Aosh's Thoughts On Tiza

If you asked Aosh what he liked about Tiza before he met him, the Alpha would probably say something along the lines of:

"Tiza is probably going to be perfect. They probably are my better half, everything that I'm not. We'll perfectly complement each other! They are probably gentle, caring, and honest. Whatever Tiza is like I will probably love them no matter what!"

'Probably' was the keyword in those answers.

Aosh, contrary to how he acted, never liked to totally play into absolutes. After getting let down by people left and right, he didn't think his heart couldn't handle it if he stuck Tiza with an absolute outcome as well and got his soul inevitably crushed like always. So he stuck with the word 'probably'. It hurt a lot less than 'maybe' did.

If you asked him after he met the Omega he would say the following:

"There's a lot of things I like about Tiza. He's not perfect, but nobody is. I think we complement each other because of our different personalities. In time I'm sure I'll see why he's my better half. He has things that he's passionate about and he doesn't show it often but Tiza has a soft spot for many things under the cold front he puts up. Even if Tiza is a little distant I still love him no matter what! As a friend! Because we're...just....friends!"

Tiza was indeed far from perfect and the list of things that Aosh didn't like about the man was larger than he would've liked.

Aosh wished Tiza was easier to read. He didn't like having to guess what the man was thinking all the time. An air of mystery was sexy, yeah, but also annoying at times. Tiza also was very wishy-washy in what he wanted. One second he'd open up and be a little vulnerable but in the next, he would get mad and close back up. Like some kind of Omegan venus flytrap.

This behavior especially annoyed the Alpha at the beginning of their relationship. It came to a point where Aosh actually questioned if this was all worth it, a thought he never would have entertained before. But he knew, in the end, it would be worth it and from how far they have come together he knew he made the right choice in sticking with Tiza. But honestly, any choice that involved Tiza was the right choice in Aosh's eyes.

All of this is to say that no matter how much Aosh tried not to, he still had an image of what Tiza should be in his brain. Not an actual image but just an idea really. An idea of what his perfect Tiza would be if he ever met him. Because if he was being realistic, which he fooled himself into thinking he was a realist instead of a romanticist quite a lot, he probably would never meet his fated mate.

Was Aosh fully prepared to never meet his mate? Probably. It wasn't an idea he liked to entertain often. He had centered his life around this person who was fated to be with him, so when he found out around middle school that the actual chances of meeting your fated mate were slim to none to say he was upset would be an understatement.

He may or may not have cried in his room for days refusing to come out no matter how his parents tried to coerce him to. Akin to a kid being told Santa Claus isn't real. That hard truth hurt as well, but Aosh didn't shed tears for Santa like he did for Tiza.

He tried not to think about it too much. Aosh, though he was as far as a realist as they come, was also an optimist after he let his negative emotions have their way with him. The Alpha concluded that it wasn't impossible to meet his fated mate, just not likely. With that small sliver of hope he created for himself, he found a solution of sorts.

Aosh had three separate savings funds and one of those was dedicated solely to dropping everything and traveling the world to find Tiza.

This may or may not have been the main plot of one of the many romance novels he was consuming at the time, but to middle school Aosh it seemed like an entirely plausible idea. Especially after he found out that he wouldn't just run into his fated mate at the supermarket like he would his schoolmates. Life wasn't that simple and fate wasn't that nice.

So from a young age, he started saving birthday money, Christmas money, money he earned doing odd jobs, tutoring kids, you name it. It all went into the Tiza fund and now that he had found Tiza well the only smart thing to do was to allocate that money to another one of his savings accounts. But instead, he stood at the checkout line at the local game store with a handful of horror games.

It was called the Tiza fund for a reason, so if he wanted to use the money for potential dates, er, friendly gatherings with the Omega then it was more than justified to the Alpha.

In his hands were a variety of games ranging from zombie shooters to alien isolation survival and a few supernatural titles. Aosh knew for a fact Tiza liked zombies but figured he'd pick up a few more that looked equally gruesome. He wanted to give Tiza plenty of options for the game night he had planned.

His rut ended a few days ago, but he waited until yesterday to contact Tiza again. Partially to make sure that his rut was really over and wouldn't last a little longer since it had come a whole week early. But he also waited so long because...well because he was still embarrassed about the last conversation they had. If you could call him rubbing one out to the others voice a conversation. It could be classified as a one-sided one at least.

The shame he felt still burned under his skin, even more so because the days following that incident he had masturbated again to the thought of Tiza, even using the picture he cherished as jerk off material. When it came to the Omega, Aosh found he had little to no self-control at least during his ruts anyways. Even a passing thought of plump pouty lips or shimmering blonde hair would send him into a frenzy. Aosh prided himself in being a gentleman and his actions the last couple of days had been anything but gentlemanly.

He could only imagine what it would be like if he was under the influence of Tiza's heat. Even without his rut the thought of it made Aosh all hot and bothered, but at least he could still stand to be in public now versus last week. On the topic of heats, Aosh wondered for a moment why he was able to see Tiza so often.

An Omega's heat usually happened once a month give or take. Yet since he has known Tiza the man has only had his heat once to his knowledge. It wasn't Aosh's place to ask about it, but it was...odd. He worried a little, to be honest. Was there an underlying health issue that Tiza wasn't telling him about? It really wasn't any of his business, but the questions he wanted to ask would always sit at the back of his mind. Maybe at some point, he'd know why but it shouldn't matter to him, they were friends, not lovers.

When he finally found the courage to send the text after their phone call the Alpha was honestly surprised that Tiza seemed like it was nothing? Like it didn't even bother him that Aosh shamelessly used his voice to jerk himself off into what was probably one of the best orgasms he's ever had. Aosh didn't know what to make of that, but in the end, figured he was making things weird when they weren't. If Tiza wasn't going to say anything about it then he wouldn't either. Just let it fade out of his memories. Like it never happened.

Yeah right like that would happen. But he would try nevertheless.

Tiza asked if he was free this evening and he made sure he would be. His classes would start in about another week, in September, so he wanted to take advantage of all the free time he had now and fill it with as much Tiza as possible.