Chapter 2

Natsu's POV

I ran into my house and go directly to the bathroom. I have no idea how I was able to run with the massive boner I had. Fuck it all. Why? No I can't think of that right now. I start pumping myself like my life depended on it. 

I can't stop hearing her moans in my head. 'N-Nat-sssuuuuuu!' Fuck me, I need her like nothing else. I need to feel her body against mine her lips against mine. Fuck! Luce why did you do this to me? I came at the thought of my name coming from her heart shaped face I could only imagine what it looked like while she moaned out my name. 

Now I will never be able to pretend that didn't happen. Can I? Oh Mavis, what if she does it again? What if next time I can't control myself? Would she like it? No, I can't think like that. She is my best friend I can not lose her, not like this, not ever. 

I take my cold shower, sometimes it really sucks being a fire dragon slayer. Like when the water heats up perfectly before it touches my literally flaming skin. I need to get a hold of my fire. What if I hurt her? My flames died down immediately at that thought. I can't hurt Luce, not ever. 

With that sobering thought I head to the guild with my pre packed backpack. I always have one ready only needed to throw food in it and head out the door. I go to the guild. 

I get to the front doors and kick them open like I always do, "I'm here!" I call out. I was greeted by several of the members immediately and I put my bag down ready to wait on Lucy until I smelled her sweet strawberries and cream scent. I pick up my bag and literally follow my nose to the missions board. 

Lucy is already there reading over several listings. The way her little nose scrunches up as she thinks, is adorable. I almost don't notice her glancing over and smiling sweetly. 

"Do you already have one picked out?" I ask her putting my bag down next to hers. 

"No not yet there are several that are almost a good fit but most just don't work well with fire," she answers me. I frown and pick one up reading it, I saw that they needed help with a water slide, another requested an ice sculptor, and another a healer, a weapons expert for a demonstration. In fact there was one seemingly for everyone on our team except Lucy and myself. 

"Lucy, Natsu! Come here real quick!" We hear MiraJane call out to us. We put all the papers back and walk over, it didn't look like we were going to go on a mission after all. 

"Hey Mira," I say less than enthused. I felt defeated I can't even help Lucy with her rent. 

"Hey Mira," Lucy sounded quite happy to to be able to talk to her friend. 

"I have a special mission request for you two!" Mira beams at us. 

"Really?" we say at the same time my energy flooding back.

"Yep, it's someone you've helped before and they want to know if you two can come out and level an area for them," Mira seemed so proud of herself. 

"That sounds perfect!" Lucy cheers from beside me. I wrap an arm around her shoulders. 

"I'm all fired up!" I call out ignoring the smirk on Mira's face. 

"So do you want it?" Mira asked, her smirk still firmly planted on her face. 

"YES!" again we speak at the same time and start laughing together. Fuck I love her, I think to myself as I watch Lucy laugh. 

"Great I'll go ahead and stamp it then," Mira did as she said and hands us the flier. 

We read it together: Please help us level an old section of town. The buildings have already been evacuated and there will be no issues about damages to the area. You helped us while we were in Fiory and we hope you are willing to travel by a special train that we have already sent ahead of this flyer. The dragon slayer will not get motion sickness while on this train! It is a 3 day journey to Sapphire, Pietra but it is a very lavish train with a bed and private bathroom equipped with a tub. reward: 7,000,000 jewels.

I look at Lucy, "no motion sickness?" I ask her. 

"That's what it says," Lucy seemed just as confused as I was but this could be pretty exciting. "This almost sounds like a vacation!" Lucy cheered with her sweet smile facing me. It took everything I had not to grab her and kiss her right then and there. How is she so amazing? How does she make my heart squeeze the very life out of me? 

"I wonder when the train will get here?" she wonders out loud. 

"Oh it should arrive by 9 am at the station," Mira answers for us. We both look at the clock; it's 8:45 am. We look at each other, grab our bags, calling out our goodbyes as we ran for the train station. 

We arrive just as the clock strikes 9 am. We are ready to pass out from the run, we are both doubled over as we hear a train whistle in the distance. I look up to see a weird looking short train heading towards us on the tracks. By short I mean there is the engine and two cars and the caboose. I didn't know they made them that small. 

For the first time I look around and notice the platform is empty. I have never been here when the only other person around had been Lucy before. It's kind of creepy seeing this place so quiet. 

"Come on," Lucy called running over to the gate. I started getting sick just thinking about it. Lucy sees me and reminds me, "No motion sickness remember?" I smile at her my stomach still churning. I hope their right. 

We board the train and show our guild marks to the conductor who let us on with a big smile. "Right this way, first to the bar so you can drink your anti motion sickness cocktail!" The guy winked at me. I look at Luce to see her looking at me grinning. I just shrug my shoulders and we follow him in. The first car seems to be exclusively for food and drink. The conductor leads us to a little counter towards the end of the car and makes us two smoothies one strawberry and vanilla and one spicy-hot cinnamon. 

"I don't understand," Lucy looks at the man. "Why did you make two? I don't get motion sickness." I look at the guy too curious by the smell of the ultra spicy shake tempting my senses. It smelled so good, I of course love hot and spicy food even putting hot sauce on my ice cream much to the disgust of those around me.

"Well you see this is called a bullet train it goes almost five times faster than that of a regular train. People who don't normally get sick tend to get sick. We have a special lacrima set into the train car you will be staying in to help prevent that but the smoothies will kind of tune your bodies to the lacrima. So neither of you will get sick. Dragon slayers will need the smoothie every trip, but only once per trip, verses you will not need it again if you ride another bullet train like this one." The man explained to us. 

Lucy and I nodded, there really wasn't anything else we could do. I pick up the intoxicating smelling drink and lick my lips. I look at Lucy as she started drinking through her straw. I drink it and my tongue is met by an overwhelmingly intense spicy flavor. It was like the pinnacle of all my favorite foods all in one swallow. I absolutely loved it. I finished the drink far too quickly. 

"Can I get another that was great!" I ask him almost begging.

He smiled sadly at me, "Sorry anymore will only do the opposite and make you extremely ill the whole trip." 

I jumped back with my hands up, "No, no, that's okay." I do NOT want anymore.

I hear Lucy start giggling and I turn to her. Her own smoothie is only half gone and she had set it down covering her mouth as she laughed at my silliness; I smile at her.

"I'm sorry Miss but we can't leave until you finish the drink I'm afraid," the man said apologetically. Lucy just nodded and quickly finished it. The man smiled, "This way please! I'm afraid that once the train starts moving you won't be able to walk between cars. We use a special teleportation spell to send you your food and drinks. Feel free to use the lacrima screen by the door to communicate with us if there is anything at all that you need." He led us to the door and we walked outside to the next car and inside. 

The place seemed huge there was fresh fruit on the table as well as a table full of snacks a shelf with games on it and a bookshelf there was even an area to do laundry by a door that I assumed led to the bathroom. There was a table and chairs, a couch and a couple recliners and only one king size bed I gulp. Afraid to look at Lucy. 

When I did she wasn't even looking at the bed she was looking at the bookcase. I quietly sigh in relief I will probably 'borrow' her reading glasses while she slept so that I could finish all the books so I knew what would be going on in her mind for the next few days. Then I see there are a couple different pairs on the shelf by the bookcase. That makes things easier, I think to myself.

The man left before either of us could say anything locking us into the train car. Shit! I just realized I'm literally going to locked in this space with Lucy for three whole days. The car was huge but there was only one bed. Well there is a couch. I wonder how long I will have to wait for her to fall asleep before I can join her in bed?

Lucy is walking around gushing at all the cool gadgets and books and other general accommodations. I go over to the food not really knowing what else to do and eat. 

Lucy's POV 

Oh my Mavis the train is gorgeous! This is practically a suite when I went into the bathroom I saw it had a huge bathtub with jets! I want to crawl in right now. Maybe I will? I saw only one king size bed which means the client thinks we are a couple. 

I groan inwardly, if only we were a couple. I'm so past horny it's ridiculous, I mean it was only a couple hours ago that I was moaning for Natsu to fuck me in the tub. Why doesn't he want me? Should I just be blunt and ask for it?

"I'm taking a bath; they have jets!" I call out to him he nods his head and starts cleaning up after himself. 

I set the tub up and even have a few scented candles lit; was this supposed to feel like a hotel on wheels or should I say tracks? I can't even feel the train moving after the first jerk when it first started. I undressed planning to put my clothes back on since I had only worn them for about an hour and a half. I know I'm a glutton when it comes to baths. 

I slip into the hot cosy water and lean against the jets. This is amazing! I sigh out loud and I hear something I looked up to see a shadow under the bathroom door. I smile maybe Natsu is hoping for a repeat of this morning?

I purr out loudly content. If he wants a show I can give him a show. I start to pant even though I hadn't lifted a finger yet. What the fuck, why not? I start to fondle myself starting with my sensitive breast. Occasionally pinching a nipple causing my breathing to hitch. I moan out loud I look at the door through the corner of my eye the door is starting to open!

Oh my Mavis is he actually going to come in? My excitement only aided my administrations now if I look it will be only through my nearly closed lashes so he won't run. I let one hand slide down from my breast and start teasing my clit. It's not long before my cries start taking the shape of words. In particular Natsu Dragneel. 

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh, N-Nat-sssuuuuuu!" My whispered moans filled the already steamy air.