Spare Room

Dirty water was splashed in her face and for a moment Daniella wondered if this job was worth it. The short answer was yes, yes it was worth it. It was the first job to give her a chance, Shawnee was the first person to give her a chance. She wasn't going to waste it and she wasn't going to let this Labradoodle help her second guess her life decisions.

She rinsed the dog off again earning her a splattering of fresh dog water in her face as the dog shook. A snort came from behind her, where Shawnee was currently grinding a corgi's claws down to nubs.

"Is this hazing? Because this feels like hazing." said the Omega.

"We all gotta start somewhere girl," Shawnee laughs while she steps back, holding both of its front paws to make sure that they are even, "Besides, I'm sure there are worse things you could be doing right now."

Daniella thinks about how she almost got suffocated by an over-excited Malamute about an hour ago. Yeah, there were probably worse things. At least dogs were cute.

"Yea, I know. I don't think I ever thanked you for giving me a place to start," said Daniella towel drying the pup a little before she started the blow dryer.

"No need to thank me, you're doing ME a favor trust me. I didn't expect this business to go off so quickly. The extra set of hands is appreciated."

"Are you sure the fact I'll need a week off every month won't be a problem?"

"Why would it be? As far as I can tell you do the job pretty well. I can survive a week on my own. Have been for months."

Daniella's phone rings in her back pocket. Rubbing one moist hand on the apron she's wearing she sees what it was. She laughs, shakes her head, and then pockets the electronic to turn off the hairdryer.

Shawnee quirks an eyebrow while she finishes with the corgi, putting an orange bandana around its fluffy neck.

"What was that about?"

"My roommate."

"You know you keep calling him your 'roommate' but you can just say 'mate', it doesn't bother me."

"No, we're not mates!" Daniella says a little flustered.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I just assumed because of...well..uh you know…" Shawnee pointed at her own neck and looked at the Omega a little sheepishly.

"Oh. That," Daniella put the dog's collar back on it and a pink bandana on after that, "Different guy. Long story."

"Well, Mrs. Price will be back in a bit to pick up these two and it's almost time for lunch. I like stories if you like telling them." She said regarding Daniella with a soft smile while taking her braids out of the updo she had them in.


When the owner of the two dogs came to pick up her babies, Shawnee treated Daniella to some food and the Omega told the Beta an abridged version of her life thus far. She chose to leave some of the more...unsettling bits out.

"Man sometimes you think you have it rough until you hear someone else's story. But I can relate at least a little. When I came back home from college, my brother's best friend assaulted me. My brother would've gone crazy on him like your friend if I didn't beat him to it." Shawnee shakes her head dismissively and pops a few chips in her mouth.

"What'd you do?" said Daniella, her smile hidden behind her sandwich.

She was starting to like Shawnee the more the two of them talked. The woman was very 'give no shits and take no shit' kind of person, and Daniella could respect that. That type of personality was exactly what she was trying to channel in this 'new lease on life' she had. The Omega was tired of being a punching bag, and for once she wanted to do the punching.

"The guy always thought he was hot shit because he 'body builds'," she snorts, " he thought he could toss me around and have his way with me but I tossed him instead. Gave him a concussion and broken rib."

Daniella laughs and Shawnee joins her.

"Look at me! I know I'm all leg but don't be fooled I got some power up top," the Beta says flexing her arms making the muscles underneath her dark skin bulge.

The Omega would take her word for it. The woman was a monster that was a whole head taller than her and with looks that could kill. Daniella couldn't understand how she attracted tall, beautiful, and dangerous people when she was small, average looking, and maybe a little feisty at times.

Gradually their conversation drifted away from such serious topics as they finished their meal. On their walk back to the storefront Shawnee asks another question.

"So you and this Aosh guy really aren't a thing?"

Daniella cards her fingers through her loose waves as she gathers it atop her head once more after giving her scalp a break during their lunch.

"Nah, I think at some point when we first started talking I did like him, but it was more of a crush than anything else. He was just so nice and caring you know? If that's something you're lacking in a relationship then it's only natural to gravitate towards someone else that will treat you that way. But that crush ended pretty early."

"So it doesn't bother you to live with him, especially since he's an Alpha? That's gotta be weird right?"

"The only thing that bothers me is that he's uprooted his life to accommodate me, I just want to get out of his hair as quickly as I can you know? That's why I needed a job so badly. As far as the crush thing, I don't see him as anything other than a friend or even an overdramatic little brother, yea that's probably a better description of him. Besides he's head over heels for his fated mate, I'm not about to mess with that."

Shawnee stops in their walk and it takes the Omega a moment to notice that she's not beside her anymore. The Beta has her arms crossed and is chewing her lip like she wants to say something but doesn't know if she should.

"What's wrong?"

A moment goes by and Shawnee scratches her neck before she finally answers.

"Well, the only reason I ask is that I have a spare room that I was looking to rent out for some extra cash…if you're interested! No pressure! I just know it's hard going from place to place and not having a steady home. And he's an Alpha and all, you should be able to have your privacy even if he doesn't have bad intentions..."

Shawnee continues to mumble on about why Daniella should move out, but the other can't discern most of what she's saying.

"Shawnee, I really don't want to impose…"

"If you're paying for it are you imposing?"

Well, that was a good point. But Daniella still wasn't sure and Shawnee could tell from the look on her face.

"The offers on the table if you want it ok?" she said with a smile continuing their walk back to work.