New life in a new world

Joseph dialed the phone number from the poster. A young woman picked up and spoke through the phone.

"Isekai Transfer Service! What can I help you with?"

'Huh! They went this far with a joke?'

"Hallo! Yes! I want to get isekaid!"

He hardly suppressed his urge to laugh.

"Alright! We will take care of it! Wait for the van to hit!"

'Wait what? What kind of line is that?'

His eyes fidgeted when he heard the woman spout this nonsense.

"Excuse me, but when could I expect it?"

"Any time you go out of your house!"

He looked around his house nervously.

"How do you know that I am not outside?"

'She hung up already.'

He put down the phone. Stroke his dark brown hair.

'I mean what did I expect? It was just a prank. There is no way, that a poster I found, saying: - Isekai Transfer Service! Call if you are in need of a new life! - is true.'

He picked up his wallet and got on his bike.

'Anyway, I need to buy some groceries.'

As he went out of his garden gate he got hit by a van.


As he came to his senses, he did not feel any pain. However, his bed was really hard, which is really unusual. As he opened his eyes and got up he realized, he wasn't in his house lying in bed. He was in the middle of a clearing, inside a forest. The feeling of confusion got cleared pretty fast when he assumed, he was actually reincarnated in another world.

'I can't believe it worked! Now I can start a new life in a fantastic world filled with magic, different species, adventures, and romance! No more boring life with boring jobs. No more bosses shouting at me when I mess up something! No more overtime at work, just because someone messed up something and I have to fix it! No more lonely nights!

As his head was filled with these kinds of thoughts, he did not realize the weight of the situation. He was in a forest in everyday clothes and only his wallet and a pocket knife were with him. No food, no shelter, no sense of direction, and no actual knowledge about the world he was in. He did not even think about the basic things. He only felt happiness, because he assumed that this world was just like every other fantasy world he read about.

"All right let's see how can I see my stats! Maybe: Status!"

A slightly transparent window opened before his eyes, showing all kinds of things. It moved with his line of sight, always staying in the middle.

'Huh?! It actually worked? I was just joking around! I did not expect this! But well! It's another world with magic! I shouldn't be surprised! Now let's see the stats! There must be something really good amongst them'

Name: Joseph Smith

Race: Human

Age: 21 Gender: Male

Job: None

Level: 1

Experience: 0/100

Health: 40/40

Manna: 160/160

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 8

Constitution: 4

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 10

Abilities: Imaginative Magic F

Titles: None

'Hmmm... The health is bad if I think about the usual 100 as LVL 1. Though my manna should be high then. My intelligence seems really high and my wisdom is really good as well. But all the physical stats seem to be low. Also, what is this ability? If I touch it, will it show some information? Maybe?'

As he touched the Imaginative Magic F, a new smaller window appears in front of the previous one.

'Ahh! Can I move this? It irritates me!'

As he touched the new window and moved his hand around, it followed it.

'Ok! This is better, right next to the other window. Now let's see what does it say!'

[Imaginative Magic F

You can create different kinds of magic with your imagination. The higher the rating of the skill, the better things you can make with it.]

'Ohhh... This skill seems to be really overpowered! I can definitely be the strongest one in this world! Let's try to make a firebolt!'

He closed the windows with the "X" on their right top then held out his right hand. As he imagined a flame arrow appears in front of his hand and fly forward the way he held his hand and then! Absolutely nothing happened!

"Then! Imaginative Magic! Firebolt! Common!"

'What? Shouldn't the skill activate? I mean firebolt is the lowest level of the spells I can imagine?! Maybe magic missile?'

The same thing happened as before.

'Why is it not working? The ability said it should work! Let's look at it again! Hmmm... Maybe the rating of the ability is low? But then! What can I use this for?'

For the first time, he looked around and surveyed his surroundings.

'I should get out of here. Forest usually has wolves in it. And I don't want to fight them with an ability, which does not even work. Forget fighting. I'm just an ordinary man! I can't even run away from them!'

He looked for some moss on the trees and then climbed on one and looked around, but he only saw a vast forest all around. He decided to head to the other way then the mosses grew. Not knowing, he took the worst path possible.