldn't focus on what the other was saying, nor did he care. He just wanted more of it.

"..." Tiza cleared his throat, "Aosh?"

"F-fuck…" God he was almost there, almost...

"Aosh~" Tiza drew out each letter of his name.

The 'A' rolled off the tongue he pictured licking the expanse of his neck. The 'O' making those sweet lips mimic the letter and pepper kisses in the tongue's wake. The sound of the 'S' and 'H' sent a hot breath where Tiza's mouth tortured him.

Aosh quickly teetered off the edge.

Groaning a deep 'fuck' into the air, his body clenched and his hips jerked up into his hand. White ribbons spilled on to his abdomen, covering his shirt.

Obsidian eyes opened and adjusted to the low light of the room. His vision swam, he felt like a weight had been lifted off of him, a weight that no amount of exercise or mental distraction could upheave. The heat inside him dulled into the background as his senses finally came back to him.

"Are you finished?"

A sinking feeling consumed him. Removing the hand that was tangled in his hair Aosh picked up the phone to see the mute button was turned off.

Did he just…?

Did Tiza just…!

"You know that instead of ignoring me you could've told me that you were on your rut cycle. It's not like I wouldn't understand. I don't like to be ignored for no reason Aosh. Consider this punishment for not saying anything about your rut. Anyway...if you feel better now, I'm going to bed. Text me when your rut is over." There's a pause and then a quiet 'goodnight' before the call ends.

Aosh dropped the phone onto the mattress in pure shock, his soul leaving his body.


Was Tiza playing a little dirty? Yes, yes he was. Was he ashamed? No. He ignored the blatant flush under his freckled cheeks after hearing Aosh have a rather...intense orgasm over the phone.

He knew the Alpha was on his rut, he wasn't a fool, but he wanted to give the Alpha a chance to fess up and apologize for not giving him a reason for not talking to him. When Aosh clearly wasn't going to do that...well Tiza decided he would have some fun then.

It didn't bother him that Aosh did that sort of thing while on the phone with him, because he did truly understand. Mating cycles were a bitch. They made even the holiest of saints lustful with desires of the flesh. Aosh would be no exception. If the Alpha needed some space for his rut that was all fine and dandy. If he used Tiza's voice for some spur of the moment relief, he wouldn't hold it against him and he wouldn't take it personally.

Aosh actions were being fueled by his primal instincts, after all, nothing more nothing less, and they were just friends. With that logic, he was just helping a friend out, even though he did call it a 'punishment'. Tiza continues to justify his actions as he goes through his drawers for a fresh pair of underwear that weren't currently dripping in slick.